Page 8 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 8 February 2025
            The Bali Restaurant: a touristic hot spot and lost gem on the island

            (Oranjestad)—Once located  restaurant in the Caribbean
            in what is now the Renais-   by the Caribbean Tourist As-
            sance Marina, the Bali Res-  sociation.
            taurant  was  once  both  a
            touristic and local hot spot,  The  restaurant  was  prob-
            and  nowadays  it’s consid-  ably  most  iconic  for  its
            ered a forgotten gem on the  Javanese-inspired  exterior
            island.                      with its pointy, slanted roofs.    In 1964, the restaurant was  After  1972,  when  Ronny  tenance of the Bali Restau-
                                         However, the first version of   taken over by Karel “Carl”  Schmand took over, the res-  rant. However, folks today still
            Known as “the floating res-  Bali did not look like that at   Schmand.  Over  the  years,  taurant saw yet another ex-  reminisce its legacy, and it’s
            taurant”, Bali first opened in  all  but  was  still  considered   the   restaurant   needed  pansion; this time complete  now considered a lost monu-
            1955 by Willem “Bill” Strijland,  as one of the most popular   constant  renovation  and  with a long bar and dance  ment.
            who had experience in Ja-    restaurants on the island at   repair, mainly due to its vul-  floor, where guests enjoyed
            vanese cuisine. At the time,  the time. The restaurant saw   nerability  to  leaks  and  the  live  music  from  legendary  Be apart of the conversation:
            the restaurant was pretty ex-  three different owners during   unstable pillars underneath  Aruban musician and com-  if you or any family member
            clusive—with space to host  its existence, during which it   the  foundation.  However,  poser, Toti Arends.        of yours have a memory of
            only 25 guests. Yet, 4 years  underwent various renova-   the biggest change made                                   the Bali restaurant, whether
            later, it was named the best  tions and rebranding.       to the restaurant happened  After  1989,  the  restaurant  it be a picture or just a story,
                                                                      in the year 1970—still under  was again handed over to  share  it  with  us!  We  would
            Planning on snorkeling?                                   the ownership of Schmand,  other owners, and since then  love  to  see  this  legendary
                                                                      when it got its iconic pointy  suffered from unstable pillars  hot spot through the lens of
            Get to know our Picuda!                                   roofs. The restaurant was also  underneath the foundation,  our visitors!
                                                                      expanded to host a total of  resulting in various leaks and
                                                                      85 guests. This was “The New  overflowing  of  water  into   Source and pictures credit to:
                                         In fishing culture, there are   Bali”, who had its official (re)  the restaurant. And as most   “De Kolibrie op de Rots (en
                                         many other names, such as    opening in 1972.             great things come to an end,   meer over de geschiedenis
                                         Pecho blanco, Blekito, Ba-                                so did the survival and main-  van Aruba)” by Evert Bongers.
                                         nana,  or  Bleki.  The  names
                                         vary according to size.

            (Oranjestad)—If     you’re   The  Picuda  is  a  long  fish,
            ever  planning  on  snorkel-  with  a  round  body  like  a
            ing  during  your  vacation   torpedo and silver in color
            on  Aruba,  you  may  spot   with  shiny  black  stripes.
            fish  that  you  can’t  recog-  Below,  that  is,  the  belly,  is
            nize. One of these may be    whiter,  while  the  top  part
            the “Picuda”, a very com-    is  darker.  Its  snout  is  very
            mon fish that swims all year   pointed, and the lower jaw
            long in the waters of Aruba.   is  longer  than  the  upper
            Here’s  some  information    one.  Its  peduncle,  where
            about the beloved Picuda.    the  body  meets  the  tail,
                                         is  thick,  while  the  tail  also
            Let's talk about the names   forms a crescent but in this
            of  fish.  Do  you  know  your   case  one  more  "full"  than
            fish?  This  is  an  informative   that  of  mullet  or  conefish.
            article  that  illustrate  some   This  reflects  the  hunting
            fish and their names in Pa-  style of the Picuda. It needs
            piamento,  which  the  De-   to  be  able  to  accelerate
            partment  of  Agriculture,   quickly when the prey gets
            Livestock   and   Fisheries,   close.
            known  as  “Santa  Rosa”,
            wants  to  share  and  also           In Aruba:
            obtain information from the   Picuda can be found in our
            public.                      waters  around  our  island
                                         throughout  the  year.  Picu-
             Picuda, Sphyraena barra-    da, in our waters, is edible
             cuda, Greater Barracuda     without any problem. Picu-
            Well known is the Picuda on   da  is  also  a  highly  sought-
            the  island—Barracuda  in    after  fish  by  sports  fisher-
            English.  Its  scientific  name   men  or  recreational  fisher-
            is Sphyraena barracuda. It   men because it puts up a
            is a widely caught fish. It is   good fight once hooked. It
            found throughout the year    can be caught via trolling
            in our waters, where it is a   from  a  boat,  casting  from
            so-called  "ambush  preda-   shore with a line or rod, or
            tor"  that  stays  still  or  floats   by jigging, casting the lure
            in  the  water  waiting  for   (artificial bait) and moving
            its  prey  to  approach  so  it   it with certain rod motions.
            can attack it with lightning
                                           Picture courtesy of the De-
            speed.  It  is  well  known  for   partment of Agriculture, Live-
            fishermen,  especially  for       stock and Fisheries.
            its  white  flesh  in  fish  soup.
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