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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Wednesday 29 January 2020

                                                                      Budget deficit to break $1

                                                                      trillion despite strong economy

                                                                      By ANDREW TAYLOR             ing last year and the repeal  growth rate is predicted to
                                                                      Associated Press             in  December  of  several  hit average 2.2 percent this
                                                                      WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  An      taxes used to help finance  year.
                                                                      annual  congressional  re-   the  Affordable  Care  Act.  "The   economy's    perfor-
                                                                      port  says  the  U.S.  bud-  Those  have  combined  to  mance  makes  the  large
                                                                      get  deficit  is  likely  to  burst   deepen  the  government's  and growing deficit all the
                                                                      through the symbolic $1 tril-  deficit  spiral  well  on  into  more  noteworthy,"  said
                                                                      lion barrier this year despite   the future, with trillion-dollar  CBO  Director  Phillip  Swa-
            The Capitol is seen as defense arguments by the Republicans   a healthy economy.       deficits  likely  for  as  far  as  gel. "Changes in fiscal pol-
            resume  in  the  impeachment  trial  of  President  Donald  Trump   Tuesday's   Congressional   the eye can see.    icy  must  be  made  to  ad-
            on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, in
            Washington, Monday, Jan. 27, 2020.                        Budget  Office  report  fol-  The  annual  CBO  update  dress the budget situation,
                                                     Associated Press  lows a burst of new spend-  of  the  government's  eco-  because our debt is grow-
                                                                                                   nomic and fiscal health es-  ing  on  an  unsustainable
                                                                                                   timates  a  $1  trillion  deficit  path."
                                                                                                   for the ongoing fiscal year,  The  government  reported
                                                                                                   which would bring the red  a $984 billion deficit for the
                                                                                                   ink above $1 trillion for the  2019 budget year. Cumula-
                                                                                                   first  time  since  2012,  when  tive deficits over the com-
                                                                                                   former  President  Barack  ing decade are expected
                                                                                                   Obama capped four con-       to  total  $13  trillion  —  a  to-
                                                                                                   secutive years of $1 trillion-  tal  that  would  have  gone
                                                                                                   plus  budget  deficits.  The  higher  save  for  CBO's  be-
                                                                                                   government,     slated   to  lief  that  yields  on  Treasury
                                                                                                   spend $4.6 trillion this year,  notes will remain unusually
                                                                                                   would  have  to  borrow  low as the government re-
                                                                                                   22  cents  of  every  dollar  it  finances its $23 trillion debt.
                                                                                                   spends.                      The  recent  surge  in  the
                                                                                                   Most  economists  say  the  deficit  has  followed  pas-
                                                                                                   most  relevant  way  to  look  sage  of  the  2017  Trump
                                                                                                   at the deficit is to measure  tax  bill,  which  has  failed
                                                                                                   it  against  the  size  of  the  to  pay  for  itself  with  addi-
                                                                                                   economy,  with  deficits  at  tional  economic  growth
                                                                                                   3 percent or so of gross do-  and revenues as promised
                                                                                                   mestic product seen as sus-  by  administration  figures
                                                                                                   tainable.  The  latest  report  like  Treasury Secretary Ste-
                                                                                                   shows  deficits  averaging  ven  Mnuchin.  The  surge  in
                                                                                                   4.8  percent  of  GDP  over  deficits  also  follows  a  final
                                                                                                   the  course  of  the  coming  rewrite  last  summer  of  a
                                                                                                   decade.                      failed 2011 budget deal to
                                                                                                   "As  a  result  of  those  defi-  increase spending of both
                                                                                                   cits,  federal  debt  would  defense and domestic pro-
                                                                                                   rise  each  year,  reaching  grams.
                                                                                                   a  percentage  of  the  na-  CBO  holds  a  traditional
                                                                                                   tion's output that is unprec-  view  of  economists  that
                                                                                                   edented in U.S. history," the  debt  that's  too  high  has
                                                                                                   CBO report says.             a  "crowding  out"  effect
                                                                                                   Obama's  deficits  came  as  on  private  sector  invest-
                                                                                                   the  U.S.  economy  recov-   ment in the economy and
                                                                                                   ered from the deep reces-    can lead to higher interest
                                                                                                   sion of 2007-2009.           rates  and  maybe  even  a
                                                                                                   The  return  of  trillion-dollar  European-style  debt  crisis.
                                                                                                   deficit  now  comes  as  the  But  interest  rates  have  re-
                                                                                                   economy  is  humming  on  mained low despite CBO's
                                                                                                   all  cylinders,  with  the  CBO  alarms  and  more  liberal
                                                                                                   predicting  that  the  job-  economists  hold  a  much
                                                                                                   less  rate  nationwide  will  more dovish view of the ef-
                                                                                                   average  below  4  percent  fects  of  higher  deficits  on
                                                                                                   through  at  least  2022.  The  the economy.q
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