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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Tuesday 27 december 2022

            Western N.Y. death toll rises to 27 from cold, storm chaos

            By CAROLYN THOMPSON                                                                                                 described  the  heartbreak-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing  task  of  retrieving  storm
            BUFFALO,  N.Y.  (AP)  —  The                                                                                        victims  from  cars,  homes
            death  toll  from  a  Buffalo-                                                                                      and streets.
            area  blizzard  rose  to  27  in                                                                                    "Our police officers are hu-
            western New York, authori-                                                                                          man.  It  is  painful  to  find
            ties said Monday, as the re-                                                                                        members of your communi-
            gion reeled from one of the                                                                                         ty that are deceased," the
            worst  weather-related  di-                                                                                         mayor  said,  adding  that
            sasters in its history. Much of                                                                                     the  blizzard's  victims  "were
            the rest of the United States                                                                                       trying  to  walk  out  during
            was hit by ferocious winter                                                                                         storm  conditions,  got  dis-
            conditions.                                                                                                         oriented and passed away
            Those  who  lost  their  lives                                                                                      out in the street."
            around Buffalo were found                                                                                           In a nearby home, Shahida
            in  cars,  homes  and  snow-                                                                                        Muhammad  told  WKBW
            banks.  Some  died  while                                                                                           that  an  outage  knocked
            shoveling   snow,    others                                                                                         out power to her 1-year-old
            when  emergency  crews                                                                                              son's  ventilator.  She  and
            could  not  respond  in  time                                                                                       the  child's  father  manually
            to medical crises. The storm                                                                                        administered  breaths  from
            is  blamed  for  at  least  50                                                                                      Friday  until  Sunday  when
            deaths  nationwide,  with                                                                                           rescuers  saw  her  desper-
            rescue and recovery efforts                                                                                         ate social media posts and
            ongoing Monday.                                                                                                     came to their aid.
            Erie County Executive Mark                                                                                          Erie  County  officials  said
            Poloncarz  described  the                                                                                           they  went  to  the  family's
            blizzard as "the worst storm                                                                                        home Saturday but that no
            probably  in  our  lifetime"                                                                                        one came to the door. Mu-
            and warned there may be                                                                                             hammad  said  they  were
            more dead. Some people,                                                                                             there but thankfully her son
            he noted, were stranded in   This photo provided by the Twitter page of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, snow from this weekends   was doing well despite the
            their cars for more than two   blizzard covers downtown Buffalo on Monday, Dec. 26, 2022.          Associated Press   ordeal.  She  described  him
            days.                                                                                                               as "a fighter."
            "It's  just  a  horrible  situation                                                                                 The storm also knocked out
            that we can see sort of the                                                                                         power in communities from
            light at the end of the tun-  reaching  residents  in  frigid  strong  storm  —  has  weak-  Based on FlightAware data,  Maine to Seattle. The mid-
            nel.  But  this  is  not  the  end  homes and stuck cars.  ened.  It  developed  near  airports  all  across  the  U.S.  Atlantic  grid  operator  had
            yet,"  he  said  Monday.  The  With  many  grocery  stores  the Great Lakes, stirring up  were suffering from cancel-  called for its 65 million con-
            National  Weather  Service  in  the  Buffalo  area  closed  blizzard  conditions,  includ-  lations  and  delays,  includ-  sumers to conserve energy
            said  Monday  that  up  to  9  and driving bans in place,  ing heavy winds and snow.   ing  Denver,  Atlanta,  Las  amid the freeze Saturday.
