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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 7 March 2023
            Minister of Finance meets with FITCH for financial and economic

            evaluation of Aruba

            (Oranjestad)—Last  week,
            Minister  of  Finance,  Xio-
            mara Maduro, met with rat-
            ing  company  FITCH,  who
            these  days  are  making  a
            financial  and  economic
            evaluation  of  Aruba  in  or-
            der  to  provide  an  insight
            for  future  investors  on  the
            credibility of the island na-
            tion’s  finance,  expressed
            through a rating.

            During  the  meeting,  Min-
            ister  Maduro,  along  with
            professionals  from  the  De-
            partment of Finance, gave  implementing;  overview  of                                 Minister Maduro in order to  end  of  March.  Minister
            a  presentation  that  gives  the  jobs  that  correnspond  FITCH  also  met  with  differ-  learn more about the politi-  Maduro  hopes  that  the
            an overview of the financial  with  the  “Landspakket”;  ent  people  and  instances  cal  management  which  is  Aruba’s  economic  recov-
            and  economic  situation  the financial supervision of  on  the  island  to  hear  their  also  of  utmost  importance  ery and the dedication that
            of  Aruba.  She  explained  CAFT and the businesses to  side and to hear how they  for stabilizing the rating for  the government showed in
            the  economic  recovery  refinance  the  debt  to  The  see  the  development  and  Aruba.                          attending to financial chal-
            on the island following the  Netherlands  for  their  help  recovery  of  Aruba.  At  the                           lenges of our island can be
            pandemic;  the  Tax  Plan  with  the  costs  of  the  pan-  end,  FITCH  met  with  Prime  FITCH’s  evaluation  report  reflected in the “investing”
            2023 that has already been  demic.                        Minister  Wever-Croes  and  can  be  expected  at  the  rating of FITCH.q

            Prime Minister Wever-Croes meets with young female students at

            Culture Café in San Nicolas for International Women’s Day

            (Oranjestad)—In light of In-                                                                                        were very happy and satis-
            ternational  Women’s  Day,                                                                                          fied  with  the  meeting  with
            Prime Minister Evelyn Wev-                                                                                          the  prime  minister  and  ex-
            er-Croes recently met with                                                                                          pressed that it was very in-
            a  few  female  students  at                                                                                        terest and an overall “nice”
            Culture  Café  in  San  Nico-                                                                                       experience where a lot was
            las.  The  prime  minister  ex-                                                                                     learned  about  Internation-
            pressed  that  this  meeting                                                                                        al  Women’s  Day.  Students
            was sincerely “super super”                                                                                         were glad to have had an
            beautiful,  where  several                                                                                          opportunity  to  speak  with
            students  from  secondary                                                                                           the  prime  minister.  They
            schools  like  Colegio  San                                                                                         considered  the  meeting  a
            Augustin,  Filomena  Col-                                                                                           “safe  place”  where  they
            lege,  Abraham  de  Veer,                                                                                           were  able  to  express  their
            Colegio    Nigel   Matthew                                                                                          opinions  and  feelings  with
            and  EPB  were  all  present.                                                                                       the prime minister.
            During  this  meeting,  there
            were  ideas  interchanged,                                                                                          “It  was  a  very  inspiring  af-
            especially those related to                                                                                         ternoon,  because  the  la-
            women.                                                                                                              dies  were  well-prepared
                                         digitalization” and it is very  ing.   Additionally,   there  Students  happy  with  the  and  they  know  exactly
            This  year’s  theme  for  In-  important  to  know  what  were other topics discussed  meeting  with  the  prime  what  they  want.  They  also
            ternational  Women’s  Day  young women think of this  in  relation  to  women  and  minister                        recognized    the   impor-
            is  “to  empower  women  topic. This was also a cen-      womanhood.                   At the end of the meeting,  tance  for  these  kinds  of
            through  innovation  and  tral theme during the meet-                                  students  who  participated  talks and meeting and this
                                                                                                                                will  certainly  not  be  the
                                                                                                                                last.  I’m  thankful  for  the
                                                                                                                                schools’  principals  for  their
                                                                                                                                cooperation with this meet-
                                                                                                                                ing.  I’d  also  like  to  thank
                                                                                                                                the  young  ladies  who  at-
                                                                                                                                tended  and  their  parents
                                                                                                                                for  their  cooperation.  I  will
                                                                                                                                take  this  memory  with  me
                                                                                                                                and  work  on  some  impor-
                                                                                                                                tant points brought forth by
                                                                                                                                the girls,” the prime minister
                                                                                                                                expressed. q
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