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P. 5
CLASSIFIED Thursday 7 November 2019
Congress approves bill HEALTH
expanding animal cruelty law DOCTOR ON DUTY
By MATTHEW DALY ter the House passed it on Halley Time Travel Oranjestad
Associated Press a voice vote. Florida Reps. Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Tel. 527 4000
WASHINGTON (AP) — Con- Ted Deutch and Vern Bu- Marriott Ocean Club
gress has passed a bill mak- chanan sponsored the bill. Gold season San Nicolas
ing certain types of animal Deutch, a Democrat, said 1 br ocean view $4500 IMSAN 24 Hours
cruelty a federal felony. it "sends a clear message 2 br ocean view $7000 Tel.524 8833
The bill would expand a that our society does not 1 br ocean Front $7500 Women in Difficulties
2010 law that made cre- accept cruelty against ani- 2 br ocean Front $14,000 PHARMACY ON DUTY
ation or distribution of "ani- mals" and noted that the Oranjestad:
mal crushing" videos illegal. bill received overwhelming Marriott Surf Club Eagle Tel. 587 9011
The new bill would make support from both parties. Gold season San Nicolas:
the underlying acts of cru- Buchanan, a Republican, 2 br Garden view $5000 Aloe Tel. 584 4606
elty a federal crime. said "The torture of inno- 2 br ocean view $7000 Women in Difficulties
The Senate unanimously cent animals is abhorrent 2 br ocean side $8500 OTHER
passed the Preventing Ani- and should be punished 2 br ocean Front $14,000 Dental Clinic 587 9850
Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
mal Cruelty and Torture Act to the fullest extent of the 3 br ocean view $12,500 Urgent Care 586 0448
on Tuesday, two weeks af- law."q Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
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