Page 10 - MIN.TTC JAN 9,2015
P. 10
LOCALFriday 9 January 2015
Two Sisters and Twin
Engagements While
Vacationing in Aruba!
EAGLE BEACH - Rebec- eyes on each other ten made by Gemani Jew- ba, of course, in 2016. couple reconnected
ca Frey and David Ra- years ago at Craigville elers here on the island, Rebecca Frey and Da- online through Face-
mos were engaged in Bible Church in New and the couple plans on vid Ramos courted for book and are now liv-
Aruba at sunset on Ea- York. After several years getting married on Aru- almost two years, hav- ing together. The pair
gle Beach, on January of the Frey and Thomp- ing grown up together plans to wed this year
1st, 2015. Rachael Frey son families vacationing in their hometown of at home, with David’s
and Ian Thompson did together here in Aruba Washingtonville, New two sons, David Jr and
the same at the Califor- -- they have been va- York, the two share mu- Scott, at their side, then
nia Lighthouse at sunrise cationing here for the tual friends, and feel- honeymoon on a Carib-
on January 6th, 2015. past 17 years -- the ings, but were initially bean cruise.
The sisters were both va- couple started dating. too shy to begin a re- Pictured here the two
cationing on the island They then relocated to lationship at that time. pairs of love birds, en-
at La Cabana Beach Atlanta, Georgia, where Thirteen years later, the gaged in Aruba. q
Resort & Casino with Rachael is attending
multi-generational fam- Life University Chiro-
ily members and boy- practic school. They
friends, when inspired have been living there
by the island’s romantic together happily for the
spirit, the later popped past three years. The
the question, in two dif- engagement ring, says
ferent iconic locations. family member Da-
Rachel and Ian first laid vid Ramos was custom
LOCALFriday 9 January 2015
Two Sisters and Twin
Engagements While
Vacationing in Aruba!
EAGLE BEACH - Rebec- eyes on each other ten made by Gemani Jew- ba, of course, in 2016. couple reconnected
ca Frey and David Ra- years ago at Craigville elers here on the island, Rebecca Frey and Da- online through Face-
mos were engaged in Bible Church in New and the couple plans on vid Ramos courted for book and are now liv-
Aruba at sunset on Ea- York. After several years getting married on Aru- almost two years, hav- ing together. The pair
gle Beach, on January of the Frey and Thomp- ing grown up together plans to wed this year
1st, 2015. Rachael Frey son families vacationing in their hometown of at home, with David’s
and Ian Thompson did together here in Aruba Washingtonville, New two sons, David Jr and
the same at the Califor- -- they have been va- York, the two share mu- Scott, at their side, then
nia Lighthouse at sunrise cationing here for the tual friends, and feel- honeymoon on a Carib-
on January 6th, 2015. past 17 years -- the ings, but were initially bean cruise.
The sisters were both va- couple started dating. too shy to begin a re- Pictured here the two
cationing on the island They then relocated to lationship at that time. pairs of love birds, en-
at La Cabana Beach Atlanta, Georgia, where Thirteen years later, the gaged in Aruba. q
Resort & Casino with Rachael is attending
multi-generational fam- Life University Chiro-
ily members and boy- practic school. They
friends, when inspired have been living there
by the island’s romantic together happily for the
spirit, the later popped past three years. The
the question, in two dif- engagement ring, says
ferent iconic locations. family member Da-
Rachel and Ian first laid vid Ramos was custom