Page 22 - KPA MARCH 3,2015
P. 22

PAGINA 40                                                           DIARIO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DIAMARS 3 MAART 2015

Homber a hinca botter di Jose Cuervo den tas y sali sin paga

ORANJESTAD (AAN)- Di-               E caso aki a sosode na Hong
adomingo mainta un homber
cu supuestamente ya ta cono-        Wing Supercenter N.V. na
ci pa polis a pasa man pa un
botter di Jose Cuervo y sali        Boegoeroei. Henter e suce-
bay for di e chines sin paga.
                                    dido a wordo capta ariba ca-
                                    maranan sofistica cu e super-
                                    mercado tin y a ripara tambe

Oracion pa awe:
Cristu Hesus, calma mi hamber y sasia
mi set pa medio di bo Curpa y Sanger cu
mi ta tuma yen di fe.

Specialista den seguro di entiero    Presenta pa:                                                        GARAGE SALE
                                     (297) 582-4427
                                                                          Pa motibo di viahe ta bende
                                                                                                           hopi articulos di cas nevera,
                                                                                                            camas, muebles, comedor,

                                                                                                                printer y mucho mas.
                                                                                                                 Informa: 560-9283

                                                                                                         adres Dividivistraat. # 8 Dakota.

“ Ihave fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have       TA HUURSeñor ta mi wardador, mi n’ tin falta di nada.
kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of
                                                                    Den cunucu di yerba berde E ta pone mi sosega.
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give       E ta hiba mi naawatrankil pa mi boulbneAhpaayratmfoernstas. itua riba e
                                                                    Salmo: 23                            hoofdweg di Sta. Cruz.
to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have                                           Incl. Cable. Excl. Awa, coriente
                                                                    TA BUSCACbfaouyleuhcnoitpmaidterndistioteDizniaeo,sspp, eenrroáoscdotiannpfooasrrmtmiceaipmcauay,auymngaap: sa5.r9eP2ha-a1u.7nP60ape/mr5sa9os3ni-an8f9oo9f. 8.
loved His appearing”.2 Timothy 4:7-8
                                                                    wela, bisawelay rumanstimá:
With great sadness, yet with thankful hearts we
the family announce the passing from this life                           Dionisia Koolman Urgentement Casnan pa
into the next:                                                      Mihor conoci como “Canisia”exehutivonan cu ta labora na
                                                                    *9-10-1928             †26-2-2015    Aeropuerto den area di Santa
  Henry Daniel Gravenbeek                                                                                 Cruz, Oranjestad, Mahuma,
                                                                                                         HoMoofCrguemnsatnear,,  Tarabana, Pavia,
   Sunrise: 10-09-1945 Sunset: 27-02-2015                           Yiunan:  Jeanette (Nelly)  van                               Wayaca Residence.
  Better know as” Pa, Opa, Graffie, Meneer,

             Brother Henry & Pops”
 He was Pastor of life restoration church and

      also a former teacher of Graf van Zinzendorf School.

Left behind are his:                                                         Carla (Riesje) van HoofMyesJtuenr tyaAcodmapmleutasment muebla
Wife: Agnes Gravenbeek                                              Nieto y  nietanan:                   y si tin pool    best. Nos por huur bo
                                                                    Timmy    (Tim) Visser  y  Patricia                    biaha. Cel: 600-6887.
                                                                                                         Ecalasnpdabo di
                                                                    TA HUURDionisia (Janisia) Visser y Marcus (Marco) de Keijzer
Ruth and Myrtel Foort-Wondel (Netherlands)                          Dionisia van Hoof
Marcha and Julton Gatewood (USA)                                    CBNGaiarsertalhgonaoinEreytcEokEcmyckkmbemyieseyearynereieM†rtDaincahaannel:VleisVseisrsCeAyrapAfystupgBmlBltr.oaumuSenbeugndabeoillNibaeA2lcraAfollb.sfeA1ld..i.1fr23l1m..012bb0..0d,8d,0r-10rm,m0+-b,+t-gdbhr+eduabpenndu.pidetn.aipit.ya

