Page 7 - Imsan 25 July,2015
P. 7

The changes in the
Emergency Department are


According to Prime Minister Mike Eman

DURING the presentation that took          like schools, neighborhoods,
place last Thursday at Dr. Horacio E.      the harbor, downtown areas
Oduber Hospital Prime Minister Mike        and the hospitals were not
Eman remarked that the renovation          as equally developed as the
and expansion project is extremely         hotels. “That brings a social-
necessary since the building hasn’t been   economic misbalance in
expanded since it was built in 1976        our development. That’s
whereas the population has increased       why we put this huge goal
greatly.                                   in front of us.” Eman said.

After the presentation the guests          “The goal is to bring
received a tour of the construction
site and received some additional          Aruba into a progressive
information regarding how things are
getting along with the project. Prime      phase that will make
Minister mike Eman mentioned how
impressed he was with everything           Aruba     economically
he heard and saw. “It was extremely
impressive. One thing that impressed       stable. However it is also
me was the amount of construction
work taking place and the economic         extremely important that
impact this will have on Aruba. That is
extremely important, but what’s most       the social development
important is the Government’s goal
regarding this hospital.” Prime Minister   be parallel to the economic tourism         quite
Mike Eman said.                                                                        impressive but the emergency care
                                           development.” According to Prime            department (SEH) really made an            fast in
This project was initiated in 2009 when                                                impact on me. This department              this department.” The Minister said.
Cabinet Eman started governing.            Minister Mike Eman. There were many         currently has 7 rooms which isn’t
Mr. Eman emphasized that Aruba had 5                                                   enough to make the treatment process
star hotels yet many important facilities  complaints about people that have to        go any faster, thus resulting in patients
                                                                                       having to wait needlessly long. In your
                                           wait till late in the to receive medical    pain or nervous state you do not want      The hospital is currently focusing on
                                                                                       to wait that long. The new building
                                           attention while their family members        will have an expanded emergency care       having more specialized nurses. These
                                                                                       department containing 17 rooms. This
                                           wait in the hallway which isn’t to          is much more professional and has a        nurses must be specialized in different
                                                                                       lot more staff members trained to work
                                           private.                                                                               areas, such as neurology, working in

                                                                                                                                  the ICU and Emergency Room.

                                           “This situation was not ideal or pleasant.                                             Renovation,  Expansion        and
                                           Hospital employees and doctors work
                                           hard but if the facility is not how it                                                 Reconstruction of the hospital is a huge
                                           should be it discourages them. The
                                           construction work being done here is                                                   project and requires a lot of work but it

                                                                                                                                  is worth it because it will achieve a high

                                                                                                                                  quality healthcare facility.

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Saturday, July 25 2015                                                                                          5LOCAL
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