Page 25 - MIN ON 13 APRIL 2016
P. 25
Wednesday 13 April 2016
Uruguay Will Host the Next Regional Conference on Women
-Acting Foreign Minister of mendi; the Director of the and Central America, and Danilo Astori; of Social De- institutions, which includes
Uruguay, José Luis Can- National Institute of Wom- South America- be held be- velopment, Marina Aris- the preparation of diverse
cela, and ECLAC’s Ex- en, Mariella Mazzotti; the tween May and June 2016. mendi; and of Labor and studies on the Uruguayan
ecutive Secretary, Alicia Chief of the regional orga- During her two-day stay in Social Security, Ernesto economy.
Bárcena, signed an agree- nization’s Division for Gen- Montevideo, Alicia Bárce- Murro; along with the Head The second agreement,
ment to organize this inter- der Affairs, María Nieves na participated on April 5 of the Office of Planning between ECLAC and the
governmental meeting on Rico, and Magdalena in the inauguration of the and Budget, Álvaro Gar- Ministry of Labor and Social
October 25-28 in Montevi- Furtado, UN Women Repre- third round of negotia- cía, and representatives Security, represented by
deo. sentative in Uruguay. tions to achieve a regional from both international or- Alicia Bárcena and Minister
“We hope that this Con- agreement on the applica- ganizations. Ernesto Murro, will enable
ORANJESTAD - Uruguay will ference will contribute the tion of Principle 10 of the In addition, in the frame- new joint cooperation ac-
host the XIII Regional Con- Latin American and Carib- Rio Declaration on Environ- work of this visit to Mon- tivities in training and the
ference on Women in Latin bean perspective to the ment and Development on tevideo, two agreements strengthening of labor sta-
America and the Caribbe- global process of the 2030 access to information, pub- for technical cooperation tistics.
an, which will bring togeth- Agenda for Sustainable lic participation and justice were signed. The first one, On Wednesday, April 6,
er representatives from Development. Because in environmental matters. signed by ECLAC and the Bárcena participated in a
Governments of the region, sustainable development She also attended the pre- Ministry of Economy and seminar at the headquar-
civil society and United Na- without gender equality is sentation of the book De- Finance, represented by ters of the Training Center
tions organizations on Oc- neither development nor mographic Change and Alicia Bárcena and Minis- of the Spanish Agency for
tober 25-28 in Montevideo, is it sustainable,” said Ali- Economic and Social Chal- ter Danilo Astori, renewed International Development
according to an agree- cia Bárcena, who recalled lenges in Uruguay in the XXI a long-standing line of co- Cooperation (AECID) with
ment signed by the Uru- that the meeting in Monte- Century, which analyzes operation between both academics to debate a
guayan Government and video will mark 40 years of the consequences that the document with propos-
the Economic Commission building a regional gender decline in fertility and the als for the region’s devel-
for Latin America and the equality agenda, after the aging of this country’s pop- opment that the United
Caribbean (ECLAC). first event was held in Ha- ulation may have on so- Nations organization will
The agreement was signed vana in 1977. cial protection, health and present at its next session,
by the Acting Foreign Min- The Regional Conference is educational services, the ECLAC’s most important bi-
ister of Uruguay, José Luis an intergovernmental sub- labor market and the mac- annual event, which will be
Cancela, and ECLAC’s Ex- sidiary body of ECLAC. Its roeconomic dynamics. held in May in Mexico City.
ecutive Secretary, Alicia work is guided by Presiding The launch of the publica- After that meeting, Alicia
Bárcena. The ceremony, Officers who, during their tion, edited in the frame- Bárcena met with repre-
which took place last week Fifty-third meeting held in work of a joint project sentatives of the agencies,
in the Uruguayan capital, Santiago, Chile, approved between ECLAC and the programs and funds of the
was also attended by Uru- that three sub-regional World Bank, was attended United Nations system in
guay’s Minister of Social preparatory meetings -for by Uruguay’s Ministers of Uruguay, coordinated by
Development, Marina Aris- the Caribbean, Mexico Economy and Finance, Denisse Cook.q