Page 47 - MIN,TTC APRIL 8,2015
P. 47

PAGINA 16                                                                DIARIO  DIARANZON 8 APRIL 2015

THE MILL RESORT PRESENTS MARCO POLO. The Mill Re-                        seat and you WILL love the show!
sort & Suites continues to make improvements, says General Man-          JOHN MANSUR GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. I met John Man-
ager Sharitza Vrolijk, as she introduces Marco Polo, the former gar-     sur when I was soliciting adz for the year book of the International School
den restaurant now enclosed in glass and air-conditioned. Marco Polo     of Aruba, light-years away. Seguros Mansur came on board with a full page
restaurant serves breakfast every day, both buffet and a la carte and    ad, and we have been friends ever since. He was gentle, loving, apprecia-
is open for lunch and dinner. The lunch menu is new and delicious.       tive and kind, and most of all he was an awesome father, proud of his son,
Two specialty nights, a traditional Island BBQ on Wednesday and          and always sharing his amazement of his creative genius, Fernando, when
a Pasta Italiana night on Sunday, are both offered with live enter-      I met the family brunching or lunching together, always together. An active
tainment, in an all you can eat format. With renovated rooms and an      Rotarian since 1982, John belonged to many civic organization and gener-
upgraded restaurant Sharitza is happy to report that the resort is very  ously gave of his time, and his resources. Along the way he earned a royal
busy. Apparently, veteran Boy Maduro is now on the team, as sales        Dutch decoration, and island-wide respect, which showed in the long lines
and marketing consultant, and he makes sure every vacancy is filled,     wrapped around his home when people from all walks of life came to pres-
especially from the South American markets, which are his specialty.     ent their condolences to Marjory, Fernando, and little Shila, who read a
Also on board Conny Kiers, and John Samson, at the front desk and        poem for her opa at the memorial. May John Mansur rest in peace.
the food & Beverage department respectively, which is very effective,    MINI WENT TO DOG HEAVEN. My little dog of sixteen years went to
because all Sharitza needs, is a little help from her good friends.      dog heaven last week, on April’s Fools Day, not a good joke. A few days
ERIC WENTE, A DOWN TO EARTH CELEBRITY. Over the                          before, she stopped eating, apparently her kidneys and liver malfunctioned,
last years Eric Wente has personally helped raise a significant amount   and from then on, all she wanted to do it rest, sleep, her head lying on her
of money for charity on the island. He does that by partnering each      front paws, praying for the big dog in the sky to take her. Could I have
year with the Ellis family of Papiamento restaurant fame and Govert      done anything differently? Could we have kept her among the living for
V/D Hout and the Arion Wine Company. Together they present a             some more time? When the vet came into the office with the final needle,
detail-oriented golf tournament, which is meticulously organized and     the liquid he injected into her IV bubbled, and her head slumped, just like
superbly attended. This year the organization included three excel-      that, in one split second. We built her a comfy afterlife nest, and I will plant
lent events, a cocktail party, great golf and an award ceremony and      wild-colored Magdalena flowers on top. Her life was very good and joyful,
Eric Wente was the star anchor of all three, ever-present, shaking       and I will think about her every time I watch TV, in the late evening hours.
hands, engaging in conversations, and in general present in the here-    She especially loved Anderson Cooper.
and-now. As the Chairman of the Board at Wente Vineyard he also          JEMM REVIVALS. Fans of the iconic band congregated at Casibari and
serves as the brand ambassador, and tirelessly crisscrosses the world    Chaos cafe for an encore of the musical ensemble that used to rock the
to promote his palate-pleasing, quality wines. Wente Vineyard, he is     funky Cellar Bar with its peeling, bruised yellow walls, while we hung out
happy to explain, California’s oldest, continuously operated, family-    throwing B-52s back, more than 20 years ago. The band got together in
owned winery, is lead today by the fourth and fifth generations of the   1993, and played thru the Millennium. Mirugia de Cuba, Eric Jan Eman,
Wente family, marking its 132nd anniversary. Promise you’ll try their    Martin Buitenweg, Jose Herrera, were the core, the founding fathers and
well-liked Chardonnays, Cabernet Sauvignons, Merlots or Sauvignon        mothers, together with the original M, Monique Moon Baker, who later
Blancs, in the near future?! The brand deserves our support.             came back for the Jazz Festival, as a professional singer. Then many people
VALE CROES WAS ALWAYS A GREAT SOURCE OF HILARI-                          came and went, some memorable -- Hildward Croes, some not, until baby
TY. Comedian Vale Croes was born with a romantic name, Rudolph           Jeremy Bonarriba settled in as the band’s drummer. Originally, they had
Valentino, which by itself is very funny when you looked at his body     none, and Jose multi-tasked and operated a drum machine. Patrick Ber-
language, his rotund shape, his trimmed moustache, and the glasses/      nasco was the bar manager working for Joop Rooijakkers. We were all
hats he used as accessories, comfortably sitting on stage, slowly and    young and gorgeous back then, and Eric Jan laughs a little when he notices
deliberately recounting twisted tales, focusing on respectful and not    how much older we are now. For the Jemm revival, the band was joined by
so respectful episodes regarding imaginary local personalities. Ev-      Dave Cousins, Jairo Alvardo, and others, remembering the good ol’ times.
erything about his pronunciation, his diction and accent was funny,      Eric Jan also laughs a little more when he thinks about the band’s musical
and he used his voice expertly, to mesmerize audiences. To this day,     root as Trio Herrera, and the Coco Loco band. Like fitting a round peg in a
he is the only person from Aruba to have enjoyed a lifelong career as    square hole, he says, we couldn’t deliver Coco Loco, the audience wanted
a standup comedian, with his own one man show, in several editions       JEMM, and that we delivered very well.
over many years, commanding attention by the way he moved his
hands and twitched his brows. He started as a singer, I understand
with Sensation del Caribe, and told jokes to band members between
breaks, from there he continued to spin his story-telling abilities
through the Antillean islands and the Netherlands, giving people a
break, an escape from their ordinary life, by mean of laughter, and
slapstick. Family members were planning a tribute show this sum-
mer for his wedding anniversary, but did not make it. Very much like
Charlie Chaplin, Vale Croes was a comic actor, an all around artist,
and a talented musician. I don’t want to hear that you don’t like my
materials, he used to lecture ticket holders, you paid Awg 25 for your
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