P. 24

                        Friday 15 June 2018
             Japan banks on 3D mapping deemed crucial for driverless cars

             By YURI KAGEYAMA                                                                                                   Motor Corp. hired Mandali
             TOKYO (AP) — Technology                                                                                            Khalesi  from  HERE  to  lead
             companies  are  racing  to                                                                                         its automated-driving initia-
             develop  ultra-precise  digi-                                                                                      tive.
             tal  maps  that  can  guide                                                                                        Digital  3D  maps  focus  on
             self-driving cars within inch-                                                                                     highways,   where    land-
             es  of  where  they  should                                                                                        marks are easier to discern
             be — a hurdle the industry                                                                                         and  define.  Khalesi  thinks
             needs  to  clear  if  it  hopes                                                                                    Toyota  can  gain  an  edge
             to deliver on its promise of                                                                                       by developing technology
             widespread  use  of  driver-                                                                                       for city streets and off-road
             less vehicles.                                                                                                     rural areas. He hopes to use
             Japan's   government     is                                                                                        satellite imagery.
             backing  a  three-dimen-                                                                                           "To be honest, there is a lot
             sional   mapping   system                                                                                          of catching up for us to do.
             developed  by  Mitsubishi                                                                                          We should be open about
             Electric Corp. that includes                                                                                       that," Khalesi said on Toyo-
             a  wealth  of  details  such                                                                                       ta's digital mapping.
             as  trees  and  pedestrians.                                                                                       He said Toyota should part-
             It promises to be off by no                                                                                        ner  with  existing  mapping
             more  than  25  centimeters                                                                                        services, and not try to "re-
             (9.8 inches).                                                                                                      invent the wheel," but inno-
             That  would  be  a  big  im-                                                                                       vate where the technology
             provement  over  satellite-  In this May 31, 2018, photo, a car monitor shows a 3D digital map as it's driven through Tokyo   was lacking. "There is mon-
             based  GPS,  which  is  used   streets.                                                                            ey  to  be  made  definitely,"
             by  ships,  aircraft  and  in-                                                                    Associated Press  he  said.  Japan's  govern-
             creasingly  by  drivers  or  on                                                                                    ment-backed  initiative  is
             mobile  phones  but  can  cameras  and  computer  take over.                          Even  Japanese  automak-     led  by  the  electronics  unit
             be  off  by  up  to  20  meters  software  to  handle  accel-  "For  autonomous  driving,  ers  are  also  wooing  map-  of  the  sprawling  Mitsubishi
             (65  feet),  especially  inside  eration,  braking,  steering  3D high-precision maps will  ping  services  other  than  group of companies, which
             buildings or underground.   normally  done  by  human  be very important, allowing  the national brand.            also  includes  satellites,  ro-
             The developers say the im-  drivers.                     cars to know their positions  Among the global players:   botics and an automaker.
             proved  mapping  technol-   That  requires  precise  and  accurately  and  also  know  —TomTom,  based  in  Am-    Japanese  automakers  in-
             ogy  likely  will  be  used  first  accurate   information  what  the  roads  are  like  sterdam.  It  is  working  with  cluding Honda, Toyota and
             in vehicles in isolated areas  about  not  just  road  lanes  ahead,"  said  Yasuhide  Shi-  Japanese  map  maker  Ze-  Nissan  Motor  Co.  are  also
             such  as  warehouses,  or  it  but  repairs,  traffic  lights,  bata,  senior  general  man-  nrin Co.             investors  in  Dynamic  Map
             might be used to help driv-  crosswalks  and  buildings.  ager of Mitsubishi Electric.  —DeepMap,  in  Palo  Alto,  Platform Co., the outfit cre-
             ers  of  vehicles  that  aren't  That  is  relayed  to  moving  Starting  in  November,  Ja-  California,  co-founded  by  ated to make commercial
             entirely autonomous.        vehicles,  which  requires  pan will also get positioning  James  Wu,  who  worked  applications  out  of  the
             Its  challenges  and  dan-  additional   telecommuni-    information from its govern-  for  Google  Maps  and  Ap-  technology.
             gers  were  highlighted  in  cations connections.        ment  satellites,  including  ple  Maps.  Wu  is  promising  "Everybody's  got  a  differ-
             March  when  a  self-driving  On  a  computer  screen,  three  launched  last  year,  5-centimeter (2-inch) preci-  ent  angle  on  it,  a  differ-
             Uber SUV being tested on a  such  maps  are  masses  called  QZS,  Quasi-Zenith  sion. Among Japanese au-          ent  idea,"  said  Christopher
             street  in  suburban  Phoenix  of  tiny  points  swimming  Satellite System.          tomakers, it is working with  Richter,  auto  analyst  for
             struck and killed pedestrian  around in virtual 3D, defin-  Japan wants driverless cars  Honda Motor Co.           CLSA Securities Japan Co.
             in the industry's first fatality.  ing  a  landscape  of  trees,  on the roads by 2020, with  —HERE, co-owned by Ger-  "These  are  things  we've
             Autonomous,     or   even  roads, signs, buildings, cars  hopes  the  Tokyo  Olympics  man automakers and Intel  never needed before and
             semi-autonomous,  driving  and pedestrians.              will  showcase  its  techno-  Corp.  It  signed  a  partner-  so everybody's got a fresh
             will  require  sensors,  radars,  Data are collected by spe-  logical  prowess  the  way  ship late last year with Jap-  idea,  and  everybody  is
                                         cial  vehicles  carrying  sen-  the  1964  Tokyo  Summer  anese electronics and car-   looking for that pot of gold
                                         sors  and  cameras.  Those  Games  displayed  its  new  navigation  maker  Pioneer  at the end of the rainbow,"
                                         have  drivers  for  now,  but  bullet train to the world.  Corp.  with  hopes  of  grow-  said Richter. "There's going
                                         at some point autonomous  But  mapping  services  are  ing in Japan.                   to  be  quite  a  few  pots  of
                                         vehicles  are  expected  to  popping  up  everywhere.  Three  months  ago,  Toyota  gold."q
                                         Microsoft follows Amazon in pursuit of cashier-less stores

