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A28    u.s. news
               Diabierna 20 november 2020

                        Catholics divided as bishops examine Biden's abortion stance

                                                                                                                                posed  policies  are  divergent
                                                                                                   That question “does not turn  from  Catholic  teaching  in
                                                                                                   on  what  political  office  he  significant  ways,”  Strickland
                                                                                                   holds, but on his public con-  tweeted Tuesday. “It remains
                                                                                                   duct as a Catholic,” said Ed-  troubling  that  the  USCCB
                                                                                                   ward Peters, professor of can-  treats the election as certified
                                                                                                   on law at Sacred Heart Major  when it is not & it continues
                                                                                                   Seminary in Detroit.         to be a source of division.”
                                                                                                   “His  prominence  in  public  Journalists for Catholic news
                                                                                                   life makes his case more vis-  outlets  pointed  out  that  the
                                                                                                   ible, certainly,” Peters added.  USCCB  did  not  wait  for
                                                                                                   "But, in the end, it is his own  election results to be certified
                                                                                                   behavior  that  determines  in 2016, when it swiftly con-
                                                                                                   whether he should be refused  gratulated Trump after Elec-
                                                                                                   Holy Communion.”             tion Day.
                                                                                                   Thomas Groome, a theology
                                                                                                   professor at Boston College,  Kristan Hawkins, a Catholic
                                                                                                   said conservative bishops on  who is president of Students
                                                                                                   the  working  group  would  for Life of America, said lead-
                                                                                                   likely  push  for  Biden  to  be  ers of the U.S. church need
                                                                                                   denied Communion. But he  to  be  blunter  in  condeming
                                                                                                   noted  that  Biden’s  support  Catholic politicians who sup-
            (AP)  -  Catholics  split  al-  climate  change,  poverty  and  ident-elect has given us rea-  for abortion rights is, accord-  port abortion rights.
            most  evenly  in  support-   immigration.                 son to think he will support  ing  to  many  surveys,  shared  “This  pretense  that  ending
            ing Donald Trump or Joe                                   some good policies” but also  by most U.S. Catholics.     preborn life is negotiable with
            Biden  in  the  presiden-    “The  USCCB  leadership  some  that  “undermine  our  Groome        called   Gomez’s  the church does create chaos
            tial election. Now they’re  simply can’t embrace the idea  preeminent  priority  of  the  statement “dreadfully unfor-  and  confusion,”  Hawkins
            sharply  divided  over  a  of engagement and goodwill  elimination of abortion," the  tunate" and said “the bishops  said. “This failure of leader-
            declaration  by  the  head  that  Pope  Francis  has  asked  archbishop said.          should  be  helping  bring  us  ship gives women who know
            of  the  U.S.  Conference  of them,” said David Gibson,                                together  rather  than  driving  that  abortion  is  wrong  the
            of  Catholic  Bishops  that  director  of  Fordham  Uni-  “These  policies  pose  a  seri-  us apart.”              permission  they’re  looking
            the  president-elect's  sup-  versity’s  Center  on  Religion  ous  threat  to  the  common                         for to get an abortion."
            port  for  abortion  rights  and Culture. “That the pope  good,” Gomez added. “When  Chieko Noguchi, a USCCB
            presents  the  church  with  called  to  congratulate  Biden  politicians  who  profess  the  spokeswoman, said the work-  However,  Jamie  Manson,
            a  “difficult  and  complex  and  discussed  working  to-  Catholic  faith  support  them  ing  group  has  not  yet  met  president  of  Catholics  for
            situation.”                  gether  while  the  American  ... it creates confusion among  and  declined  to  comment  Choice,  said  Gomez’s  claim
                                         bishops capped their meeting  the  faithful  about  what  the  on whether it would discuss  that  Biden’s  position  creates
            The  USCCB’s  president,  with  plans  to  do  battle  with  church  actually  teaches  on  a potential Communion ban  confusion  among  church
            Los Angeles Archbishop José  the  incoming  president  says  these questions.”         for Biden. There has been no  members is "condescending.”
            Gomez, made that statement  it all.”                                                   response  by  Biden’s  transi-
            Tuesday near the close of the                             Gomez said he would form a  tion team to AP requests for  “They  are,  in  fact,  well-in-
            conference’s  national  meet-  Natalia  Imperatori-Lee,  a  working group to address the  comment.                  formed  and  have  used  their
            ing  and  announced  the  for-  professor of religious studies  matter,  headed  by  the  US-                       consciences  in  their  choice
            mation  of  a  working  group  at  Manhattan  College,  also  CCB’s vice president, Detroit  Divisions  within  the  US-  both  to  elect  President-elect
            of  bishops  to  assess  the  di-  was  dismayed  by  the  US-  Archbishop  Allen  Vigneron.  CCB’s  ranks  over  the  pres-  Biden and to support repro-
            lemma.  Some  experts  said  CCB. “It seems they’d like to  Two Catholic academics, re-  ident-elect  have  been  stark,  ductive health care,” she said.
            it's  possible  the  group  will  start an antagonistic relation-  sponding  to  queries  from  with  some,  such  as  Bishop  In the election, 50% of Cath-
            discuss  whether  Biden  —  a  ship  with  only  the  second  The Associated Press, did not  Joseph  Strickland  of  Tyler,  olic voters backed Trump and
            practicing  Roman  Catho-    Catholic  to  be  elected  the  rule  out  the  possibility  that  Texas, balking at recognizing  49%  favored  Biden,  accord-
            lic — should be barred from  president  of  this  country,”  the working group could dis-  his victory.             ing  to  VoteCast,  a  survey  of
            partaking  in  Holy  Commu-  she  said  via  email.  “This  is  cuss  whether  Biden  should                        more than 110,000 voters na-
            nion.                        appalling.”                  be  barred  from  partaking  in  “I appreciate Archbishop Go-  tionwide conducted for The
                                         “The bishops have chosen to  Holy  Communion  because  mez’  acknowledgment  that  Associated  Press  by  NORC
            Catholic  anti-abortion  activ-  continue the culture war that  of his abortion stance.  Vice  President  Biden’s  pro-  at the University of Chicago.
            ists  hope  the  bishops  follow  uses abortion to drive wedges
            through  with  tough  words  in our church and our soci-
            and action, making clear that  ety, because they see that as a
            Catholic politicians who sup-  winning issue for them,” she
            port abortion are in breach of  wrote.
            church teaching.
            Biden’s policy agenda “is in-  Gomez has welcomed many
            compatible  with  the  Catho-  of Biden’s stances, including
            lic  position  on  abortion  and  on  immigration,  racial  jus-
            the  protection  of  innocent  tice and climate change. But
            human  life,”  said  Marjorie  some  conservative  bishops,
            Dannenfelser,  president  of  citing  the  church’s  opposi-
            the Susan B. Anthony List, a  tion  to  abortion,  have  been
            leading anti-abortion group.  outspoken  in  their  criticism
                                         after  Gomez  congratulated
            But others criticized the US-  Biden on his victory.
            CCB as setting the stage for
            potential  conflict  with  the  On Tuesday, as the USCCB
            president-elect just days after  ended  the  public  portion  of
            he  received  a  congratulatory  its  meeting,  Gomez  read  a
            call from Pope Francis. Biden  statement  that  arose  from
            said  he  hopes  to  work  with  discussions with some of the
            the pontiff on issues such as  agitated  bishops.“The  pres-
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