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P. 13

                     Friday 2 March 2018
            Legends Pub Celebrating One-Year Anniversary, and New Chef

            New Chef Begins

            PALM  BEACH-  Have  you  introduce local Aruban, Ur-
            been  to  Legends  Pub  yet?  bine Kevin Donata, as their
            They  just  celebrated  their  new Chef.
            one-year  anniversary.  In  Chef  Urbine  has  fifteen
            entering their second year,  years of successful culinary
            they’re  introducing  a  new  experience. He has worked
            Chef  to  their  Authentic  in  all  realms  of  the  restau-
            Gastropub  concept.  Leg-    rant  industry  from  hotel  to
            ends  Pub  has  true  Ameri-  high-end  to  mid-level,  you
            can dishes and is the most  name  it,  he’s  done  it.  This
            entertaining  sports  bar  in  transition  is  especially  ex-
            Aruba. They have a double  citing  for  Chef  Urbine  and
            bar,  live  bands,  games,  Legends  Pub  owners  Scott
            shotskis,  and  all  sports  un-  and  Leslie  Steeno,  as  this
            der the sun. The restaurant  team is a fusion of authen-
            portion has a modern patio  tic  American  food  com-
            for outdoor dining, and you  bined  with  the  styles  that
            won’t  find  their  amazing  Chef  Urbine  brings  to  the
            dishes  anywhere  else  on  table.
            the island.                  Owner,  Leslie  Steeno  said,
                                         “French,  Italian,  Modern,
            Legends  Pub  is  proud  to  International  cuisine,  etc.
                                                                                                   are  all  in  the  portfolio  of  If you haven’t yet tried Leg-
                                                                                                   Chef  Urbine.  He  also  has  ends Pub, now is the time.
                                                                                                   worked in many of Aruba’s  For  your  next  big  outing
                                                                                                   prestigious  restaurants.  His  with  friends  for  sports,  a
                                                                                                   skills  along  with  his  local  family dinner, or drinks with
                                                                                                   heritage,  meeting  authen-  your  girls  or  bros,  stop  by
                                                                                                   tic  American  cuisine,  will  Legends Pub and see what
                                                                                                   surely  bring  Legends  Pub  it’s like to be a Legend. As
                                                                                                   to the next level of unique-  the saying goes,
                                                                                                   ness that it represents. The  “Everyone’s  a  Legend,  at
                                                                                                   second  year  for  Legends  Legends Pub.”
                                                                                                   Pub is promising and offers  For  any  sport  reservations
                                                                                                   a  new  experience  for  the  or dinner reservations, call:
                                                                                                   island of Aruba.”            280-3300.q
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