Grandchildren: Chino, Vacarra, Gabriella and Daniel.                                     Robbin Visser Apt. Sn Ncls. 1 bdrm                                                                                                                                                                                      con e homber a yega caha cu
                                                                                         Ryan de KeijzeArfl.850,- + dep. Cel: 600-6887.                                                                                                                                                                          un muher, pero e no a paga
Brother & Sisters: MelitaGravenbeek                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              pa e botter di Jose Cuervo cu
                        Nesta Faverus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            el a hinca den su tas. Doño
                        Christine Gravenbeek                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     di e supermercado ta pidi e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 homber aki, cu su potret a
                        Eduard Gravenbeek                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        wordo capta ariba camera, pa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 pasa paga su debe sin falta of
                        Celita Gravenbeek                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        e ta entrega keho na recher-
                        Esseline Gravenbeek                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      E doño a bisa cu mayoria di
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 supermercadonan awor tin
Nieces & nephews, cousins: Too numerous to mention.                                TA BUSCAJason de Keijzer                                                                                                                                                                                                      cameranan sofistica cu ta
In-Laws: Family Blokland, Tjauw-A-Hing, Krind, Hall, Godlieb                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     graba tur e movecionnan den
                                                                                   Josienne Henriquez                                                                                                                                                                                                            nan lugar y asina graba per-
and Faverus                                                                        Aziza van Hoof                                                                                                                                                                                                                sonanan cu ta drenta y bay cu
                                                                    †Gregorio y †RosRaluima Kanonoalnm:an-CArSpoSatsena.stvayaynCCearfutasaznm,,aSOniaasbdtaeadnn,aSPBnaarNasiodcreoarla,as, ,                                                                                                                   articulonan sin paga.
As Children:  Anna and Hibbert Folkes                               †Barbara y †Hose de Cuba-KoolmaTannyki Lfaeemnidaert, Noord, enz.
                                                                    ††EDsacnoilealstyic†aJoyse†fiJancainKtoooYlmaraznag-CarrbPaooayen-hsKturyaupobrafoocbauulomm..pLCeiaaaregnslao: n6nya0on0sfa-a6hnm8us8uie7rar.biooyccaus                                                                                        AIRCO
              Joy Barry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “Special” a servicio di airco.
              Charlotte Heemstadt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Split-unit pa solamente Awg.85,-
Godchildren: Joash, Chantel, Joshua and Jonathan, Gabriella,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     y Inverterpa solamente Awg.95,-.
Shekinah and Jonathan Gerard.                                       TA HUUR/SE ARRIENDA†Eugenia y †Alejo Geerman-Koolman y famia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Servicio liher y garantiza.
Beloved leaders and members of Prince of Life Restoration           †Juana y †Cupriano Croes-Koolman y famia
Church and Seed of Life Worship Center.                             Leoncita y †Miguel Vrolijk-Koolman y famia                                                                                                                                                                                                             Techniconan Certifica.

Families: Gravenbeek, Pengel, Pinas                                 †Bruno Koolman y †Flerida KoolCmaanm-Dbijekhronfaf ny fyamaiapts                                                                                                                                                                                    Cel: 740-7158 / 741-6210.
Our sincere apology goes to the family and friends names, we                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TA HUUR
may have forgotten in our grief.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       un apartament na Noord
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Alto Vista full muebla cu tin
The home going service will take place on Friday 6 March            TA CHAPIDemas famianan: Koolman, van Hoof, Visser, Eland,                                                                                                                                                                                         internet, airco, temporario
2015 at Seed of Life Worship Center Bernhard straat 185 in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Afl.300,- pa siman, prijs secial
San Nicolas. The viewing of the body will take place from 1:30      de Keijzer, Henriquez, Peña, Eckmeyer, Croes, de Cuba,
pm to 3:30 pm followed by a going home service.Mr. Henry            Yarzagaray, Geerman, Vrolijk, Dijkhoff, Rafini,                                                                                                                                                                                                       pa luna tur cos inclui.
will be taken to his last resting place at the central cemetery in  Schwengle.                           Nos ta haci tur sorto hardin                                                                                                                                                                                         Tel: 567-2624.

SabanaBasora                                                        TddeiasMipnuavaeirstta2pp0aa1eS5aanncattaoMndaisiaCeSnaattiogelrriaocdcoouanClayulorSnaatozuNvosmCanotnaeaspellautt:baig4ne5.a’n6obrEDt9roa-dinr8aseim0spuat0trsoaai3hjrnrssdia.ian3,fo.                                                      COANMSPTLRIAUCCICOINON

Address for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral Home                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Traha cas, apto, ampliacion di
Thursday 05 March 2015 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     interior y exterior, lanta cura,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    traha y drecha dak, pleister,
Regretfully we will not be able to receive any condolences after    TA HUURmortal di nos difunto stima lo ta reposa for di 2’or di
the funeral at home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     mosaico, engeneral.
                                                                    atardi den Misa.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Info.: 566-2242. BON PRIJS.
Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend               Dispensa nos si den nos tristezaAnpoasrtmpoernat pluabsidima aunn ooff dia
their most sincere condolences to the family.                       mas familiar.                        of luna full muebla serca
Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address or website

              f u n e r al h o m e      Van Rensselaerstraat 2                     f u n e r al h o m e
                                                                                                         Bon prijs. Pa mas o menos
                                     Family owned and operated

                                                                                                         4 persona den camber.
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