P. 14
Friday 15 June 2018
The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection Opens Reservations To The Public
Travelers Worldwide are service and casual luxury launched website for The Canada and Northeastern Ritz-Carlton brand is recog-
Invited to Book Their of a Ritz-Carlton resort. We Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collec- United States. Voyages will nized, with one of the high-
Voyage on the Custom- look forward to officially tion, which offers full de- range from seven to ten est staff to guest service ra-
Made Luxury Yacht and welcoming guests onboard tails of itineraries, pricing, nights with ports includ- tios in the cruise industry.
Enjoy Culturally Immersive The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Col- and onboard experiences. ing Barbados, Cartagena,
Itineraries Around the lection as we open reserva- Guests can browse for voy- Bordeaux, Copenhagen, The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Col-
Globe tions.” ages by region, departure Mykonos, Portofino and lection guests will enjoy an
date or ports of interest many more. Each itinerary all-inclusive luxury sailing
Bethesda, MD – June 11 , Reservations are now open using the “Find a Cruise” is packed with unique pro- experience including spa-
2018 – The Ritz-Carlton Ho- for the inaugural season of feature, view suite and gramming at each destina- cious accommodations,
tel Company, L.L.C. today The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Col- fare information, explore tion, from the Christening onboard activities and en-
announced the opening lection, set to take the seas the yacht experience, and Celebration on the Inau- tertainment, beverages,
of reservations for The Ritz- in February 2020. With sev- more. The website addi- gural Voyage to the Mo- multiple dining venues,
Carlton Yacht Collection. eral distinct itineraries avail- tionally features a down- naco Grand Prix, Edinburgh onboard gratuities, WiFi
With a leisurely cruising able in 2020, guests have loadable digital brochure Military Tattoo, exploring and watersports from the
style, the legendary service the option to book back- for The Ritz-Carlton Yacht the yachting playgrounds yacht’s marina. Signature
of The Ritz-Carlton, and to-back voyages without Collection, with engaging of the Greek Isles, Balearic experiences available for
ports at sought after desti- repeating ports, allowing imagery and further itiner- Islands and French Riviera, an additional fee include
nations around the world, them to explore a wider ary information for the in- as well as celebrating the a culinary experience at
The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Col- range of destinations and augural season. holidays in the Caribbean. Aqua, the yacht’s signa-
lection will deliver one-of- delve into the local culture ture restaurant designed by
a-kind experiences to its at each port. Designed with a yachting The specially designed Michelin-starred chef Sven
guests onboard and trans- lifestyle in mind, the first of yacht will measure 190-me- Elverfeld, spa treatments,
form the luxury cruising in- “The opening of reserva- three bespoke yachts in ters, accommodate up to and immersive excursions
dustry. tions marks an exciting mile- The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Col- 298 passengers and fea- offered through The Shore
stone for The Ritz-Carlton lection will stop at both ture 149 suites, each with Collection. Voyage prices
“As the first luxury hotel Yacht Collection, which signature and iconic desti- its own private terrace. The vary based upon the itiner-
company to bring the leg- is set to redefine luxury at nations. Its intimate size al- yacht will also feature two ary and season.
endary service and ambi- sea,” said Doug Prothero, lows for the vessels to sail 158 square-meter lavish
ence of its resorts to sea, we CEO of The Ritz-Carlton into coveted city harbors Owner’s suites, each with The yachts of The Ritz-Carl-
are thrilled to offer guests a Yacht Collection. “Whether around the world, and the its own private whirlpool, ton Yacht Collection are
new way to create memo- you are looking for culture, relaxed pace of the yachts modern craftsmanship and also available for private
ries with The Ritz-Carlton,” adventure, or the chance offers both daytime and interior finishes jointly de- charter.
said Lisa Holladay, Global to go off the beaten path, overnight ports of call, giv- signed by The Ritz-Carlton For more informa-
Brand Leader for The Ritz- we are thrilled to be able to ing guests more flexibility and leading design firm tion, please visit www.
Carlton. “From the yacht’s invite guests to explore the for their time on land. The Tillberg Design of Sweden. ritzcarltonyachtcollec-
design, to programming world with The Ritz-Carlton first yacht will cruise a wide The onboard experience For reservations,
onboard and ashore, ev- Yacht Collection.” variety of destinations, will reflect the sublime contact a Yacht Vacation
ery aspect of the voyage including the Mediterra- comfort and unparalleled Consultant at (833) 999-
has been carefully created Customers are also en- nean, Northern Europe, the level of individualized guest 7292 or contact your travel
to embody the signature couraged to visit the newly Caribbean, Latin America, service for which the iconic professional.q