Page 34 - MIN JUS 8 DEC 2015
P. 34


world NEWSTuesday 8 December 2015

Syria: 3 troops killed by US-led strikes; US blames Russia 

Opposition prisoners, right, take part in a ceremony for their release in the central city of Homs,  ern city of Deir el-Zour on      seriously and investigates
                                                                                                     Sunday night. In addition        them.
Syria on Monday, Dec. 7, 2015. Syrian authorities have released 35 opposition detainees in the       to the casualties among          Moreover, a U.S. military of-
                                                                                                     the troops, it said the at-      ficial said Washington was
central city that was one of the first to rise against the government, ahead of a deal that will     tack destroyed armored           “certain” it was a Russian
                                                                                                     and other vehicles, and a        airstrike that hit the camp.
lead to the departure of thousands of opposition fighters. Syria on Monday accused the U.S.-         weapons and ammunition           The official spoke on condi-
                                                                                                     depot.                           tion of anonymity and was
led coalition of bombing an army camp in the eastern part of the country, killing three Syrian       “This hampers efforts to         unable to discuss the mat-
                                                                                                     combat terrorism and             ter publicly.
soldiers and wounding 13.							                               (AP Photo)                            proves once again that this      There was no immediate
                                                                                                     coalition lacks seriousness      comment from Russian De-
ZEINA KARAM                   U.S. military official said the  U.S.-led alliance began its           and credibility to effective-    fense Ministry.
BASSEM MROUE                  Pentagon is “certain” the        airstrikes in Syria in Septem-        ly fight terrorism,” accord-     The Britain-based Syrian
Associated Press              strike was from a Russian        ber 2014, while Russia’s air          ing to the letter, which was     Observatory for Human
BEIRUT (AP) — Syria on Mon-   warplane.                        campaign began a year                 published in Syrian state        Rights, which relies on ac-
day accused the U.S.-led      The dispute over the dead-       later.                                media. The government            tivists in Syria, also reported
coalition of bombing an       ly airstrike underscored         In a letter to the United Na-         refers to all those fighting to  the airstrikes and a similar
army camp in the eastern      the increasingly chaotic         tions, the government in              overthrow President Bashar       death toll. The Observatory
part of the country, killing  skies over  Syria  as various    Damascus said four aircraft           Assad as “terrorists.”           said the strikes were “be-
three Syrian soldiers and     powers hit targets in the        from the coalition targeted           It was the first time Syria has  lieved” to have been car-
wounding 13, but a senior     war-ravaged country. The         the army camp in the east-            accused the U.S.-led coali-      ried out by the coalition.
                                                                                                     tion of hitting its troops.      The planes hit the camp
                                                                                                     The U.S. denied the claim,       known as Sa’iqa, the Ob-
                                                                                                     saying four alliance air-        servatory said, though it
                                                                                                     strikes in the eastern prov-     gave a slightly different ac-
                                                                                                     ince of Deir el-Zour all hit     count, saying the camp is
                                                                                                     oil wells about 55 kilome-       near the village of Ayyash
                                                                                                     ters (34 miles) southeast of     in the western countryside
                                                                                                     Ayyash.                          of Deir el-Zour.
                                                                                                     “We did not strike any ve-       A Facebook page used
                                                                                                     hicles or personnel targets      by Islamic State militants
                                                                                                     in this area. We have no         to post news said several
                                                                                                     indication any Syrian sol-       coalition warplanes flew
                                                                                                     diers were even near our         over IS positions about 8:30
                                                                                                     strikes,” the coalition state-   p.m. Sunday, then headed
                                                                                                     ment said, adding that it        toward areas controlled
                                                                                                     takes allegations of po-         by the Syrian government
                                                                                                     tential collateral damage        and struck an arms depot
                                                                                                                                      in the village of Ayyash,
Official: Red Cross ready to speak with IS to get aid in                                                                              west of Deir el-Zour. Sev-
                                                                                                                                      eral strong explosions were
JAMEY KEATEN                  years. The conference in         for any humanitarian.”                people who are support-          heard, it said.
Associated Press              Geneva aims partly to rein-      The organization needs                ing Islamic State group,”        The city of Deir el-Zour is
GENEVA (AP) — The Inter-      force international human-       above all to focus on Syr-            Daccord said. “We are try-       mainly held by the Islamic
national Committee of the     itarian law that has come        ians inside the war-torn              ing to find some solutions”      State group, but the Syrian
Red Cross is trying to reach  under threat in conflict         country, where more than              on a “pragmatic” basis, he       government maintains a
out to the Islamic State      zones like Syria, Iraq, South    250,000 have been killed              added. The reputation of         presence in some parts of
group to get humanitar-       Sudan,Afghanistan  and           and at least a million                the Red Cross as indepen-        it.
ian aid to people in areas    Yemen.                           wounded since the upris-              dent and impartial could         The IS-affiliated Aamaq
under its control, the orga-  The Red Cross is a “radical-     ing began over four years             help it achieve its end of       news agency released a
nization’s director-general   ly neutral” organization try-    ago, Daccord said. That               getting through to the           video showing wide de-
said Monday.                  ing to have “a relationship      means reaching out to all             most vulnerable, Daccord         struction in a residential
Yves Daccord made the         where we can do it” with         possible sides in the conflict        said, noting that as many        neighborhood in Deir el-
comments to The Associ-       the Islamic State group,         — including IS.                       as 8 million people have         Zour, saying it was bombed
ated Press on Monday’s        Daccord said. He said it’s       “We try to have some                  been internally displaced        by Russian warplanes. The
start to a major gathering    very difficult in Syria be-      connections in Iraq, with             in Syria — mostly the poor-      video showed a wounded
of the Red Cross and Red      cause some IS-controlled         maybe what I would call               est people in the country        child being carried away
Crescent held every four      areas “are pretty off-limits     ‘medium-level’ people —               who aren’t able to flee.q        and a dead boy was on a
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