Page 24 - MIN ON 13 APRIL 2016
P. 24
WORLD NEWSWednesday 13 April 2016
Trinidad probes killing of young British cricket player
JABARI FRASER tive’s home near the capi- ain when he was 7 years ucation, training and em- he had the ability to make
Associated Press tal of Port-of-Spain on Sun- old. Relatives said he was ployment. St. John formed people laugh and smile at
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad day night when two armed scheduled to return to Brit- part of the U.K. squad that will.”
(AP) — Authorities in the men approached them. ain this week and planned traveled to Jamaica when St. John also played for
eastern Caribbean island Police said the suspects to move to Trinidad perma- officials launched another the Alleyn Cricket Club be-
of Trinidad said Tuesday stole their money and cell- nently in January. academy there in 2013. tween 2009 and 2014, ac-
that they were investigat- phones and told St. John St. John was known as “AJ” “AJ developed into a very cording to the Surrey Coun-
ing the fatal shooting of a to drive away. Officials and was captain of the promising cricketer playing try Cricket Club.
22-year-old British citizen said one of the suspects Chris Gayle Academy in at various club sides in Sur- “He was clearly a talented
who was an up-and-com- then shot at the car and hit London. Officials said he rey. cricketer and a very popu-
ing cricket player. St. John in the back of his graduated in history and He will be deeply missed,” lar guy and everyone at the
Police said they are ques- head. philosophy at Hertfordshire the academy said in a club was shocked and sad-
tioning a 24-year-old man Family members said St. University and was one of statement. “AJ had such dened when we heard this
detained in the killing of John was born in Britain, the first members of the a positive effect on oth- news,” Paul Taylor, head of
Adrian St. John. They said moved to Trinidad as an academy, which helps at- ers around him. With that the Surrey Cricket Founda-
St. John was leaving a rela- infant and returned to Brit- risk youth obtain better ed- infectious positive energy, tion, said in a statement.q
Puerto Rico church strips teachers of pension amid crisis
DANICA COTO Former Catholic school director and teacher Isabel Casanas economic crisis, the island Security checks to depend
Associated Press talks about losing her pension, in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. government has begun on if their pensions were
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) defaulting on billions in cut. The government’s gen-
— After 36 years teaching (AP Photo/Danica Coto) debt. Many financial ex- eral fund is supposed to
English at a Roman Cath- perts here and on the U.S. cover pension obligations
olic school near Puerto any moment and said the why I find it so horrendous.” mainland say underfunded if needed, but even that
Rico’s capital, Norma Car- remaining money would As Puerto Rico’s govern- public pension obligations money is running out.
doza planned to retire with be distributed among re- ment teeters on the brink totaling more than $41 bil- “We are extremely worried
a modest pension she trust- tired teachers. Officials of insolvency, the grim lion will likely wind up on the because the government
ed she would get from the signed off with, “May God fate of this group of cur- chopping block. has been completely negli-
Archdiocese of San Juan. bless you all.” rent and former teachers If the money runs out, pub- gent about this,” said Pedro
Her faith was misplaced. “I’m 62 years old. Do you could signal more pain to lic school teachers, police Pastrana, who represents a
Archdiocese officials in re- think I can come up with a come for other workers officers, firefighters and retired teachers union.
cent weeks informed Car- pension plan in four years? expecting pensions — not thousands of other gov- Gov. Alejandro Garcia Pa-
doza and several hundred There’s no way,” said Car- only at private workplaces ernment employees could dilla, who was elected with
other current and retired doza, who had expected like the church, but also in have their pensions cut, the support of public sector
teachers that their pen- to get $930 a month from the island’s troubled public too. Vicente Feliciano, an unions, in 2013 approved
sions will be eliminated be- the church upon a retire- sector. Government work- economist and business government pension sys-
cause payouts exceeded ment that had been sched- ers haven’t yet gotten the consultant in San Juan, tem changes that included
contributions. Enrollment at uled for May but she has same bad news on pen- predicts that various public raising the retirement age,
Catholic schools in Puerto now postponed. “That’s sions. But mired in a deep pension systems will be un- which varies depending on
Rico has plunged with so able to make full payments type of job and number of
many families leaving the within two years. “When years worked, and requir-
island for the U.S. mainland that happens, then what? ing employee contribu-
amid the island’s econom- Do we leave retirees on the tions. But the government
ic crunch. street?” he says. began defaulting on debt
It has been a devastating There are about 120,000 last year and is expected to
blow to Catholic school government employees miss a $422 million payment
teachers who had counted and thousands more pub- due in May. Congress is
on those pensions to sup- lic sector retirees in Puer- considering a bill to create
plement the Social Security to Rico. Many, including a federal oversight board
checks they’ll be getting. teachers and police offi- that would have powers
The church noted in the cers, are in retirement plans that might include layoffs
letter that its contract with that are an alternative and pension cuts sought by
employees allows it to ter- to Social Security so they some investors in Puerto Ri-
minate the pension plan at wouldn’t even get Social can bonds.q
Organized crime officials search Panama Papers firm office
JUAN ZAMORANO around the offices while gave no other details. on its allegations that a were hiding assets in off- H
Associated Press prosecutors worked inside. Mossack Fonseca has de- computer hack led to the shore accounts and shell th
PANAMA CITY (AP) — Or- Shortly after news reports nied any wrongdoing, say- leak of millions of docu- companies. “Finally the si
ganized crime prosecutors based on a trove of docu- ing it only set up offshore ments about tax havens real criminals are being in- E
on Tuesday searched the ments from the firm began financial accounts and the firm set up. vestigated,” firm co-found- a
offices of the Mossack Fon- emerging more than a anonymous shell compa- The firm filed a complaint er Ramon Fonseca said in a Th
seca law firm, which has week ago, Panama’s gov- nies for clients and was not charging the security message to The Associated m
found itself in the eye of an ernment had said it would involved in how those ac- breach shortly before the Press on Monday. fo
international storm over tax investigate. counts were used. first media reports working Fonseca has maintained c
havens it set up for wealthy The attorney general’s of- The search came a day with the documents of- that the only crime which
international clients. fice said in a statement after intellectual property fered details on how politi- can be taken from the leak
A half dozen police of- that the investigators were prosecutors visited Mos- cians, celebrities and com- was the computer hack it-
ficers set up a perimeter reviewing documents, but sack Fonseca to follow up panies around the globe self. q