Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

                                                                                                           local Tuesday 18 July 2023
            Aruba’s most family-friendly beaches

            (Oranjestad)—One  of  the                                                                                           of  the  best  beaches  for
            biggest concerns that par-                                                                                          your  children  to  play  and
            ents  have  when  travelling                                                                                        build sand castles.
            with their children is a guar-
            antee  of  their  safety  and                                                                                       Boca Catalina in Malmok
            healthy  enjoyment.  There-                                                                                         Boca Catalina is a small bay
            fore,  we  thought  it  would                                                                                       beach  near  the  Malmok
            be  a  great  help  to  travel-                                                                                     beach  area  further  down
            ling parents to list off some                                                                                       the  hotel  areas.  Though  it
            the  most  family-friendly                                                                                          may  not  be  a  very  sandy
            beaches around the island.                                                                                          beach,  it  is  relatively  quiet
                                                                                                                                and tranquil. This is a great
            Baby Beach in San Nicolas                                                                                           place for family to lay down
            Baby Beach is one Aruba’s                                                                                           a  big  blanket  and  have  a
            most  popular  and  visited                                                                                         little picnic. This is also one
            beaches, and for good rea-                                                                                          of the best places to snor-
            son:  This  sandy  and  quiet                                                                                       kel, as this area is filled with
            lagoon is a great place for                                                                                         little  fish  and  corals,  even
            parents to sit back and re-                                                                                         close to the shore.
            lax while their children play
            in the shallow shores of the                                                                                        Palm Island
            beach. Beside the relaxing  in  the  back  streets  of  the  set  up  their  belongings.  In  most  of  our  visitors  go  to  Ok,  this  one  is  technically
            atmosphere, there are also  Pos  Chiquito  city.  Though  this  area,  the  shore  is  also  tan,  swim  or  play  in  the  not  a  beach,  but  a  must-
            several  services  that  may  there  are  several  stairs  on  shallow, falling right around  white  sand.  Because  they  visit attraction for family fun.
            accommodate  your  stay,  the sides of the beach cliff  your  knee  before  slowly  are  near  the  low-rise  and  This small water park oasis is
            like  a  parking  lot,  sun  tent  leading you down, the best  getting deeper: perfect for  high-rise hotel areas, these  located  further  down  the
            rentals,  chairs,  bathrooms  spot  for  families  to  hang  kids to safely play.      beaches are the most ac-     Mangel  Halto  Beach  and
            and  a  snack  bar  right  at  out  is  across  the  bridge,                           cessible for visitors on foot.  is  reachable  by  boat.  This
            the far left of the beach.   passed the mangrove trees  Eagle  Beach/Palm  Beach  These  beaches  also  offer  water park offers 6 hours of
                                         near  the  entrance  sign.  in the hotel area             many palapas free to use,  fun  activities,  food,  drinks,
            Mangel Halto in              Here,  there  are  small  and  Yet another highly popular  but you can also rent chairs  and a chance to see pink
            Pos Chiquito                 big  palapas,  perfect  for  beach  site,  Eagle  Beach  and  tents.  Much  like  Baby  flamingoes up close!q
            Mangel  Halto  is  situated  big  and  small  families  to  and  Palm  Beach  is  where  Beach, these sites are one

            The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history

            (Oranjestad)—The  Bushiri-   ther search, and the assign-  Over  the  years,  conces-  involved grinding the rocks  the Bushiribana Gold Mill.
            bana Gold Mill Ruins is one  ment was  discontinued by  sion-holding  had  seen  dif-  and  letting  the  dust  be  The  gold  mill  itself  had  a
            of  the  most  visited  places  Printz himself.           ferent   companies    from  blown  away  by  the  strong  short life-span: only 10 years
            by  tourists  on  the  island,                            around  the  world,  all  of  northeast  wind,  leaving  in  service,  but  its  structure
            as  it  lies  along  the  north-  It wasn’t until 100 years lat-  which used primitive meth-  clumps of gold behind. The  remained relatively solid till
            ern coast line near the mini  er,  in  1824,  when  a  young  ods  to  dig  and  carve  out  next  step  was  melting  the  this  day,  and  is  now  a  his-
            pool and on the way to the  boy  found  a  lump  of  gold  gold from the rocks. Aruba  gold  and  letting  it  attach  torical remnant.
            Natural  Bridge.  Despite  its  while  out  herding  his  fa-  Island Gold Mining Compa-  to  quicksilver  in  order  to
            seemingly  plain  appear-    ther’s sheep. His father took  ny Ltd. was no different, but  obtain pure gold. All these    Sources: Etnia Nativa &
            ance,  this  ruin  represents  it to a local merchant who  used a unique method that  processes  were  done  at   
            one  of  the  most  important  then sold the lump for $70.
            histories  of  the  island:  The  Unbeknownst  to  the  boy
            Aruban Gold Rush.            and  his  father,  they  quite
                                         literally  struck  gold,  and
            Built in 1872 by English com-  as  word  got  out,  a  gold
            pany  Aruba  Island  Gold  fever  spread  among  the
            Mining  Company  Ltd,  the  locals  who  started  search-
            gold  mill  at  Bushiribana  ing for more gold. About 25
            was  constructed  in  the  pounds worth was found.
            area where most gold was
            found  by  locals.  The  story  At the same time, the Aru-
            of  gold  on  Aruba  actually  ban   government    took
            dates  back  to  1725,  when  immediate  actions,  and
            a  first  exploration  for  gold  informed  Curacao  that
            on the island was commis-    gold  was  found.  At  first,
            sioned  by  the  Dutch  West  everyone  could  look  for
            India Company. Under the  gold,  as  long  as  they  sold
            leadership  of  Mr.  Paulus  it to the government. How-
            Printz,  a  three-year  search  ever,  after  some  time,  the
            was conducted on Aruba,  government  decided  to
            to  no  avail.  Though  they  implement stricter rules and
            found  some  gold,  it  was  banned  local  search  par-
            enough  to  motivate  a  fur-  ties.
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