P. 10

                        Friday 15 June 2018

            Saudi-led troops fight rebel forces south of Yemen's Hodeida

            By AHMED AL-HAJ                                                                                                     some  six  kilometers  (three
            Associated Press                                                                                                    miles)  from  the  airfield,
            SANAA, Yemen (AP) — The                                                                                             in  an  interview  with  the
            Saudi-led coalition backing                                                                                         Saudi-owned satellite news
            Yemen's exiled government                                                                                           channel Al Arabiya.
            captured  a  town  south  of                                                                                        Meanwhile,     Col.   Aziz
            the port city of Hodeida on                                                                                         Rashed,  the  spokesman
            Thursday  as  fierce  fighting                                                                                      for an army unit allied with
            and airstrikes pounded the                                                                                          the  Houthis,  told  a  news
            area on the second day of                                                                                           conference  in  the  capital,
            an offensive to capture the                                                                                         Sanaa,  that  the  rebels
            strategic harbor that is the                                                                                        foiled  a  naval  attack  by
            main entry point for food in                                                                                        government forces backed
            a country teetering on the                                                                                          by the Saudi-led coalition in
            brink of famine.                                                                                                    waters off Hodeida. He said
            A Saudi military spokesman                                                                                          the  rebels  had  countered
            said   the   forces   were                                                                                          "hostile  naval  warships"  off
            drawing  closer  to  the  Red                                                                                       the  coasty  of  al-Olifika,
            Sea  port  in  a  campaign                                                                                          to  the  south.  The  Saudi-
            aimed     at   driving   out                                                                                        led   coalition   launched
            Iranian-aligned Shiite rebels                                                                                       the  assault  on  Hodeida
            known  as  Houthis,  who                                                                                            on   Wednesday,     raising
            have  held  Hodeida  since                                                                                          warnings from aid agencies
            2015, and breaking the civil   In  this  Friday,  Feb.  2,  2018,  file  photo,  a  Yemeni  soldier  allied  to  the  country's  internationally   that Yemen's humanitarian
            war's long stalemate.        recognized government unslings his machine gun on the outskirts of Sanaa, Yemen.       disaster could deepen and
            International  aid  agencies                                                                       Associated Press  that  the  offensive  could
            and  the  United  Nations                                                                                           set  off  prolonged  street-
            have  warned  the  assault  The           ambassador's  UAE      official   said   the  filled  with  food  and  fuel  by-street  battles,  inflicting
            could    shut   down    the  comments        contradict  Trump         administration  at  berth"  and  another  five  heavy casualties.
            vital  aid  route  for  some  the  conclusions  of  a  U.N.  has   rejected   requests  vessels anchored nearby, it  "Any  closure  of  the  port,
            70  percent  of  Yemen's  panel  of  experts  that  said  for  military  assistance  in  said.                      even  for  a  few  days,  will
            food, as well as the bulk of  it  was  unlikely  the  Houthis  the  coalition  attack  on  "People in the governorate  have  a  dramatic  impact
            humanitarian  aid  and  fuel  were  using  the  port  for  Hodeida.   The   requests  have     reported    heavy  on      the    humanitarian
            supplies. Around two-thirds  smuggling arms. In a report  were  for  aerial  satellite  airstrikes   along   coastal  operations  in  the  country,"
            of  Yemen's  population  of  in January, the panel cited  imagery, other surveillance  areas and roads in districts  the   U.N.   Humanitarian
            27 million relies on aid and  the fact that ships coming  and  reconnaissance,  and  south  of  Hodeida,"  the  Coordinator  for  Yemen,
            8.4  million  are  already  at  into the port face random  minesweeping,  said  the  council  said.  "No  direct  Lise    Grande,   told   The
            risk of starving.            inspections,  require  U.N.  official,  who  spoke  on  attacks       have     been  Associated Press Thursday.
            The  United  Arab  Emirates  approval  and  that  no  condition  of  anonymity  reported  within  Hodeida  "There           is   no   substitute
            ambassador       to    U.N.  weapons have been seized  because       he    was   not  city   itself,   despite   the  for  Hodeida.  Everything
            agencies     in    Geneva  since March 2017.              authorized    to   publicly  overhead    presence    of  depends  on  that  port,"
            maintained     the   Saudi-  The  U.N.  and  Western  discuss the matter.              fighter jets."               she  said.  The  coalition's
            Emirati  coalition  had  no  nations have accused Iran  The  U.S.  has  not  publicly  On    Thursday,   coalition  initial  battle  plan  appears
            choice but to act.           of  supplying  the  Houthis  opposed  the  assault  but  troops  took  the  town  of  to    involve   a    pincer
            "Should  we  leave  the  with weapons, from assault  has  urged  the  coalition  to  Nakhila  in  Yemen's  ad-      movement.  Some  2,000
            Houthis smuggling missiles?"  rifles to the ballistic missiles  ensure  that  humanitarian  Durayhimi district, some 20  troops  who  crossed  the
            Ambassador  Obaid  Salem  they  have  fired  deep  into  aid  deliveries  to  the  port  kilometers  (12  miles)  south  Red  Sea  from  an  Emirati
            al-Zaabi   told   a   news  Saudi  Arabia,  including  at  continue.                   of  Hodeida  International  naval  base  in  the  African
            conference.  "This  comes  the  capital,  Riyadh.  Over  The  port  remained  open  Airport,     according     to  nation  of  Eritrea  were
            from   this   seaport.   We  150  ballistic  missiles  have  on  Thursday,  according  to  Yemen's   government-run  awaiting orders to move in
            already  gave  the  United  been fired into the kingdom  the  Norwegian  Refugee  SABA news agency.                 from the west after Yemeni
            Nations  the  chance  to  by  the  Houthis,  according  Council,      which    cited  Col.  Turki  al-Malki,  a  Saudi  government  forces  seize
            operate  from  this  seaport,  to Saudi officials.        information  from  the  U.N.  military  spokesman,  said  Hodeida's  port,  Yemeni
            and (the Houthis) refused."  On  Thursday,  a  senior  There  were  "four  vessels  coalition      forces   were  security officials said.q
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