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                     Friday 25 august 2023
            Presidential  debate  shows  candidates  are  struggling  to  address

            climate change concerns

            Continued from Front                                                                   just  about  communicating  knowledge it exists,” Univer-
                                                                                                   a different vision.”         sity of Pennsylvania climate
            “We’re  getting  to  a  point                                                          Meanwhile,      conditions  scientist Michael Mann said
            where Republicans are los-                                                             across the country and the  in an email. “It is a disquali-
            ing winnable elections be-                                                             world are creating new ur-   fying position on the defin-
            cause  they’re  alienating                                                             gency for the GOP to take  ing challenge of our time.”
            people that care about cli-                                                            climate change seriously.    “The party will lose a huge
            mate change,” Christopher                                                              Heavy  rains  poured  on  chunk of voters, especially
            Barnard,  the  Republican                                                              Cleveland  during  the  de-  women ad younger voters
            president  of  the  American                                                           bate  and  Detroit  flooded  if it adopts this stance,” he
            Conservation Coalition, the                                                            overnight. Wildfires in Can-  said.
            largest  conservative  envi-                                                           ada  have  led  to  smoky,  Most  people  in  the  United
            ronmental group in the na-                                                             polluted air in much of the  States  (62%)  say  the  fed-
            tion, said Thursday.                                                                   United States, while a cata-  eral  government  is  doing
            As  the  2024  presidential   Republican presidential candidates, from left, former Arkansas   strophic  wildfire  in  Hawaii  too little to reduce climate
            contest  begins  in  earnest,   Gov.  Asa  Hutchinson,  former  New  Jersey  Gov.  Chris  Christie,   was  the  deadliest  in  more  change,  according  to  a
                                         former Vice  President  Mike  Pence,  Florida  Gov.  Ron  DeSantis,
            the  Republican  Party  is   businessman  Vivek  Ramaswamy,  former  U.N.  Ambassador   than  a  century.  Southern  September  2022  poll  from
            struggling  to  reconcile  ris-  Nikki  Haley,  Sen.  Tim  Scott,  R-S.C.,  and  North  Dakota  Gov.   California  was  hit  with  a  The Associated Press-NORC
            ing  concerns  about  cli-   Doug  Burgum  stand  on  stage  and  listen  to  a  prayer  before  a   tropical  storm  for  the  first  Center for Public Affairs Re-
            mate change — especially  Republican  presidential  primary  debate  hosted  by  FOX  News   time in decades.       search. Even as U.S. adults
            young  people  —  with  the   Channel, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023, in Milwaukee.         But the biggest climate ef-  don’t think the government
            GOP’s  older  base,  which                                            Associated Press   fect has been the heat.    is  doing  enough,  there’s  a
            largely   rejects   climate  environmental  advocates  challenged  him  directly  July  saw  global  daily  and  clear  division  among  Re-
            science  as  a  liberal  con-  —  government  action  to  on climate, even after the  monthly  temperatures  hot-   publicans.
            spiracy  theory.  Scientists  force  emissions  reductions  debate  moderators  high-  ter  than  modern  equip-    Half  of  Republicans  under
            overwhelmingly       agree  — remains a nonstarter with  lighted new evidence that  ment  had  ever  recorded.  age 45 say the government
            that  heat-trapping  gases  the GOP’s presidential can-   climate  change  is  causing  Some  scientists  said  it  was  isn’t  addressing  climate
            released  from  the  com-    didates.                     major problems.              the hottest in about 120,000  change   enough,    com-
            bustion  of  fossil  fuels  are  “The   climate   change  Former Vice President Mike  years,  based  on  tree  rings  pared with just 32% of older
            pushing up global temper-    agenda  is  a  hoax,”  Ra-   Pence,  who  was  silent  on  and  other  proxy  records.  Republicans.
            atures,  upending  weather  maswamy  said  during  the  climate     change    during  The  world’s  oceans  have  Younger  Republicans  also
            patterns  and  endangering  debate, repeating the line  the  debate,  suggested  on  set  records  for  heat,  both  say they feel anxious when
            animal species.              for emphasis, even as some  Thursday that it is largely a  on the surface and deeper,  discussing  climate  change
            Some  Republican  lead-      younger people in the au-    matter of messaging for the  every  month  since  spring.  at a higher rate than older
            ers  have  acknowledged  dience booed. “The reality  GOP.                              Florida  saw  100-degree  Republicans.  An  AP-NORC
            they cannot ignore climate  is  more  people  are  dying  “Look the climate is chang-  water and unprecedented  poll  from  April  found  that
            change  altogether.  House  of climate change policies  ing,  but  I  believe  the  issue  coral bleaching.         17%  of  young  Republicans
            Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-   than  they  actually  are  of  is  what  we  do  about  it,”  The  presidential  debate  said   anxious   describes
            Calif., has called for plant-  climate change.”           Pence  told  The  Associ-    “underscored the fact that  how  they  feel  when  talk-
            ing  1  trillion  trees  to  help  None   of   Ramaswamy’s  ated  Press,  condemning  one of the two parties (the  ing about climate change,
            protect  the  environment.  competitors,  eager  to  at-  Democratic-backed  poli-     GOP)  not  only  refuses  to  compared with 7% of older
            But  the  solutions  long  pro-  tack him on other issues dur-  cies  such  as  the  so-called  act  on  the  climate  crisis,  Republicans.q
            moted  by  Democrats  and  ing  the  two-hour  debate,  Green  New  Deal.  “It’s  all  but  refuses  to  even  ac-

