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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 9 november 2022
            Pelosi says attack on husband weighs on her future plans

            By LISA MASCARO AP Con-      bludgeoned  11  days  be-
            gressional Correspondent     fore  the  election  by  an
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  intruder  authorities  said
            House  Speaker  Nancy  Pe-   broke into  the family's  San
            losi  said  Monday  the  bru-  Francisco and was looking
            tal attack on her husband  for the speaker before strik-
            will impact her decision on  ing  him  in  the  head  with
            whether to remain in Con-    a  hammer  at  least  once.
            gress  after  the  midterm  The intruder told police he
            election,  as  she  called  on  wanted to talk to Speaker
            Republicans  to  stop  the  Pelosi  and  would  "break
            misinformation  that  is  fuel-  her  kneecaps"  as  a  lesson
            ing  political  violence  and  to  other  Democrats.  Paul
            urged  Americans  to  "vote  Pelosi  suffered  a  fractured
            to defend our democracy."    skull  and  other  injuries  in
            In  a  wide-ranging  CNN  in-  what  authorities  said  was
            terview,  the  Democratic  an  intentional  political  at-
            leader  did  not  disclose  tack. "For me this is the hard
            her future plans if the par-  part because Paul was not
            ty  loses  the  House  major-  the  target,  and  he's  the
            ity, as many believe Pelosi  one paying the price," Pe-
            and others will step down.  losi said.
            Known  for  her  stiff  resolve,  Pelosi said the hammer hit
            Pelosi's voice cracked with  her husband in two places,   House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, middle, is escorted to a vehicle outside of her and husband Paul
            emotion and she acknowl-     but did not pierce his brain.   Pelosi's home in San Francisco, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022.               Associated Press

            edged  she  was  "close  to  Pelosi said his recovery was
            tears" as she described the  "on  a  good  path"  but  she
            trauma  of  the  attack  on  acknowledged  "it's  a  long
            her  82-year-old  husband  haul."
            and the sadness she felt for  Long  a  target  of  Repub-
            the country.                 lican  attacks,  Pelosi  said
            "I'm  sad  because  of  my  the assault on her husband
            husband,  but  I'm  also  sad  of  nearly  60  years,  with  its
            for our country," Pelosi said.  echoes of the Jan. 6, 2021
            "I just want people to vote  insurrection at the Capitol,
            and  we  will  respect  the  was  fueled  by  misinforma-
            outcome  of  the  election,  tion  "that  has  no  place  in
            and I would hope that the  our democracy."
            other side would do that as  Pelosi said she was sleeping
            well," she said.             at her apartment in Wash-
            Pelosi was speaking for the  ington, having just returned
            first time publicly on the eve  from  San  Francisco,  when
            of  elections  as  the  Demo-  there  was  a  "bang,  bang,
            crats are struggling against  bang, bang, bang," on her
            a  surge  of  Republican  en-  door.  It  was  about  5  a.m.
            thusiasm to keep control of  on the morning of Oct. 28.
            Congress at a time of rising  David  DePape,  42,  is  be-
            threats of violence against  ing  held  without  bail  in
            lawmakers  and  concerns  San  Francisco  after  enter-
            over the U.S. election.      ing  a  not  guilty  plea  to
            Asked  whether  she  had  attempted  murder  and
            made     a   decision   on  other charges in San Fran-
            whether or not to remain in  cisco. He also faces federal
            Congress, Pelosi who rarely  charges of attempted kid-
            publicly  discussed  her  fu-  napping of an elected of-
            ture  would  only  disclose  ficial.
            that the attack on her hus-  The  fringe  activist  who  fol-
            band  had  impacted  her  lowed  conspiracy  theo-
            thinking. "I have to say my  ries  broke  into  the  Pelosi
            decision  will  be  affected  home, woke up Paul Pelosi
            about  what  happened  in  and  demanded  to  talk  to
            the last week or two," Pelosi  "Nancy,"  authorities  said.
            said on CNN.                 When  Paul  Pelosi  told  the
            Top  Republican  leaders  intruder  his  wife  was  out
            including  allies  of  Donald  of  town,  DePape  said  he
            Trump and even new Twit-     would  wait.  After  Paul  Pe-
            ter-owner  Elon  Musk  have  losi  called  911,  officers  ar-
            mocked  and  downplayed  rived  to  see  the  two  men
            the  attack,  despite  the  struggling  over  a  hammer
            gravity of the assault on her  before DePape struck Paul
            husband.                     Pelosi  at  least  once  in  the
            Pelosi's husband, Paul, was  head with the hammer. q
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