Page 8 - Imsan 25 July,2015
P. 8
New container harbor in Barcadera will get a
a life span of at
least 25 years
AFTER harbor in Oranjestad. The crane works according to European CE standards.
In addition to their current operations Astec will According to Koopmans the cabin is ergonomically
Prime be tasked with the responsibility of maintenance keeping in mind that the operators need to sit in there
and safety of the container harbor. for hours.
Minister Mike Eman and “It is a beautiful, safe and durable crane. In addition
“It is a huge challenge, but is still going well.” it will be painted with a special paint that will protect
Minister of Economic Affairs Mike de Meza visited Besides the construction work taking place on the it from rusting in Aruba’s atmosphere. It has the
Barcadera ground the assembling of the Granty Crane potential to endure for at least 25 years. Maintaining
the new harbor in Barcadera the Astec manager Anko is also taking place and is one of the biggest projects this harbor is extremely important and we will make
currently taking place there. Since the new crane is sure we do this.” Koopmans said.
Koopmans mentioned that the harbor project is on a very modern machine all personnel that will be
operating it will receive the necessary training. The construction of the new container harbor in
schedule. “Things are going as planned despite the Koopmans hopes that the new crane is ready to be put Barcadera is part of Cabinet Mike Eman’s vision
on the rails on the edge of the harbor by November. to give the harbor in Oranjestad an opportunity to
challenges.” Koopmans mentioned. He also mentioned that the crane will probably be completely become a cruise ship harbor and will
tested in January.The Gantry Crane is made by the lighten the traffic on L.G. Smith Boulevard because
According to Prime Minister Mike Eman this is one of Spanish company named Paceco and weighs 50 all containers will be unloaded at Barcadera then
the 4 projects being implemented by Cabinet Eman ton just like the one at the Oranjestad harbor, but it distributed to the rest of the island through the ring
II and aimed towards our countries’ economic future. possesses a more modern system and is more modern. road.
Koopmans who has been working with Astec for a
year now is tasked with preparing the harbor moving
process. The companies role in this new harbor is
much more extensive than their role at the current
HOMOSEXUAL can become depressed.” known in Aruba is the amount of youth
TENDENCIES from Venezuela and Colombia that
This teen can become so come to Aruba and submit themselves to
among the youth the world of homosexual prostitution.
depressed that he starts “These boys are between the ages of
According to Monique Giel of Wit Gele Kruis 16 and 17 and do not attend school
developing suicidal anymore, they come here to be live
with their families and do not have it
thoughts and some even easy here.” According to Monique Giel.
comit suicidio. Furthermore teens do not only present
themselves to homosexuals but also to
“They constantly think older women, usually Aruban women.
“We were informed of this through
about commiting suicide coversations with friends of teens going
through such a sitaution.” Giel said.
and some even get as far as
Sexual education needs to start from
commiting suicide. I have an early age, because the puberty years
are difficult years for the child and it is
experienced cases like this harder to educate them about sexuality
during this time.
before.” Giel said. A good sexual education allows the
child to develop himself sexualy. “The
HOMOSEXUALITY is still a taboo to about it. They are often also teased Giel mentioned that there child needs to discover his own body,
on Aruba. However homosexual teens because of this. When a kid cannot have been cases where develop his feelings and learn that
are coming out more than they used to be open about his sexual preference homosexual boys are picked sexuality has to do with friendship,
now. and does not have the freedom to talk up from school by older trust, honesty and accepting the limit.”
Monique Giel who works for Wit Gele about it and express his emotions and men. Giel concluded.
Kruis (WGK) said: “Nowadays more frustrations and is teased in addition “We were informed of this by some
and more young ones especially those to all of this it can lead to serious schools in Aruba. However this happens
in the first grade of secundary school consequences. When they try to express after school so the school can’t really do
are becoming more open about their themselves they receive negative anything about it. We need to come up
sexuality. They are more concious of reactions from adults or friends. If a with a way to stop this situation, since
their sexual preference and want to kid cannot express his feelings or talk it is becoming more and more common
talk about but don’t have anyone to talk about is sexual orientation freely he every day. What makes it hard to deal
with is that homosexuality is still a
difficult subject to talk about.” Monique
Another phenomenon becoming more
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Saturday, July 25 2015 9LOCAL