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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Thursday 7 November 2019

            State Dept. undersecretary testifies in impeachment inquiry

            By MATTHEW LEE                                                                                                      the  hold-up  in  military  as-
            AP Diplomatic Writer                                                                                                sistance  for  Ukraine  and
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            Trump's push for the coun-
            State  Department's  third-                                                                                         try to open investigations.
            ranking   official   testified                                                                                      Gordon  Sondland,  Trump's
            Wednesday  for  more  than                                                                                          ambassador  to  the  Euro-
            six hours in the House Dem-                                                                                         pean Union, said in an ad-
            ocrats'  impeachment  in-                                                                                           dendum  to  his  testimony
            quiry  as  they  investigate                                                                                        released   Tuesday    that
            President  Donald  Trump's                                                                                          military  assistance  to  the
            dealings with Ukraine.                                                                                              East European ally was be-
            David  Hale  had  been  ex-                                                                                         ing  withheld  until  Ukraine's
            pected  to  tell  lawmakers                                                                                         new  president  agreed  to
            that political considerations                                                                                       release a statement about
            were  behind  the  agency's                                                                                         fighting   corruption   as
            refusal  to  deliver  a  robust                                                                                     Trump wanted.
            defense  of  the  former  U.S.                                                                                      Also  scheduled  to  tes-
            ambassador to Ukraine.                                                                                              tify  Wednesday  was  State
            People  familiar  with  the                                                                                         Department  Counselor  T.
            matter said Hale, the high-                                                                                         Ulrich  Brechbuhl,  an  ad-
            est-ranking  career  diplo-                                                                                         viser to Pompeo and close
            mat  in  the  foreign  service,                                                                                     friend of the secretary. But
            planned  to  say  Secretary                                                                                         Brechbuhl did not appear,
            of  State  Mike  Pompeo      David  Hale,  Under  Secretary  of  State  for  Political  Affairs,  arrives  on  Capitol  Hill  in  Washington,   instead   departing   with
            and  other  senior  officials   Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019, to be interview for the impeachment inquiry.               Pompeo  on  a  trip  to  Ger-
            determined  that  publicly                                                                         Associated Press  many  early  Wednesday
            defending  ousted  Ambas-    Impeachment investigators  partment  did  not  step  up   He  is  the  highest-ranking   morning.
            sador  Marie  Yovanovitch    had  scheduled  interviews  to  defend  its  top  envoy  in   State  Department  official   Two   more   witnesses
            would hurt the effort to free   with 13 witnesses this week,  Kyiv. According to the peo-  to  testify  to  impeachment   who   were   scheduled
            up  U.S.  military  assistance   but  Hale  was  the  first  to  ple familiar with the matter,   investigators.     for  Wednesday  —  Russ
            to Ukraine.                  show up. A series of White  he  was  expected  to  say    Other  department  officials   Vought,  the  acting  direc-
            Hale  also  planned  to  say   House  witnesses  have  de-  he tried to distance himself   have  testified  that  they   tor of the White House Of-
            that the State Department    clined to testify, even under  and the department by re-  had concerns about Yova-     fice  of  Management  and
            worried about the reaction   subpoena,  after  Trump  di-  moving  himself  from  email   novitch's  ouster  and  Giu-  Budget, and Rick Perry, the
            from Trump's personal attor-  rected them to stay away.   chains about Yovanovitch.    liani's  role  in  it.  Democrats   Energy secretary — did not
            ney Rudy Giuliani, who was   Yovanovitch  has  already  Hale,  for  example,  never    are looking for connections   show up. Both have strong-
            one  of  the  strongest  ad-  appeared  before  inves-    responded to an email sent   between     her   dismissal,   ly criticized the probe.q
            vocates  for  removing  the   tigators  in  the  impeach-  by former top Pompeo ad-
            ambassador,     according    ment  inquiry  into  Trump.  viser Michael McKinley urg-
            to  the  people,  who  were   According  to  a  transcript  ing  Pompeo  to  speak  out
            not  authorized  to  publicly   of  her  interview  released  in  defense  of  Yovanovitch
            discuss Hale's appearance    this  week,  she  detailed  ef-  after  the  White  House  re-
            and spoke on condition of    forts  by  Giuliani  and  other  leased  a  rough  transcript
            anonymity.                   Trump allies to push her out  of  Trump's  phone  call  with
            Hale's  testimony  came  as   of Ukraine, testifying that a  Zelenskiy, the officials said.
            the  committees  leading     senior Ukrainian official told  One  official  said  Hale  had
            the  impeachment  investi-   her that "I really needed to  "tried to take himself out of
            gation  began  to  wrap  up   watch my back."             the  loop  on  Ukraine."  But
            their closed-door interviews   She  also  testified  that  she  another  official  said  Hale
            in  the  probe.  The  panels   asked Hale to get Pompeo  would  defend  Pompeo's
            this week also are releasing   to  issue  a  statement  de-  actions as "politically smart"
            transcripts  from  previous   fending her, but that state-  for the department and its
            interviews,  in  which  law-  ment never came. She said  employees in the long run.
            makers  scrutinized  Trump's   Hale asked her to send him  Hale,   a   fluent   Arabic
            appeals  to  new  Ukrainian   a "classified email" with her  speaker  who  joined  the
            President  Volodymir  Zelen-  "understanding  of  what  foreign service in 1984, has
            skiy  to  investigate  political   was  going  on,"  which  she  served  as  ambassador  to
            rival Joe Biden and the ac-  said she did.                Lebanon, Pakistan and Jor-
            tions  of  Democrats  during   Hale was expected to shed  dan and in posts in Tunisia,
            the 2016 U.S. election.      more light on why the de-    Bahrain  and  Saudi  Arabia.
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