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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 25 august 2023

            Scores of Trump fans gather outside Georgia jail to show support

            ahead of his expected surrender

            By  SUDHIN  THANAWALA                                                                  said.                        vict Trump” and “Trump is a
            and KATE BRUMBACK                                                                      His  wife  said  the  indict-  Traitor.” She said she’d also
            Associated Press                                                                       ments  against  the  former  traveled  to  other  places
            ATLANTA (AP) — Hours be-                                                               president  were  politically  where Trump was indicted.
            fore  former  President  Don-                                                          motivated    because    of  As  midday  temperatures
            ald  Trump  was  expected                                                              the  four  years  of  “prosper-  hovered  near  90  degrees,
            to turn himself in at the Ful-                                                         ity,  safety,  freedom”  that  sheriff’s  deputies  in  vests
            ton County Jail on charges                                                             Trump  achieved  in  the  toweled  off  and  sought
            related  to  his  efforts  to  re-                                                     White House.                 shade under a tree.
            main in power after his 2020                                                           “They  must  be  worried  The  main  Fulton  County
            election  loss,  dozens  of  his                                                       about  him  for  some  rea-  Jail, also known as the Rice
            supporters  had  already                                                               son,” she said.              Street  Jail,  is  located  in  a
            gathered  Thursday  morn-                                                              Sharon  Anderson,  67,  from  traditionally  industrial  part
            ing outside the facility.                                                              east  Tennessee,  was  out-  of northwest Atlanta where
            And the crowd grew steadi-                                                             side  the  jail  for  a  second  warehouses  are  currently
            ly as the day progressed.                                                              straight day. She had spent  being  redeveloped  for  re-
            It will be the fourth time this                                                        the night in a car with the  tail and residential use. It’s
            year  that  Trump,  the  early   Former President  Donald  Trump’s supporters gather outside  of   air conditioning running.  set back from the street by
                                         the Fulton County Jail, Thursday, Aug. 24, 2023, in Atlanta.
            front-runner in the 2024 Re-                                          Associated Press   “I’m  here  to  support  Don-  a long, tree-lined driveway
            publican  presidential  pri-                                                           ald  J.  Trump.  I  want  him  that leads to a parking lot
            mary, is booked on criminal  the  will  of  Georgia  voters  tells me differently, we are  to see some of the millions  in front of the jail’s imposing
            charges. But unlike his pre-  who had narrowly rejected  following  our normal prac-   that show up at the polls for  façade.
            vious  arrests,  which  hap-  the Republican incumbent  tices, and so it doesn’t mat-  him.”                        On  most  days,  the  public
            pened  in  courthouses  just  in  favor  of  Democrat  Joe  ter your status, we’ll have a  She  said  the  indictments  and  news  media  are  free
            before  initial  appearances  Biden.  Many  of  the  oth-  mugshot ready for you.”     against  Trump  had  only  to drive right up to the front
            before a judge, this time he  ers  charged  turned  them-  But  the  scene  outside  the  strengthened  her  support  of the jail and news camer-
            will be turning himself in at  selves in at the jail earlier in  jail  was  anything  but  nor-  for  him.  The  former  presi-  as have captured the arriv-
            a notoriously troubled jail.  this  week,  including  Rudy  mal Thursday.              dent  questioned  the  elec-  als and departures of many
            Also different from his previ-  Giuliani, Sidney Powell and  It  included  supporters  of  tion  results,  which  isn’t  a  high-profile  people  who
            ous  surrenders:  authorities  Jenna  Ellis  on  Wednesday  the  former  president  such  crime, she said.          have been booked into the
            are  expected  to  take  a  and John Eastman on Tues-     as Cliff MacMorris, 66, from  While the crowd was mostly  jail. But with the booking of
            booking  photo  of  the  for-  day.                       Naples, Florida, who held a  made up of Trump support-    a former president looming,
            mer president.               Fulton  County  Sheriff  Pat  flag that read, “Trump Won  ers,  64-year-old  Laurie  Ar-  the  driveway  off  the  main
            Trump  and  18  others  were  Labat has said Trump, and  Save America.”                beiter, who is from New York  street in front of the jail has
            indicted  last  week,  ac-   the  others  in  this  case,  will  He and his wife, Georgine,  City,  wore  a  shirt  that  said  been  closed  off  for  days,
            cused  by  Fulton  County  be treated like anyone else  spent the night in Atlanta.    “Arrest Trump” and carried  with  no  reporters  or  cam-
            District  Attorney  Fani  Willis  — notably saying at a news  “You  don’t  have  the  right  more  than  50  black-and-  eras allowed within viewing
            of participating in a sprawl-  conference   earlier   this  to  persecute  somebody  white signs with her, includ-  distance of the building.q
            ing  scheme  to  undermine  month:  “Unless  somebody  unjustly,”  Cliff  MacMorris  ing  ones  that  read  “Con-

            Maui County sues utility, alleging negligence over fires that ravaged


            By  JENNIFER  SINCO  KELLE-                                                            ity had a duty “to properly  The lawsuit notes other utili-
            HER and GENE JOHNSON                                                                   maintain  and  repair  the  ties, such as Southern Cali-
            Associated Press                                                                       electric  transmission  lines,  fornia  Edison  Company,
            HONOLULU  (AP)  —  Maui                                                                and  other  equipment  in-   Pacific Gas & Electric, and
            County    sued    Hawaiian                                                             cluding  utility  poles  asso-  San  Diego  Gas  &  Electric,
            Electric Company on Thurs-                                                             ciated  with  their  transmis-  have all implemented Pub-
            day over the fires that dev-                                                           sion  of  electricity,  and  to  lic  Safety  Power  Shutoffs
            astated  Lahaina,  saying                                                              keep  vegetation  properly  during  during  high  wind
            the utility negligently failed                                                         trimmed  and  maintained  events  and  said  the  “se-
            to  shut  off  power  despite                                                          so  as  to  prevent  contact  vere   and   catastrophic
            exceptionally  high  winds                                                             with overhead power lines  losses  ...  could  have  easily
            and dry conditions.                                                                    and  other  electric  equip-  been prevented” if Hawai-
            Witness  accounts  and  vid-                                                           ment.”                       ian  Electric  had  a  similar
            eo  indicated  that  sparks                                                            The  utility  knew  that  high  shutoff plan.
            from  power  lines  ignited   A general view shows the aftermath of a devastating wildfire in   winds “would topple power  The county said it is seeking
                                         Lahaina, Hawaii, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023.
            fires as utility poles snapped                                       Associated Press   poles,  knock  down  power  compensation for damage
            in  the  winds,  which  were                                                           lines,  and  ignite  vegeta-  to  public  property  and  re-
            driven  by  a  passing  hurri-  ian  Electric  didn’t  immedi-  powerlines  during  the  pre-  tion,” the lawsuit said. “De-  sources  in  Lahaina  as  well
            cane. The Aug. 8 fire killed  ately  respond  to  an  email  dicted high-wind gusts, this  fendants  also  knew  that  if  as nearby Kula.
            at  least  115  people  and  seeking comment.             destruction  could  have  their  overhead  electrical  Other  utilities  have  been
            left an unknown number of  Had  the  utility  heeded  been avoided,” the lawsuit  equipment ignited a fire, it  found  liable  for  devastat-
            others missing.              weather  service  “warnings  said.                        would spread at a critically  ing fires recently.q
            A spokesperson for Hawai-    and    de-energized    their  The  lawsuit  said  the  util-  rapid rate.”
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