Page 66 - KPA 9 DEC 2015
P. 66


  U.S. NEWSWednesday 9 December

At Press Time:

 Search is on for NFL quarterback Jay Cutler’s brother-in-law 

BRADY McCOMBS                  Michael Cavallari is seen in              is the brother of reality TV        Salt Lake City.               when he was arrested. He
Associated Press               this undated photo distributed            personality Kristin Cavallari,      Credit card transactions      acknowledged having a
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — In-      by the Grand County, Utah                 who married Cutler in 2013.         and surveillance video        loaded shotgun in his trunk,
vestigators are trying to      Sheriff’s Office. Grand County            Evidence shows Michael              show he was at the store in   the report said.
piece together what hap-       Sheriff Steven White said Mon-            Cavallari’s 2014 Honda              the town of Monticello at     He was taken into custody
pened to NFL quarterback       day that a rancher discov-                Civic hit a couple of big           3:30 a.m. on Nov. 27.         without incident, and he
Jay Cutler’s brother-in-law,   ered the 30-year-old Caval-               rocks and washes, likely            In California, Orange         denied doing anything to
whose hasn’t been heard        lari’s car early on Nov. 27, the          causing the air bag to de-          County Sheriff’s Lt. Jeffrey  the woman, who reported
from since his car was         day after Thanksgiving. It was            ploy, White said.                   Hallock said Monday that      the incidents to authorities.
found abandoned more           found about 200 miles south               White said crews have               deputies arrested Michael     Michael Cavallari works
than a week ago near a         of Salt Lake City and 5 miles             been searching the area             Cavallari on suspicion of     for his father’s corporation,
remote dirt road in Utah.      south of Interstate 70.                   on foot and by helicopter           making criminal threats       White said. He is single and
Michael Cavallari, 30, lives   (Grand County Sheriff’s Office            but they have found no              Nov. 23. He bailed out of     has no kids.
in Southern California and                                               trace of Michael Caval-             jail Nov. 25.                 Kristin Cavallari rose to
was arrested on an alle-                                        via AP)  lari. It’s difficult to find foot-  He was arrested outside       fame in the mid-2000s
gation of making threats                                                 prints in the frozen ground,        Dana Point City Hall with a   when she appeared in the
there Nov. 23, authorities     driving by himself, though                he added. Temperatures in           loaded shotgun following a    MTV reality series “Laguna
said Monday.                   it’s unclear where he was                 the area have been at or            report from a woman who       Beach” and “The Hills.” She
Four days later, a rancher     going, authorities said. He               below freezing every night          called the sheriff’s depart-  and Cutler have three chil-
found Cavallari’s car with                                               since the car was found up          ment to say he had been       dren together.
its engine on and the air                                                against a small embank-             outside her apartment with    On Monday, Kristin Ca-
bag deployed in Utah,                                                    ment.                               a shotgun, according to a     vallari posted a photo
Grand County Sheriff Ste-                                                There were no signs of foul         police report.                on Instagram of her and
ven White said. It was                                                   play.                               The unnamed woman             her brother as kids at the
about 200 miles south of                                                 Hours before his Honda              told deputies the two had     beach with a message
Salt Lake City and 5 miles                                               was discovered, Michael             argued days earlier, and      thanking people for their
south of Interstate 70, in                                               Cavallari — who lives in San        she was afraid because        thoughts and prayers.
a part of the state that’s                                               Clemente, California —              he kept returning to her      “We remain hopeful and I
home to several national                                                 stopped at a convenience            apartment. Police report-     will share any news that we
parks.                                                                   store about 60 miles away           ed smelling alcohol on Mi-    receive,” she wrote.
Cavallari apparently was                                                 and asked for directions to         chael Cavallari’s breath      Cutler starred collegiately
                                                                                                                                           at Vanderbilt and now
‘Brick City’ cast member shot dead in Newark, New Jersey                                                                                   plays for the Chicago Bears
                                                                                                                                           in the NFL. The 32-year-old
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A for-     Further details were not im-              ark, first aired in 2009. The       dren from a few different     said little Sunday when
mer gang member turned         mediately released, includ-               couple were also featured           women. He had lots of love    asked about whether the
anti-violence activist who     ing what type of weapon                   along with their children in        to give. The street caught    situation with his missing
was featured in “Brick         was used or how many as-                  a follow-up Pivot TV docu-          up with him.”                 brother-in-law was a factor
City,” a Sundance Chan-        sailants may have been in-                mentary series, “Jersey             Evans’ story line focused     in his team’s loss.
nel documentary series set     volved.                                   Strong.”                            on how he went from be-       “No,” Cutler said. “We
in New Jersey’s largest city,  Evans, a reformed Crips                   “It’s hard to extract yourself      ing an active gang mem-       stayed focused, and we
has been shot to death,        gang member known as                      from the level of violence in       ber to a mentor for at-risk   adjust better than any-
authorities said Tuesday.      Creep, was profiled in the                urban America,” said Mark           youth after he realized that  body.” Cutler’s head
Darel Evans, 33, was shot      Peabody award-winning                     Benjamin, who created               his friends were either get-  coach, John Fox, said
in Newark late Monday          TV series for turning his life            both shows along with part-         ting locked up in prison or   Monday he’s aware of the
night and was pronounced       around and for his relation-              ner Marc Levin. “As hard as         dying, with no real option    situation but doesn’t know
dead at the scene, Essex       ship with a woman from                    he tried, it caught up with         in between. “The senseless    much about it. Fox said the
County prosecutors said. A     the rival Bloods gang. The                him. He was writing, he was         violence of young black       franchise provides resourc-
motive for the shooting re-    series, which chronicles                  doing comedy and sketch-            men dying on the streets      es for players to deal with
mains under investigation,     city officials’ and residents’            es and he had different             of America is a sick, sick    off-field issues, including
they said.                     efforts to improve New-                   jobs. He had different chil-        situation,” Benjamin said.q   sports psychologists. q
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