P. 18

                        Friday 15 June 2018



             Mixed  martial  arts  fighter
             Conor  McGregor  arrives  at
             Brooklyn   Supreme   Court,
             Thursday,  June  14,  2018,  in
             New York.
                        Associated Press
            MMA star


            says he



            By MICHAEL R. SISAK
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Mixed
            martial arts star Conor Mc-
            Gregor  expressed  regret
            Thursday  for  a  backstage
            melee at a Brooklyn arena
            that  saw  him  caught  on
            camera  hurling  a  hand
            truck at a bus full of fight-
            ers, and he is negotiating a
            plea deal to resolve crimi-
            nal charges in the case.
            The  Irish  brawler,  29,  and
            his friend, fellow fighter and
            co-defendant  Cian  Cow-
            ley,  25,  remained  free  on
            bail  after  a  court  appear-
            ance  that  went  quicker
            than  a  typical  five-minute
            round in the UFC octagon.
            They each face up to sev-
            en years in prison on a top
            charge  of  felony  criminal
            mischief, but a deal would
            almost certainly reduce or
            eliminate their time behind
            bars. McGregor and Cow-
            ley  strode  into  a  packed        Russian routs Saudi Arabia 5-0
            courtroom  in  tight  blue
            suits,  past  rows  of  report-
            ers  and  other  defendants         in opening game of World Cup
            who were waiting for them
            to  finish  up  so  their  cases
            could  be  called.  The  duo   Russia's Yuri Gazinsky heads the ball to score the opening goal during the group A match between Russia and Saudi Arabia which
            stood and said little during   opens the 2018 soccer World Cup at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, June 14, 2018.
            the appearance.                                                                                                                 Associated Press
                   Continued on Page 21                                                                                                            Page 18
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