P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 15 June 2018
            Hernandez dodges home, Dodgers

            edge Texas 3-2 in 11 innings

            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  En-   MILWAUKEE (AP) — Lorenzo  ROCKIES 7, PHILLIES 2
            rique  Hernandez  dodged  Cain  homered  and  Jhou-       PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Ian
            home  on  a  wild  throw  by  lys  Chacin  combined  with  Desmond  hit  a  two-run
            pitcher  Matt  Bush  in  the  three relievers on a six-hitter  homer  in  a  five-run  fourth
            11th inning and, hours after  to  give  Milwaukee  its  sec-  inning,   Tyler   Anderson
            a hard collision at the plate  ond straight shutout of Chi-  pitched  seven  strong  in-
            led to a bench-clearing in-  cago.                        nings and Colorado routed
            cident and a pair of ejec-   Chacin  (6-1)  allowed  four  Philadelphia to end a five-
            tions,  Los  Angeles  edged  hits in six innings, striking out  game losing streak.
            Texas.                       seven  and  walking  four  to  Trevor  Story  added  three
            Hernandez drew a leadoff  win  his  sixth  consecutive  hits and drove in two for the
            walk  from  Jesse  Chavez  decision.  Jeremy  Jeffress  Rockies, who had dropped
            (2-1)  and  moved  up  on  a  pitched  the  seventh,  Josh  nine of 11 while falling from
            long flyout. Yasiel Puig was  Hader struck out the side in  first place to fourth in the NL
            intentionally  walked  and  the  eighth  and  Cory  Kne-  West.
            Chavez  was  yanked  after  bel  finished  with  a  perfect  Anderson  (4-1)  allowed
            a  walk  to  Logan  Forsythe  ninth for his sixth save.   one  run  and  six  hits  while
            loaded the bases.            Mike Montgomery (2-2) al-    matching his longest outing
            Austin   Barnes   followed  lowed  only  two  hits  in  six  of the season, set in his last
            with  a  comebacker,  and  innings,  both  by  Cain.  He  start.
            Bush  reached  out  to  grab  struck out four and walked  Jorge  Alfaro  and  Jesmuel
            it.  But  Bush  hurried  as  he  one in his fourth start since  Valentin  homered  for  the   Los Angeles Dodgers' Matt Kemp, right, shoves Texas Rangers
            spun around, and his throw  replacing  injured  Yu  Dar-  Phillies,  who  were  seeking   catcher Robinson Chirinos while trying to score on a single hit by
            home for a potential force-  vish in the rotation.        their  first  three-game  win-  Enrique Hernandez during the third inning of a baseball game
                                                                                                   Wednesday, June 13, 2018, in Los Angeles.
            out  pulled  catcher  Carlos  Cain drove a 3-1 pitch over  ning  streak  since  May  13-                                        Associated Press
            Perez off the plate. Hernan-  the wall in left with one out  17.
            dez  stepped  over  Barnes'  in  the  third  for  his  eighth  Nick Pivetta (4-6) struck out  won five consecutive series  rifice  fly  in  the  ninth  inning
            bat,  danced  around  the  homer. He also opened the  five  straight  batters  in  the  since 2010.                 to lift Miami over San Fran-
            catcher    and    touched  first inning with a single. The  second  and  third  innings  Lauer  (3-4)  gave  up  two  cisco.
            home  with  his  right  hand,  Brewers improved to 3-8 this  before allowing a walk and  runs  and  eight  hits  over  5  J.T.  Realmuto  had  two  hits
            leaving Perez tagging noth-  season  against  the  Cubs  five straight hits to start the  2/3  innings.  He's  3-0  when  and  scored  twice  for  the
            ing but thin air.            and  moved  1  1/2  games  fifth.                         getting two or more runs of  Marlins,  who  have  won
            Adam  Liberatore  (2-1)  got  ahead  of  second-place  PADRES 4, CARDINALS 2           support.                     three  straight  for  the  first
            the win in relief.           Chicago in the NL Central.   ST. LOUIS (AP) — Eric Lauer  St. Louis starter Luke Weaver  time since winning four in a
            BRAVES 2, METS 0             PIRATES 5, DIAMONDBACKS  carried  a  shutout  into  the  (3-6) gave up four runs and  row April 28-May 1.
            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  Mike  So-  4                            sixth inning, Manuel Margot  nine hits over 5 1/3 innings.  Andrew  McCutchen  hit  a
            roka did not allow a hit until  PHOENIX  (AP)  —  Jordy  had three hits and San Di-    He has just one win over his  two-run home run and Bust-
            the  seventh  inning,  Fred-  Mercer  homered  and  had  ego beat St. Louis to win its  last 11 starts. Marcell Ozuna  er Posey had three hits for
            die Freeman homered and  three RBIs, Jameson Taillon  fifth straight series.           homered for the Cardinals,  the  Giants,  who  have  lost
            drove in both runs, and At-  pitched seven effective in-  Freddy Galvis drove in two  who have lost three of four.  four of five.
            lanta beat New York.         nings  and  Pittsburgh  beat  first-inning  runs  for  San  Di-  MARLINS 5, GIANTS 4   Drew  Steckenrider  (3-1)
            Soroka,  at  20  the  young-  Arizona to avoid a sweep.   ego, which has won five of  MIAMI (AP) — Brian Ander-     pitched  a  scoreless  top  of
            est  pitcher  in  the  major  The  Pirates  blew  a  five-run  seven.  The  Padres  hadn't  son hit a game-ending sac-  the ninth.q
            leagues,  returned  from  a  lead  in  the  opener  and
            right  shoulder  strain  that  were  knocked  for  13  runs
            sidelined him since May 17  in  the  second  game.  Pitts-
            to  outpitch  NL  ERA  leader  burgh   ended   Arizona's
            Jacob  deGrom  (4-2)  in  a  sweep  bid  with  a  four-run
            game  that  lasted  only  2  second inning against Zack
            hours, 12 minutes. The Mets  Greinke (5-5) and a sterling
            have lost 10 of their past 11  performance  by  Taillon  (4-
            and 17 of their past 21.     5).
            Making  his  fourth  career  Taillon  gave  up  a  two-run
            start,  Soroka  (2-1)  gave  homer  to  David  Peralta  in
            up  one  hit,  one  walk  and  the first inning when the ball
            struck  out  four  in  6  1/3  in-  popped  out  of  left  fielder
            nings. Freeman, the NL bat-  Austin   Meadows'    glove
            ting leader, has hit safely in  and  over  the  wall.  Taillon
            23 of his past 24 games. He  worked out of a jam in the
            drove in the first run with a  second inning and allowed
            single  in  the  fourth  off  de-  two runs on six hits to help
            Grom  (4-2).  He  homered  end  Arizona's  five-game
            off  Jeremy  Blevins  in  the  winning streak.
            eighth.                      Felipe Vazquez gave up a
            DeGrom (4-2) allowed sev-    two-run single to pinch-hit-
            en  hits  and  one  run  and  ter Jon Jay in the ninth be-
            struck  out  seven  in  seven  fore striking out Jake Lamb
            innings.                     with  the  bases  loaded  for
            BREWERS 1, CUBS 0            his 12th save.
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