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              Wednesday 9 november 2022
            Election 2022: Turbulent campaign season comes to a close

                                                                                                                                crats  in  competitive  races
                                                                                                                                reluctant to campaign with
                                                                                                                                him. Only 43% of U.S. adults
                                                                                                                                said they approved of how
                                                                                                                                Biden is handling his job as
                                                                                                                                president, according to an
                                                                                                                                October  poll  by  The  Asso-
                                                                                                                                ciated  Press-NORC  Center
                                                                                                                                for Public Affairs Research.
                                                                                                                                Just 25% said then that the
                                                                                                                                country  is  headed  in  the
                                                                                                                                right direction.
                                                                                                                                Still,  Biden’s  allies  have  ex-
                                                                                                                                pressed  hope  that  voters
                                                                                                                                will reject Republicans who
                                                                                                                                have  contributed  to  an
                                                                                                                                extreme  political  environ-
                                                                                                                                Kevin Tolbert, a 49-year-old
                                                                                                                                who works in labor law and
                                                                                                                                lives  in  Southfield,  Michi-
                                                                                                                                gan,  said,  “It  is  something
                                                                                                                                that  has  to  be  protected
                                                                                                                                and  we  protect  that  by
                                                                                                                                voting  and  being  out  and
                                                                                                                                supporting our country.”
                                                                                                                                “It’s  a  fragile  space  that
                                                                                                                                we’re in. I think it’s really im-
                                                                                                                                portant  that  we  protect  it,
                                                                                                                                because we could end up
                                                                                                                                like  some  of  the  things  we
            Poll worker Alany Gonzalez sets up another voting booth in front of dryers at the Su Nueva Lavanderia near Chicago's Midway   saw  in  the  past  —  dicta-
            Airport Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, in Chicago.
                                                                                                               Associated Press  tors and such,” Tolbert said.
                                                                                                                                “We don’t need that.”
                                                                                                                                Michael  Dupigny,  83,  of
            Continued from Front         showed up in person to try  formally launching another  has  been  taken  away,”  Washington,  wasn’t  ex-
                                         and fix problems with their  bid for the White House dur-  said  Alexis  McGill  John-  pecting  issues,  but  went
            Republicans  are  betting  previously  cast  mail-in  bal-  ing a “very big announce-  son,  president  of  Planned  to cast his ballot in person,
            that  messaging  focused  lots.  But  officials  said  there  ment” in Florida next week.  Parenthood  Federation  of  saying  he  wanted  “to  see
            on  the  economy,  gas  was  still  time  to  reconcile  Voting  in  Palm  Beach,  America.                         what’s happening, with the
            prices  and  crime  will  reso-  those issues.            Florida, on Tuesday, Trump  “They  see  this  is  an  eco-  machines, with the people,
            nate  with  voters  at  a  time  In  Maricopa  County,  Ari-  predicted  that  Republi-  nomic issue, a health care  to  see  that  everything  is
            of  soaring  inflation  and  ris-  zona,  which  encompasses  cans would have “a great  issue, a freedom issue,” Mc-  working  well  at  the  voting
            ing  violence.  Ultimately,  Phoenix  and  is  the  state’s  night”  on  Tuesday  and  Gill  Johnson  added.  “And  station.”
            they’re confident that out-  largest,  officials  reported  that  the  upcoming  event  they’re enraged.”           Federal and state election
            rage stemming from the Su-   problems  with  vote-tabu-   “would be very exciting for  It’s  also  the  first  national  officials — and Trump’s own
            preme  Court’s  decision  to  lation  machines  in  about  a lot of people.” The former  election  since  the  Jan.  6  attorney  general  —  have
            eliminate  a  woman’s  con-  20% of voting places. There  president  has  endorsed  insurrection,  meaning  the  said  there  is  no  credible
            stitutional right to an abor-  were few instances of long  more than 300 candidates  country’s  very  democratic  evidence the 2020 election
            tion has faded and that the  lines  but  the  incident  fu-  in  the  midterm  cycle  and  future  is  in  question.  Some  was tainted. His allegations
            midterms  have  become  eled anger and skepticism  said  he  voted  for  Repub-        who  participated  in  —  or  of fraud were also roundly
            a  more  traditional  assess-  about voting that has been  lican  Ron  DeSantis,  who  is  were in the vicinity of — the  rejected  by  courts,  includ-
            ment of the president’s per-  growing  among  some  Re-   seeking his second term as  deadly  attack  are  poised  ing  by  judges  Trump  ap-
            formance.                    publicans  since  the  state  Florida’s  governor.  DeSan-  to  win  Tuesday,  including  pointed.  But  political  divi-
            “It  will  be  a  referendum  went  narrowly  for  Biden  in  tis is viewed as a potential  House  seats.  Lake,  the  Ari-  sions  that  have  smoldered
            on  the  incompetence  of  2020.                          leading GOP primary alter-   zona  gubernatorial  candi-  for  two  years  weren’t  on
            this administration,” Minne-  “They may be trying to slow  native  to  Trump  should  he  date,  and  GOP  hopefuls  display   everywhere   on
            sota  Republican  Rep.  Tom  a  red  tsunami,”  said  Kari  jump  into  the  2024  White  for secretary of state in her  Tuesday.
            Emmer,  who’s  running  the  Lake,  the  state’s  Republi-  House race, as is widely ex-  state  and  places  like  Ne-  Barbara  Brown,  76,  voted
            GOP  effort  to  retake  the  can  governor  candidate,  pected.  The  midterms  ar-   vada  and  Michigan  have  Tuesday  in  Chestertown,
            House, said of the election.  “but it’s coming.”          rive as the U.S. is emerging  refused  to  accept  the  re-  Maryland, east of the state
            Few major voting problems  If the GOP has an especial-    from  the  worst  of  the  CO-  sults of the 2020 presidential  capital  of  Annapolis,  and
            were    reported,   though  ly  strong  election,  winning  VID-19  pandemic  only  to  election.                   said  she  saw  Republican
            there  were  hiccups  typi-  Democrat-held congressio-    confront  sharp  economic  That  could  leave  them  and  Democratic  candi-
            cal  of  most  Election  Days.  nal seats in places like New  challenges.  The  Supreme  overseeing future elections  dates  standing  together,
            Some  tabulators  were  not  Hampshire  or  Washington  Court  stripped  away  the  in states that are often piv-   holding  their  campaign
            working  in  a  New  Jersey  state,  pressure  could  build  constitutional  right  to  an  otal in presidential contests.  signs,  “laughing  and  talk-
            county.  In  Philadelphia,  for  Biden  to  opt  against  abortion,  eliminating  pro-  With  only  rare  exceptions,  ing. I was blown away.”
            where     Democrats    are  reelection  in  2024.  Former  tections  that  had  been  in  the  president’s  party  loses  Brown noted that it was lo-
            counting on strong turnout,  President  Donald  Trump,  place for five decades.        seats  in  his  first  midterm.  cal  candidates  showing
            people complained about  meanwhile,  may  try  to  “People  recognize  that  And  Biden’s  lagging  ap-             political  civility,  “But  we’ll
            being turned away as they  capitalize on GOP gains by  this  fundamental  freedom  proval  left  many  Demo-        take what we can get.”q
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