            more  inches  of  snow  (23  some  people  pleaded  on  Extreme weather stretched  Vegas,  Seattle,  Baltimore  Storm-related  deaths  were
            centimeters)  could  fall  in  social media for donations  from the Great Lakes near  and Chicago.                  reported all over the coun-
            some  areas  through  Tues-  of food and diapers.         Canada,  down  to  the  Rio  "This  blizzard  is  one  for  the  try, from six motorists killed in
            day.                         The ferocity of the whiteout  Grande  along  the  border  ages. Certainly, it is the bliz-  crashes  in  Missouri,  Kansas
            Scientists  say  the  climate  conditions  tested  an  area  with Mexico. About 60% of  zard  of  the  century,"  New  and Kentucky to a woman
            change  crisis  may  have  accustomed  to  punishing  the  U.S.  population  faced  York  Gov.  Kathy  Hochul  who  fell  through  Wisconsin
            contributed  to  the  inten-  snow.                       some sort of winter weath-   said  Monday  after  touring  river ice and a deadly Kan-
            sity of the storm. That's be-  "It  doesn't  matter  if  you  er advisory or warning, and  the aftermath in her home-  sas homeless camp fire.
            cause the atmosphere can  had  1,000  more  pieces  temperatures  plummeted  town  of  Buffalo,  where  In               Jackson,   Mississippi,
            carry  more  water  vapor,  of  equipment  and  10,000  drastically  below  normal  almost  every  fire  truck  be-  crews struggled Monday to
            which  acts  as  fuel,  said  personnel, there's still noth-  from  east  of  the  Rocky  came stranded Saturday.   get water through the cap-
            Mark  Serreze,  director  of  ing  you  could  have  done  Mountains  to  the  Appala-  She noted the storm came  ital city's beleaguered wa-
            the National Snow and Ice  in  that  period.  It  was  that  chians.                   a  little  over  a  month  after  ter system, authorities said.
            Data Center at the Univer-   bad," Poloncarz, the coun-   Some  2,085  domestic  and  the  region  was  inundat-    Many  areas  had  no  water
            sity of Colorado, Boulder.   ty  official,  said.  "I  know  it's  international  flights  were  ed  with  another  "historic"  or  low  water  pressure.  On
            Victor Gensini, a meteorol-  hard for people to believe  canceled  on  Monday  as  snowfall.  Between  the  two  Christmas  Day,  residents
            ogy  professor  at  Northern  but it was like looking at a  of  about  noon  EDT,  ac-  storms,  snowfall  totals  are  were told to boil their drink-
            Illinois  University,  likened  a  white wall for 14 to 18 hours  cording  to  the  tracking  not  far  off  from  the  95.4  ing water due to water lines
            single weather event to an  straight."                    site  FlightAware.  The  site  inches  the  area  normally  bursting  in  the  frigid  tem-
            "at-bat" — and the climate  Relief  is  coming  this  week,  said   Southwest   Airlines  sees in an entire winter sea-  peratures.
            as your "batting average."   though,  as  forecasts  call  had 1,253 cancellations —  son.                          "The  issue  has  to  be  sig-
            "It's  hard  to  say,"  Serreze  for  temperatures  to  slowly  nearly  a  third  of  its  sched-  The  National  Weather  Ser-  nificant  leaks  in  the  sys-
            said.  "But  are  the  dice  a  rise,  said  Ashton  Robinson  uled flights and about five  vice said the snow total at  tem  that  we  have  yet  to
            little bit loaded now? Abso-  Cook, a meteorologist with  times as many as any other  the  Buffalo  Niagara  Inter-  identify,"  the  city  said  in  a
            lutely."                     the  National  Weather  Ser-  major U.S. carrier. An email  national  Airport  stood  at  statement Monday. City of-
            The  blizzard  roared  across  vice.                      sent  to  Southwest  was  not  49.2  inches  (1.25  meters)  ficials say the problems af-
            western  New  York  Friday  "Nothing like what we had  immediately  returned  and  at  10  a.m.  Monday.  Offi-     fect "many areas" of Jack-
            and  Saturday  —  strand-    last week," Cook said add-   the  Dallas-based  airline  cials said the airport would  son  but  haven't  said  how
            ing   motorists,   knocking  ing that the bomb cyclone  hadn't updated its website  be  shut  through  Tuesday  many residents are without
            out  power  and  prevent-    — when atmospheric pres-     about the conditions since  morning.                      water.q
            ing emergency crews from  sure drops very quickly in a  Saturday.                      Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown
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