                                         By MATT O'BRIEN              mond, Washington.            and  plans  more  locations  checkout industry.
                                         AP Technology Writer         Ava Retail CEO Atul Hirpa-   in  Chicago  and  San  Fran-  Michael  Suswal,  co-found-
                                         Microsoft is working on au-  ra said Microsoft could be-  cisco.  Overhead  cameras  er  of  San  Francisco-based
                                         tomated  checkout  tech-     come a leader in the field  and other technology help  startup  Standard  Cogni-
                                         nology  that  could  help  because  it  has  a  strong  keep  track  of  customers  tion, said Microsoft has the
                                         retailers   compete    with  cloud computing platform.  and what they're buying.       teams  capable  of  devel-
                                         Amazon's  new  cashier-less  That   technology    would  Microsoft's  interest  in  work-  oping the software and the
                                         stores.                      power the retail system by  ing  with  retailers  on  similar  infrastructure  needed  to
                                         One  firm  building  auto-   pulling in data from in-store  technology  was  reported  deploy it broadly.
                                         mated  checkout  systems,  cameras or sensors.            earlier by Reuters. It remains  Suswal  said  his  firm  is  also
                                         Ava Retail, said Thursday it  Microsoft  declined  com-   unclear  how  far  along  Mi-  working with retailers — but
                                         is working with Microsoft on  ment Thursday.              crosoft is in the project. The  not currently with Microsoft
                                         the  technology  for  physi-  Amazon  opened  its  first  report  of  its  involvement  —  on  its  own  automated
                                         cal stores. Both companies  cashier-less  Amazon  Go  didn't surprise others in the  checkout      system   using
                                         have headquarters in Red-    store  in  Seattle  this  year  fast-growing   automated  overhead cameras.q
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