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Diaranson, 19 Februari 2025 AWEMainta LOCAL 9
Eagle Beach ta wordo reconoci como
parti di top 3 miho Playa den Mundo
Segun TripAdvisor Eagle Beach tambe ta #1 den Caribe
riba e importancia den proteha Eagle Beach y sigura cu e futuro genera-
cion por sigui disfruta di su bunitesa, mientras cu nos ta conserva e balans
natural. Cu practicanan sostenibel, y segun cu ta atrae e turismo respon-
sabel, hunto cu esfuersonan local di conservacion lo yuda na mantene su
condicion natural p’e playa por keda un tesoro pa tanto e comunidad local
como nos huespednan.
Ban hunto cuida Eagle Beach y tur otro playanan y recursonan natural
rond di nos isla.
ARUBA Tourism Authority (A.T.A.) ta
orguyoso di anuncia cu Eagle Beach a Masha danki pa stima Eagle Beach! Pabien Aruba!
wordo reconoci pa premiacion prestigioso di
Tripadvisor’s® pa ‘Best of the Best Awards di
Eagle Beach a logra tres distincionnan impre-
sionante e aña aki cu ta inclui, #1 Playa den
Caribe, #2 Playa den Premio di 25 Aniversario
di TripAdvisor, #3 Playa den Mundo. E recon-
ocemento aki ta mustra e bunitesa natural,
arena blanco suave, y awa cristalino di Eagle OPEN POSITIONS:
Beach cu ta haci e playa aki uno inolvidabel DOORMAN (M/F)
p’e huespednan di tur parti di mundo. COOK
Tripadvisor ta selecciona Travelers’ Choice
Best of the Best Beaches’ basa riba calidad LUNCH SERVER
y cantidad di feedback/reviews ricibi di ROOM ATTENDANT
huespednan di rond mundo riba e plata- MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN
forma aki. E feedback/reviews ta wordo UNLOCK THESE BENEFITS WITH US:
colecta durante un periodo di 12 luna (for
Attractive salaries
di 1 di october 2023 te 30 di september Attractive salaries
Various bonus opportunities
2024). E ranking ta depende di locual cu e Various bonus opportunities
5-Day workweek (40 Hours)
huespednan ta prefera den un playa, manera 5-Day workweek (40 Hours)
awa cla, arena suave, of paisahenan bunita. Up to 27 vacation days based on years of service
Up to 27 vacation days based on years of service
E premio ta refleha opinionnan autentico di Childcare allowance to support working parents
Childcare allowance to support working parents
huespednan cu ta cambia tur aña segun e Wellness program: gym memberships, annual
Wellness program: gym memberships, annual
feedback/reviews nobo. health check-ups, life & health insurances
health check-ups, life & health insurances
Exclusive employee discounts at Tara Eco,
Exclusive employee discounts at Tara Eco,
Eagle Beach ta mas cu solamente un playa Ling & Sons, and Garage Centraal
bunita, cu arena blanco y awa cristalino, e Ling & Sons, and Garage Centraal
Savings & loan program
ta un parti esencial di e herencia natural Savings & loan program
y cultural di Aruba. Cu palonan iconico di
fofoti, temporada di turtuga, y un bida marino
diverso, e playa aki tin un papel crucial den e
ecosistema di e isla. Ta importante pa refleha