            U.S. will start training Ukrainian pilots on F-16s at air base in Arizona

            By ELLEN KNICKMEYER          support  to  Ukraine,”  the  ers  in  Washington.  “This  is  ducting right now.”      to  join  European  allies  in
            Associated Press             Pentagon spokesman, Brig.  not  about  the  counterof-    The training will take place  the training to avoid bottle-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  Gen. Pat Ryder, told report-    fensive  that  they’re  con-  at Morris Air National Guard  necks in bringing Ukrainian
            U.S.  will  start  training  Ukrai-                                                    base  in  Tucson,  Arizona.  pilots up to speed.
            nian pilots to fly U.S.-made                                                           The  pilots  will  first  undergo  The U.S. training would ac-
            F-16  fighter  jets,  beginning                                                        English  instruction  at  Lack-  commodate    “several”
            at  an  Air  National  Guard                                                           land  Air  Force  Base  in  San  Ukrainian fighter pilots and
            base  in  October,  the  Pen-                                                          Antonio,  Texas,  to  bring  dozens  of  maintenance
            tagon said Thursday.                                                                   their fluency up to the level  people for the jets, he said.
            The training is part of a U.S.                                                         needed to operate the air-   For   experienced    pilots,
            and European effort to get                                                             craft,  starting  next  month,  training can range around
            the  advanced  fighter  jets                                                           Ryder said.                  five months, Ryder said. He
            to  Ukraine  for  its  defense                                                         Ukraine  has  long  pressed  sketched  out  courses  cov-
            against  invading  Russian                                                             for the American fighter jets  ering basics. In addition to
            forces.                                                                                to help defend its cities and  flying  the  advanced  craft,
            American  military  officials                                                          forces from Russian artillery  they  include  formation  fly-
            stress it takes years of train-                                                        and aviation.                ing,  operating  weapons,
            ing to be able to field F-16                                                            Denmark, the Netherlands  air  combat  and  suppress-
            squadrons,  limiting  the  im-                                                         and  Norway  announced  ing air defense systems, on
            pact  the  aircraft  will  have   A Norwegian air force F-16 fighter lands at a Turkish air base   in  recent  days  they  would  top  of  centrifuge  training
            on  Ukraine’s  defense  for   in the Central Anatolian Turkish city of Konya on Wednesday,   supply   the   aircraft   to  on the ground to help pilots
            the near future.             Sept. 8, 2004.                                            Ukraine.                     withstand  the  g-forces  of
            “This is about the long-term                                          Associated Press   Ryder said the U.S. decided  an F-16 cockpit.q
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