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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 15 June 2018

             Watchdog: Comey insubordinate, not biased in Clinton probe

            The inspector general con-                                                             “this Russia thing.”         avoid  supervision  by  de-
            cluded  that  the  FBI  direc-                                                         On  the  other  side,  even  partment  leadership  over
            tor, who announced in the                                                              absent  political  bias,  the  his actions,” the report says.
            summer  of  2016  that  Clin-                                                          report alleges a long series  Comey  has  said  he  was
            ton  had  been  “extremely                                                             of misjudgments that Dem-    concerned that the Justice
            careless”  with  classified                                                            ocrats will likely use to sup-  Department  itself  could
            material but would not be                                                              port their belief that Clinton  not credibly announce the
            charged  with  any  crime,                                                             was wronged by the FBI.      conclusion  of  its  investiga-
            departed from normal Jus-                                                              The watchdog faults Com-     tion, in part because Lynch
            tice  Department  protocol                                                             ey  for  his  unusual  July  5,  had met earlier in the sum-
            numerous times.                                                                        2016,  news  conference  mer aboard her plane with
            But it also said, “We found                                                            at  which  he  disclosed  his  former President Bill Clinton.
            no evidence that the con-                                                              recommendation  against  Both  said  they  did  not  dis-
            clusions  by  the  prosecu-                                                            bringing  charges  in  the  cuss Hillary Clinton’s case.
            tors were affected by bias                                                             email  investigation.  Cases  Concerned about the “ap-
            or  other  improper  consid-                                                           that  end  without  charges  pearance that former Presi-
            erations;  rather,  we  de-                                                            are  rarely  discussed  pub-  dent  Clinton  was  influenc-
            termined  that  they  were                                                             licly.  And  Comey  did  not  ing”  the  probe,  Lynch  be-
            based  on  the  prosecutors’    In this April 6, 2017, file photo, former Secretary of State Hillary   reveal to Attorney General  gan talking to her staff the
            assessment of the facts, the   Clinton speaks in New York.                             Loretta  Lynch  his  plans  to  next  morning  about  pos-
            law  and  past  department                                            Associated Press  make an announcement.       sibly  recusing  herself  from
            practice.”                   port  “reaffirmed  the  presi-  Russia that was diverting FBI   “We  found  that  it  was  ex-  overseeing  the  investiga-
            The conclusions were con-    dent’s  suspicions  about  resources  and  attention.     traordinary  and  insubor-   tion,  according  to  the  re-
            tained  in  a  500-page  re-  Comey’s   conduct    and  The  Russia  investigation     dinate  for  Comey  to  do  port. She told the inspector
            port  that  documents  in  the  political  bias  amongst  was  unknown  at  the  time   so,  and  we  found  none  general she decided not to
            painstaking  detail  one  of  some  of  the  members  of  to the American public.      of his reasons to be a per-  step aside because it might
            the most consequential in-   the FBI.”                    The FBI, in a statement ac-  suasive  basis  for  deviating  “create  a  misimpression”
            vestigations  in  modern  FBI  But  the  report  rejects  the  companying  the  report,   from  well-established  De-  that  she  and  the  former
            history and reveals how the  Trump talking point that the  accepted  the  conclusion   partment policies in a way  president had discussed in-
            bureau, which for decades  FBI favored Clinton over him  that  Comey  broke  from      intentionally  designed  to  appropriate things.q
            has  endeavored  to  stand  and  that  its  leaders  were  protocol  and  that  errors
            apart  from  politics,  came  driven  by  politics.  It  also  in  judgment  by  staff  dam-
            to be entangled in the 2016  does not second-guess the  aged the bureau’s reputa-
            presidential election.       FBI’s  conclusion  that  Clin-  tion. Comey wrote an opin-
            Trump  supporters  quickly  ton  should  not  have  been  ion piece for The New York
            focused  on  the  report’s  prosecuted,  despite  re-     Times  in  which  he  said  he
            recounting  of  anti-Trump  peated assertions by Trump  disagreed  with  some  con-
            text messages from two FBI  and  his  supporters  that  clusions  but  respected  the
            officials  who  worked  the  anyone less politically con-  watchdog’s work.
            Clinton probe and later the  nected  would  have  been  Trump is certain to use the
            Russia  case,  including  one  charged.                   report’s  harsh  assessment
            in  which  an  agent  says,  The  report  underscores  ef-  of FBI actions to try to vali-
            “We’ll  stop  it”  with  regard  forts by senior FBI and Jus-  date  his  firing  of  Comey
            to a possible Trump victory.  tice Department leaders in  last  year,  an  act  central
            The  report  suggests  that  the final stages of the presi-  to  special  counsel  Rob-
            text from Peter Strzok, who  dential  race  to  juggle  de-  ert  Mueller’s  investigation
            was  later  dropped  from  velopments  in  the  Clinton  into  whether  the  president
            Mueller’s  team,  “implies  a  investigation  —  she  had  sought  to  obstruct  justice.
            willingness  to  take  official  used private email for some  The  White  House  cited  as
            action to impact the presi-  government business while  the  original  rationale  for
            dential  candidate’s  elec-  secretary of state — with a  Comey’s firing his handling
            toral prospects.”            separate probe into poten-   of the Clinton investigation,
            Spokeswoman Sarah Huck-      tial  coordination  between  even  though  Trump  days
            abee  Sanders  said  the  re-  the  Trump  campaign  and  later said he was thinking of
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