P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 15 June 2018

            Hall of Famer and Olympic gold medalist Anne Donovan dies.

            By DOUG FEINBERG                                                                                                    legacy  will  be  permanent
            AP Basketball Writer                                                                                                and everlasting and will for-
            Anne  Donovan,  the  Bas-                                                                                           ever remain as the founda-
            ketball  Hall  of  Famer  who                                                                                       tion  upon  which  the  Lady
            won a national champion-                                                                                            Monarch  brand  became
            ship  at  Old  Dominion,  two                                                                                       national  and  synonymous
            Olympic  gold  medals  as                                                                                           with success."
            a player and another as a                                                                                           The     6-foot-8    center
            coach,  died  Wednesday                                                                                             coached  both  in  col-
            of heart failure. She was 56.                                                                                       lege  and  the  WNBA.  She
            Donovan's     family   con-                                                                                         became  the  first  female
            firmed the death in a state-                                                                                        coach  and  the  youngest
            ment.                                                                                                               person (42) to win a title in
            "While it is extremely difficult                                                                                    the WNBA, guiding the Se-
            to express how devastating                                                                                          attle Storm to a champion-
            it is to lose Anne, our fam-                                                                                        ship in 2004.
            ily remains so very grateful                                                                                        "Anne  Donovan  will  al-
            to have been blessed with                                                                                           ways be remembered as a
            such  a  wonderful  human                                                                                           championship  coach  and
            being," the statement said.                                                                                         a  championship  person,"
            "Anne  touched  many  lives                                                                                         the  Storm  said  in  a  state-
            as a daughter, sister, aunt,                                                                                        ment. "Her dedication, pas-
            friend  and  coach.  Anne                                                                                           sion  and  winning  spirit  set
            was  a  person  with  strong  and coach, but even more  She  was  inducted  into  the  "Throughout  her  college  the  tone  for  Storm  Basket-
            faith,  courageous  spirit,  proud of her character, in-  Naismith  Memorial  Basket-  and  professional  career  ball.  We  are  deeply  sad-
            a  giving  heart  and  love  tegrity,  humility  and  kind-  ball  Hall  of  Fame  in  1995,  Anne  was  one  of  ODU's  dened by her passing and
            for  everyone,"  her  fam-   ness."                       was  part  of  the  inaugural  best  ambassadors  both  share  our  heartfelt  condo-
            ily's  statement  continued.  Donovan was at the Wom-     class  of  the  Women's  Bas-  for the institution and Lady  lences with her family."
            "We  are  so  proud  of  her  en's Basketball Hall of Fame  ketball Hall of Fame in 1999  Monarch basketball," Mon-  Donovan was a member of
            accomplishments     as   a  in Knoxville, Tennessee, last  and  was  inducted  in  the  archs   athletic   director  three Olympics teams as a
            women's' basketball player  weekend.                      FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.   Wood  Selig  said.  "Anne's  player. q

             McGregor                    the case "out of the way."   A  UFC  spokesman  did
             Continued from Page 18      McGregor, once the UFC's  not  immediately  respond
             Judge Raymond Rodriguez  simultaneous       145-   and  to  questions  about  Mc-
             ordered them to return July  155-pound      champion,  Gregor's future with the or-
             26.                         hasn't fought since the fra-  ganization.
             "I regret my actions that led  cas.                      McGregor,  widely  known
             me here today," McGregor  The  UFC  stripped  him  of  for  his  fight-related  antics,
             said  outside  court  after-  its  155-pound  champion-  was  seen  on  camera  at-
             ward, a departure from his  ship  belt  in  April  because  tacking  the  bus  in  a  Bar-
             tone  in  the  incident's  im-  he  had  not  fought  in  17  clays Center loading dock
             mediate  aftermath.  "I  un-  months.  During  that  time,  after a press event ahead
             derstand the seriousness of  McGregor  turned  to  box-  of UFC 223, which featured
             this matter and I'm hopeful  ing  and  secured  a  guar-  the sport's biggest card of
             to get it resolved soon."   anteed $30 million payday  the year.
             Assistant  District  Attorney  despite  losing  a  highly-an-  He and an entourage that
             Janet  Gleeson  said  the  ticipated bout last year to  UFC president Dana White
             case  hasn't  been  present-  Floyd Mayweather Jr.       described as "20 hoodlums
             ed to a grand jury for pos-  While   the   Mayweather  that  flew  in  from  Ireland"   Cian  Cowley,  right,  listens  as  his  attorney  John  Arlia,  left,
                                                                                                   address Judge Rodriquez in Brooklyn Supreme Court, Thursday,
             sible  indictment  because  fight  propelled  McGregor  crashed  the  event  alleg-   June 14, 2018, in New York.
             of  the  plea  negotiations,  to  No.  4  on  Forbes'  list  of  edly  looking  for  retaliation                              Associated Press
             signaling  interest  from  all  the  world's  highest-paid  against main event fighter
             sides to resolve the matter  athletes,  he  lamented  on  Khabib  Nurmagomedov,  launched  the  hand  truck.  them from their bouts.
             swiftly. McGregor cheered  Instagram  last  week  that  who  had  been  in  an  al-   Nurmagomedov  was  on  White said McGregor justi-
             Cowley as he fought in Bel-  he would have been No. 2  tercation  with  McGregor's  the bus and said he had to  fied  the  confrontation  in
             fast  on  Saturday  and  flew  if his arrest hadn't cost him  friend, Artem Lobov.    be restrained to keep from  a  text  exchange  just  be-
             with  him  on  a  private  jet  a  shot  at  fighting  at  UFC  Video  showed  McGregor  fighting McGregor.       fore  he  turned  himself  in
             to the U.S. for the hearing.  224 on May 12.             tossing trash cans and be-   Fighters  Michael  Chiesa  to  police.  According  to
             Cowley said after the fight  "Something came up how-     ing  blocked  from  throw-   and  Ray  Borg  were  hurt  White, he said it "had to be
             that he was hoping to get  ever," he wrote.              ing a barricade before he  by shattered glass, forcing  done."q
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