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BUSINESS                 Wednesday 29 January 2020

            Bad timing: New virus poses threat to fragile world economy

            By PAUL WISEMAN,                                                                       time,’’  said  Andy  Roth-   but  unsustainable  growth
            JOE MCDONALD                                                                           man,  investment  strategist   built around often-wasteful
            and YURI KAGEYAMA                                                                      at Matthews Asia. “People    investments to steadier but
            AP Business Writers                                                                    shouldn’t  get  panicked     less striking growth built on
            This  should  be  peak  sea-                                                           that growth is going to slow   consumer spending by the
            son  for  a  12-room  hotel                                                            sharply’’  over  a  sustained   country’s  growing  middle
            near the train station in the                                                          period.                      class.
            Chinese  industrial  hub  of                                                           Still, the Chinese economy   The Chinese economy has
            Wuhan.  The  Chinese  New                                                              isn’t  the  dynamo  it  was  in   also  been  buffeted  by  a
            Year usually brings in plen-                                                           the  early  and  mid-2000s   trade  war  with  the  United
            ty of travelers and delivers                                                           when  growth  routinely  hit   States.  The  two  countries
            profits  of  around  $3,000  a                                                         double digits.               signed  a  truce  earlier  this
            month.                                                                                 The  IMF  expects  China’s   month that was expected
            But the place is empty. Wu-                                                            growth  to  drop  from  6.1%   to provide some econom-
            han, the center of a dead-                                                             in  2019,  already  the  slow-  ic relief. Then the viral out-
            ly viral outbreak, is on lock-  A currency trader wearing a mask watches a calendar at the   est  since  1990,  to  6%  this   break hit.q
            down. “There is not a single   foreign exchange dealing room of the KEB Hana Bank head-  year  and  5.8%  next.  The
            customer,’’ said the hotel’s   quarters in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020.    slowdown  reflects  China’s
            owner,  who  gave  only  his                                          Associated Press  difficult  transition  from  fast
            surname,  Cui.  He  still  has   in recent years,” said Eswar   Hong Kong and Shanghai,
            to  pay  rent  and  his  utility   Prasad,  a  Cornell  Univer-  the  airline  said  in  a  state-
            bills. Instead of counting his   sity  economist  and  former   ment.  “It’s  still  too  soon  to
            earnings, he’s expecting to   head  of  the  International   measure what the impact
            lose $1,500 a month.         Monetary Fund’s China di-    is going to be from an eco-
            The  outbreak  arrives  at  a   vision.                   nomic  perspective,’’  said
            bad time for Wuhan, China    No one knows exactly how     Jim Baird, chief investment
            and the world economy.       the  outbreak  will  play  out   officer at Plante Moran Fi-
            China, with the world’s No.   or  what  its  economic  im-  nancial Advisors.
            2  economy,  was  decel-     pact will be.                The SARS experience offers
            erating  even  before  the   Authorities are still trying to   some reason for economic
            coronavirus hit.             better understand the new    optimism.  That  outbreak,
            And the world economy is     virus. It is from the corona-  centered  in  southern  Chi-
            coping  with  an  unexpect-  virus family, which also can   na,  initially  clobbered  the
            edly sharp slowdown in No.   cause  the  common  cold     Chinese  economy.  In  the
            7  India,  which  prompted   as  well  as  more  serious  ill-  April-June quarter of 2003,
            the International Monetary   nesses such as SARS.         China’s  economic  growth
            Fund  last  week  to  down-  The  Chinese  government     dropped  to  an  annual
            grade its outlook for global   has  locked  down  Wuhan   rate of 9.1% from 11.1% the
            growth this year.            and 16 other cities in Hubei   previous  quarter,  noted
            The  coronavirus  is  drawing   province,  isolating  more   economists  Tommy  Wu
            comparisons  to  the  SARS   than 50 million people. The   and  Priyanka  Kishore  of
            outbreak, which paralyzed    United  States  and  other   Oxford  Economics.  But  as
            the  economies  of  China    countries  prepared  Tues-   the  health  crisis  subsided,
            and  Hong  Kong  for  weeks   day  to  airlift  their  citizens   growth  picked  back  up,
            in 2003. But what happens    out  of  Wuhan.  The  out-   recovering to a 10% annu-
            in China carries a lot more   break  has  brought  every   al rate in the second half of
            weight these days: In 2003,   day  business  to  a  stand-  the year.
            China  accounted  for  4%    still and closed down such   “From  what  we  know,
            of  global  output.  Now  its   popular  tourist  attractions   it’s  likely  to  be  similar  this
            share is 16%, according to   as Beijing’s former imperial
            the World Bank.              palace,  Shanghai  Disney-
            “A  growth  slowdown  in     land,  Hong  Kong  Disney-
            China  could  have  sizable   land and the city’s Ocean
            ripple  effects  across  Asia   Park.
            and  the  rest  of  the  world,   The  significant  decline  in
            given  the  size  of  China’s   travel  has  already  caused
            economy and its role as the   United  Airlines  to  suspend
            key driver of global growth   some  flights  to  Beijing,
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