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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 27 december 2022

            U.N. official, Taliban minister meet on Afghan women

            NGO ban

            KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) —
            The top U.N. official in Kabul
            met with a Taliban govern-
            ment  minister  in  Afghani-
            stan's  capital  on  Monday,
            following a decision by the
            country's  new  rulers  to  bar
            women  from  working  for
            non-governmental     orga-
            nizations,  the  U.N.  mission
            said.  The  ban  has  already
            prompted  four  major  in-
            ternational  aid  agencies
            to  suspend  operations  in
            Afghanistan,  raising  the
            possibility  that  millions  of
            people  will  be  left  without
            food,  education,  health
            care and other critical ser-
            vices during the harsh win-  The  acting  head  of  the  U.N.  Mission  in  Afghanistan,  Ramiz  Alakbarov,  meets  with  the  Taliban
            ter months.                  government’s economy minister, Qari Din Mohammed Hanif, in the Afghan capital, Kabul, on
            Humanitarian officials have   Monday, Dec. 26, 2022, following a decision by authorities to bar women from working at national
            warned     that   excluding   and international NGOs in the country.
            women from NGO work will                                                                           Associated Press
            have  catastrophic  conse-   correctly. Hanif at the time  about  the  meeting.  The  mittee, the Norwegian Ref-
            quences for the population  said  that  any  organiza-    Economy  Ministry  spokes-   ugee  Council  and  CARE
            by  depriving  them  of  life-  tion  found  not  complying  man,   Abdul   Rahman  have  been  providing  es-
            saving assistance.           with  the  order  will  have  its  Habib, told The Associated  sential services and support
            The  measure  —  the  latest  license revoked.            Press  the  meeting  was  ar-  amid  plummeting  living
            in  restrictions  on  women's  The U.N. mission in Afghani-  ranged  after  Hanif  issued  conditions.
            rights  and  freedoms  in  stan said in a tweet that its  the NGO order.               Islamic Relief said its female
            Afghanistan  —  was  an-     acting  head,  Ramiz  Alak-  The  four  aid  agencies  staff were vital in providing
            nounced  on  Saturday  by  barov,  met  with  Hanif  on  stopped  their  operations  essential  healthcare,  food
            Qari Din Mohammed Hanif,  Monday  and  called  for  a  in Afghanistan, saying they  and  supporting  widows
            the  Taliban  economy  min-  reversal of the ban.         could not effectively reach  and orphans. It is temporar-
            ister. It was imposed alleg-  "Millions  of  Afghans  need  people in desperate need  ily  suspending  non-lifesav-
            edly because some female  humanitarian        assistance  without  their  female  work-  ing activities in Afghanistan
            NGO employees in Afghan-     and  removing  barriers  is  force.                       because  of  the  ban,  al-
            istan were not wearing the  vital,"  the  U.N.  said,  with-  Save  the  Children,  the  In-  though its lifesaving health
            Islamic headscarf, or hijab,  out  providing  more  details  ternational  Rescue  Com-  care will continue. q

            China sends 71 warplanes, 7 ships toward Taiwan in 24 hours

            TAIPEI,  Taiwan  (AP)  —  Chi-  ary once tacitly accepted  U.S.  defense  spending  bill,  and stability across the Tai-
            na's military sent 71 planes  by both sides, according to  which calls China a strate-  wan Strait. We will continue
            and  seven  ships  toward  Taiwan's Ministry of Nation-   gic challenge. With regard  to assist Taiwan in maintain-
            Taiwan in a 24-hour display  al Defense.                  to  the  Indo-Pacific  region,  ing a sufficient self-defense
            of  force  directed  at  the  Among  the  planes  China  the  legislation  authorizes  capability  in  line  with  our
            self-ruled  island,  Taiwan's  sent  towards  Taiwan  were  increased  security  coop-  long-standing    commit-
            Defense Ministry said Mon-   18  J-16  fighter  jets,  11  J-1  eration with Taiwan and re-  ments  and  consistent  with
            day, after China expressed  fighters, 6 Su-30 fighters and  quires expanded coopera-   our one-China policy."
            anger  at  Taiwan-related  drones. Taiwan said it moni-   tion  with  India  on  emerg-  China's  military  has  often
            provisions i n a U.S. annual  tored  the  Chinese  moves  ing  defense  technologies,  used  large  military  exer-
            defense spending bill.       through its land-based mis-  readiness and logistics.     cises  as  a  demonstration
            China's military harassment  sile systems, as well as on its  In  Washington,  an  official  of force in response to U.S.
            of Taiwan, which it claims is  own navy vessels.          of  the  White  House  Na-   government actions in sup-
            its  own  territory,  has  inten-  "This is a firm response to the  tional Security Council said  port of Taiwan.
            sified  in  recent  years,  and  current U.S.-Taiwan escala-  China's   military   activity  It conducted large live-fire
            the Communist Party's Peo-   tion and provocation," said  near  Taiwan  was  "destabi-  military  exercises  in  August
            ple's  Liberation  Army  has  Shi  Yi,  the  spokesman  for  lizing,  risks  miscalculations,  in  response  to  U.S.  House
            sent planes or ships toward  the  PLA's  Eastern  Theater  and  undermines  regional  Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit
            the  island  on  a  near-daily  Command, in a statement  peace and stability."         to  Taiwan.  Beijing  views
            basis.                       on  Sunday  night.  It  an-  The  official,  who  was  not  visits  from  foreign  govern-
            Between  6  a.m.  Sunday  nounced that the PLA was  authorized to be identified  ments  to  the  island  as  de
            and 6 a.m. Monday, 47 of  holding  joint  combat  pa-     and  commented  on  con-     facto recognition of the is-
            the Chinese planes crossed  trols  and  joint  strike  drills  in  dition  of  anonymity,  said:  land as independent and a
            the  median  of  the  Taiwan  the waters around Taiwan.   "The  United  States  has  an  challenge to China's claim
            Strait,  an  unofficial  bound-  Shi  was  referring  to  the  abiding  interest  in  peace  of sovereignty.q
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