Page 11 - AHATA
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                                                                                                                           Friday 2 March 2018

            Beach Volleyball to Help Local Community

            By Linda Reijnders
            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Michelle
            Begin is from Ottawa, Can-
            ada,  and  is  a  true  loyal
            visitor  of  our  Happy  Island
            for  38  years  already.  She
            is  not  the  standard  tourist
            though, Michelle, alias ‘Ms.
            Canada,’  has  a  heart  for
            the  people  of  Aruba.  She
            dedicates her time here to
            raise  funds  for  those  who
            need  support.  “It  makes
            me  happy  to  see  other
            people  happy.  To  make  a
            difference  in  somebody’s
            life  is  my  drive.  I  have  al-
            ways  done  charity  work,
            I  have  the  need  to  give.
            It’s  in  my  nature.”Join  her
            good-hearted initiative this
            Sunday  by  participating  in
            the 7th Annual Beach Vol-
            leyball  Tournament  on  Ea-
            gle Beach. All raised funds
            will benefit several founda-
            tions and good causes.

            The  foundation  Ambiente
            Feliz, a residential home for
            mentally  disabled  above
            18-years-old  is  one  of  the
            beneficial     foundations.
            Cas  di  Machi  takes  care
            of  the  elderly  as  a  senior
            citizen  home  and  there  is
            also  the  football  club  FC
            San Nicolas that needs sup-
            port for their little ones. Mrs.
            Palmer  &  MS.  Canada’s
            Soup  Kitchen  will  receive
            donations to continue pro-
            viding their delicious soups
            to those who do not have
            enough to fill their stomach.
            “Especially  children  are
            our target group, because
            there  should  be  no  child
            suffering  from  an  empty
            stomach”,  says  Michelle.
            By  purchasing  a  ticket  for  help  him  by  achieving  his  encountered.  We  tourists
            the  Beach  Volleyball  Tour-  wishes on the list.”       do not go further than the
            nament  you  support  the                                 high  rise  zone  and  that  is
            above  mentioned  institu-   Generous Community           a  shame.  If  we  just  give  1
            tions, but MS Canada also  Michelle’s     story   began  percent  of  our  vacation
            has a wish list for one indi-  when  she  fell  in  love  with  expenses  to  support  good
            vidual.  “Rechinel  Statie  is  the  island  38  years  ago.  “I  causes, we keep this island
            a  young  man  of  17  years  came  here  for  vacation  happy  for  everybody.  Just
            old. He got paralyzed after  and  31  years  long  I  en-  see  what  you  can  do  for
            a  car  accident  and  feels  joyed  the  people,  restau-  seniors  or  children,  don’t
            ripped  out  of  life.  He  was  rants  and  beaches.  I  had  close your eyes.
            an active sportsman in the  no  idea  there  was  such  a
            BMX  world,  now  he  is  in  a  need in social aspect, I did
            wheelchair.  I  would  like  to  not  expect  the  poverty  I    Continued on Page 14
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