Page 31 - MIN JUS 8 DEC 2015
P. 31

On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Attorney General Loretta Lynch speaks during a news conference at the Justice Department in Washington, Monday, Dec. 7, 2015. Lynch announced a federal civil
rights investigation of the Chicago police department.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

 US Justice Department to Investigate Chicago Police 

DON BABWIN                    Monday, the same day           a video showing a white      plines officers and handles    “This mistrust from members
ERIC TUCKER                   the federal government         Chicago police officer       misconduct accusations.        of the community makes it
Associated Press              opened an investigation        shooting a black teenager    Justice Department of-         more difficult to gain help
CHICAGO (AP) — A Chi-         into patterns of racial dis-   16 times.                    ficials say they  use  such    within investigations, to en-
cago police officer will not  parity in the use of force by  The investigation, which is  patterns-and-practices in-     courage the victims and
be charged in the shoot-      Chicago police.                separate from an existing    vestigations to identify sys-  the witnesses of crime to
ing of a 25-year-old black    The Justice Department in-     federal investigation into   temic failings in troubled     speak up and to fulfill the
man who authorities said      vestigation, announced by      last year’s shooting death   police departments and to      most basic responsibilities
was armed with a gun as       Attorney General Loretta       of 17-year-old Laquan Mc-    improve trust between po-      of public-safety officials,”
he ran away from officers,    Lynch, comes nearly two        Donald, will also review     lice and the communities       Lynch said.
prosecutors announced         weeks after the release of     how the department disci-    they serve.
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