P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 15 June 2018

            Johnson shares lead in a U.S. Open that plays like one

            By DOUG FERGUSON             Woods  said.  "My  game
            AP Golf Writer               plan was not to make any
            SOUTHAMPTON,  N.Y.  (AP)  'others,'  and  I  made  three
            —  The  return  to  a  classic  of  them.  So  didn't  do  very
            U.S.  Open  course  brought  well there."
            back  the  kind  of  scoring  It was quite a contrast from
            that gave this major its rep-  last year at Erin Hills in Wis-
            utation.                     consin, which set a record
            Dustin   Johnson    played  for the  first round by  yield-
            some of his best golf Thurs-  ing 44 rounds under par.
            day and yet the world's No.  Piercy,  the  last  man  in  the
            1  player  barely  beat  par  156-man  field  as  an  alter-
            in the treacherous wind at  nate from qualifying, was so
            Shinnecock  Hills.  Johnson  disgusted with his game in
            holed  a  bunker  shot  for  his final practice round that
            birdie,  kept  his  mistakes  to  he  walked  off  the  course.
            a minimum and joined Ian  He dropped only two shots,
            Poulter,  Scott  Piercy  and  both  on  par  3s,  and  was
            Russell Henley at 1-under 69  the first to post a 69. Poulter
            for a share of the lead.     also played in the morning,
            "You had to focus on every  while  Johnson  and  Henley
            single shot you hit — putts,  played in the afternoon as
            everything,"  Johnson  said.  the  wind  reached  its  full
            "It was just difficult all day."  strength.
            No need to tell that to Tiger  Henley was the only player   From left, Justin Thomas, Dustin Johnson and Tiger Woods walk off the 12th tee during the first round
            Woods,  Rory  McIlroy,  Jor-  to  reach  3  under  at  any   of the U.S. Open Golf Championship, Thursday, June 14, 2018, in Southampton, N.Y.
            dan  Spieth  and  a  long  list  point,  and  he  promptly                                                                      Associated Press
            of golf's bests who had their  gave that back with a dou-
            hopes crushed in gusts that  ble bogey on No. 10.         bunker on the par-4 eighth  So did McIlroy, who had a  That already appears to be
            approached  25  mph  that  Jason Dufner opened with  rattled  and  rolled  into  the  pair of double bogeys in his  the case.
            made  fairways  look  more  a  70,  and  even  those  at  cup.                         third round of 80 or more in  The U.S. Open has gone to
            narrow  and  the  shin-high  1-over  71  felt  as  though  Not even Johnson was im-    a major.                     new courses two of the last
            rough difficult to avoid.    they  put  in  a  hard  day's  mune  from  mistakes,  how-  Woods quickly joined them.  three years, and Jack Nick-
            In  his  return  to  the  U.S.  work,  a  group  that  includ-  ever, dropping shots on the  From the middle of the first  laus  is  among  those  who
            Open after a two-year ab-    ed  Justin  Rose  and  Henrik  12th and 14th holes.       fairway, he went long over  feared it had lost its identity.
            sence,  Woods  opened  a  Stenson.                        It didn't take long to figure  the  green.  He  chipped  Even  with  wider  fairways,
            major  with  a  triple  bogey  "It's  a  different  kind  of  en-  out  what  kind  of  test  this  once  and  it  came  back  Shinnecock Hills resembled
            for the first time in 15 years.  joyment,  right?"  Rose  said.  was  going  to  be,  with  the  to his feet. He tried it again  a  U.S.  Open  course  from
            He  added  back-to-back  "I  enjoy  the  battle.  I  enjoy  15  flags  atop  the  grand-  with  the  same  result,  and  past  years,  and  it  played
            double  bogeys  on  the  the fight. I enjoy the grind,  stand  next  to  the  18th  then  rapped  his  putter  up  like one.q
            back  nine  and  staggered  really.  When  you  get  a  bit  green  already  flapping  as  the  hill  by  the  hole  and
            to a 78.                     cut up and bruised, it can  the first group teed off, and  missed the putt. He held it
            Spieth waited until the sec-  change pretty quick."       they were crackling by the  together  until  a  four-putt
            ond  hole  to  make  a  triple  Johnson  is  coming  off  a  afternoon.                on No. 13, the last three of
            bogey,  blasted  out  of  a  six-shot victory last week in  Phil Mickelson, needing the  those putts from 6 feet.
            bunker  and  over  the  11th  the  St.  Jude  Classic,  and  U.S. Open to complete the  "Shoot  something  in  the
            green, and then took three  while no one has ever won  Grand Slam, played in the  60s  tomorrow,  and  I'll  be
            shots to get on the putting  the  U.S.  Open  coming  off  feature  grouping  with  Spi-  just fine," Woods said. "I just
            surface. McIlroy found trou-  a  PGA  Tour  victory  the  eth  and  McIlroy.  They  fin-  think today was the tough-
            ble  just  about  everywhere  week  before,  he  played  ished  a  combined  25-over  est day we'll have all week.
            and shot 80, his highest first-  as  though  nothing  had  par,  with  Mickelson  taking  But  then  again,  I  think
            round score in a major.      changed.  He  holed  medi-   honors at 77. It was his high-  they're  going  to  let  these
            "It  was  pretty  evident  no-  um-length putts for birdies,  est opening round in his 27  greens  firm  out  a  little  bit.
            body was making any bird-    a few nervy, short putts for  U.S.  Opens.  Mickelson  re-  They'll start to pick up a little
            ies in the morning — lots and  par and picked up a bonus  fused a request to speak to  bit of speed, and it will be a
            lots of bogeys and 'others,'"  when  his  shot  from  a  front  the media about his round.  good U.S. Open again."
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