Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 29 November 2024

             Aruba to me

             ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  its  affiliated  companies  to                                                            where  I  walk  the  three
             back and we would like to  use  said  materials,  as  well                                                         miles  every  day  it  doesn’t
             portrait you! By inviting you  as names, likeness, etc. for                                                        rain. Surfside Beach, where
             to send us your favorite va-  promotional purposes with-                                                           I  watch  the  planes  arrive
             cation picture while enjoy-  out compensation.                                                                     right overhead.
             ing our Happy Island.       Last  but  not  least:  check
                                         out our website, Instagram                                                             My son Austin is an accom-
             Complete  the  sentence:  and       Facebook     page!                                                             plished  chef.  We  live  at
             Aruba  to  me  is  …….  Send  Thank  you  for  supporting                                                          Super  Foods,  C  Mart  and
             your  picture  with  that  text  our  free  newspaper,  we                                                         SaveMore. We cook like lo-
             (including  your  name  and  strive to make you a happy                                                            cals.
             where  you  are  from)  to:  reader every day again.
     For  today  we  received  a                                                                   This  is  a  month  away  from
             and  we  will  publish  your  lovely  message  from  Beth                                                          the craziness of our Ameri-
             vacation   memory.    Isn’t  Ellyn Rosenthal.                                                                      can  lives.  We  give  thanks
             that a special way to keep                                                                                         this American Thanksgiving
             your  best  moments  alive?  She  wrote  to  us  saying:                                                           for Aruba.
             Please do note: By submit-  “What  Aruba  means  to  1989.  I  have  come  every  come  back  to  MY  happy
             ting photos, text or any oth-  me is azure blue tranquility  year except for pandemic  island.  I  love  the  sparking  Thank you for sending us this
             er  materials,  you  give  per-  away from a crazy world.  2020.  But  I  came  twice  in  blue-green  waters  where  wonderful message sharing
             mission to The Aruba Today                               2021! That’s 35 years.       I  exercise  daily.  The  soft  what Aruba means to you
             Newspaper,     Caribbean  I  bought  my  timeshare  at                                white sand, where I read a  with us and our readers!
             Speed  Printers  and  any  of  Caribbean  Palm  Village  in  I count the days until I can  book.  Malmok  Boardwalk,
            Anniversary lunch celebrates Playa Linda’s tremendously talented


             PALM  BEACH  -  All  year                                rience  at  Playa  Linda  are   celebrated   twenty-five-  nary and makes it easy to
             round,  Playa  Linda  Beach                              Jeff  Gario,  July  Catachun-  year veterans Maria Matos  understand how Playa Lin-
             Resort  receives  rave  re-                              ga, Aida Keyter and Ingrid   and  Santo  Rodriguez,  and  da Beach Resort creates a
             views  for  the  high  level  of                         Camacho.                     marking  an  incredible  35-  truly  personalized  stay  for
             guest  care  offered  by  its                            A  decade  in,  valued  em-  year anniversary are Maira  its  members  and  guests.
             tremendously talented and                                ployees  marking  10  years   Ridderstaat  and  Jolanda  A  feeling  of  family  among
             dedicated  associates.  It  is                           are  Mario  Tromp,  Reidson   Roza.                       employees,  and  shared
             for  this  reason  thatthe  Re-                          Costa,  Aldrick  Krozendijk   The  years  of  experience  with  visitors,  grows  expo-
             sort’s  annual  “thanksgiv-                              and Laura Wever Sanchez.     represented    among    all  nentially with each passing
             ing”  celebration  provides   At thethree-year mark, Pla-  At  twelve  years,  special   employees, among the full  year  and  each  individual
             well-deserved   apprecia-   ya Linda honored relatively   appreciation  goes  to  Al-  range of departments and  work anniversary.
             tion  for  its  hospitality  pro-  new, but no less important   demarNuñez  and  Sulaika   career  levels,  is  extraordi-
             fessionals  marking  a  work   employees  Misnelly  Mad-  Kelly.
             anniversary, not only on ev-  uro  Rojas,  Celia  Douglas,   As a true testament to how
             ery five-year mark, but also   Jaidivy Estrada Lozano and   a  quality  vacation  experi-
             by each three-year period   Sherlise Giel.               ence grows out of a quality
             from three to twelve years.   The  largest  category  this   work environment, the Pla-
             Expanding  the  anniversary   year  are  those  employees   ya  Linda  honored  several
             categories was only appro-  marking  five  years  with   employees  that  fall  within
             priate in recognition of the   the  Playa  Linda,  including   the upper range of the five-
             level  at  which  individual   Adriano  Sanao,  Mitchel   year  increments  of  work
             contributions  have  result-  van Gool, Junior Lawrence,   anniversaries.  At  15  years
             edin  Playa  Linda’s  unique   Gina Adonis, Rafael Lacle,   is  Jomar  Abian,  and  at  20
             family  feel  and  itsability  to   Etleen Peterson and Rosan-  years are Nigaima Ascenc-
             deliver an overall, excellent   na Luperon.              ion and Pedro Partidas. Im-
             vacation experience.        With  seven  years  of  expe-  pressively, Playa Linda also
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