Page 23 - AHATA
P. 23

                                                                                                                           Wednesday 18 december 2019

            Experience Aruba’s Goalkeepers Youth Fest:
            Prepare for a New Year with Defined Goals

            SAN  NICOLAS  —  The  Aru-   velopment Goals, of which  event  is  both  informative
            ban  “youth”  group,  (of  have  the  collective  goal  and  a  fun  experience  for
            whom we identify between  to build a better and more  event goers.
            ages 15 to 30),  is cordially  sustainable  future  for  all
            invited  to  come  and  ex-  around the globe.            The Goalkeepers Youth Fest
            perience  the  Goalkeepers                                is set to start at 1:00pm, and
            Youth Fest event, organized  There will be various break-  end  at  5:00pm,  of  which
            by Global Shapers Oranjes-   out  sessions  during  Goal-  both  opening  and  closing
            tad and UNESCO Aruba, to  keepers  Youth  Fest,  where  will take place at The Mov-
            be  hosted  on  Friday,  De-  certain  organizations  and  ies  @  Principal  (located  at
            cember  20th,  2019,  from  individuals from the Aruban  Bernard van de Veen Zep-
            1:00pm  to  5:00pm,  in  San  Community  will  be  sharing  penfeldstraat 20).
            Nicolas.  The  event  is  free,  their  own  experiences  rel-
            however  registration  is  re-  evant to the specific topic  There will be dynamic pre-
            quired for attendance.       at  hand.  The  three  main  sentations  throughout  the
                                         topics  are:  “Climate  &  En-  event’s set time frame hap-
            The main purpose of Goal-    vironment”,  “Education  &  pening  on-location  at  Co-
            keepers  Youth  Fest  is  to  Employment”, and, “Equity  secha San Nicolas, located
            help  bring  awareness  to  & Inclusion.” Notable is that  across the street from Prin-  For  more  information  visit  lowing  Facebook  Pages:
            the  youth  of  Aruba  with  there will be diverse exclu-  cipal and Biblioteca Nacio-  the Goalkeepers Youth Fest  Global Shapers Oranjestad
            regards  to  the  United  Na-  sive  and  special  presen-  nal Aruba – San Nicolas, lo-  Facebook  event,  which  and UNESCO Aruba. q
            tions’  17  Sustainable  De-  tations  to  ensure  that  the  cated next to Principal.  can  be  found  via  the  fol-

               Three titles of ambassadors of Aruba for loyal visitors

               EAGLE BEACH — Recently,  highest certificate that we
               Kimberley  Richardson  of  present, and is given to vis-
               the Aruba Tourism Author-   itors  who  have  been  visit-
               ity had the great pleasure  ing Aruba 35 years or more
               to honor Aruba’s loyal and  consecutively. It is incred-
               friendly  visitors  as  Distin-  ibly  beautiful  to  see  that
               guished  Visitors,  Goodwill  Aruba  has  so  many  loyal
               Ambassadors,  and  Emer-    visitors,  and  we  hope  to
               ald  Ambassadors  of  Aru-  see  them  for  many  more
               ba. The Distinguished visi-  years to come.
               tor certificate is presented  These  wonderful  people
               on behalf of the Minister of  stated  that  they  love  the
               Tourism, as a token of ap-  island  very  much,  espe-
               preciation  to  the  guests  cially  for  its  year-round
               who  visit  Aruba  10  years  sunny weather, nice sandy
               and  more  consecutively.  beaches and picturesque
               The Goodwill Ambassador  sunsets,  delicious  variety
               certificate  is  presented  to  of  foods,  its  safety  and
               guests  who  visit  Aruba  20  Aruba’s warm and friendly
               years and more consecu-     people  who  became  like
               tively.  The  Emerald  Am-  family to them. These hon-
               bassador certificate is pre-  orees  not  only  fell  in-love
               sented to guests who visit  with  the  island,  but  also
               Aruba 35 years and more  brought family, grandchil-
               consecutively.              dren,  friends,  and  neigh-
                                           bors to Aruba.
               The  honorees  were  Lou-   Richardson  together  with
               ise  Cazazian  as  a  Distin-  the representatives of the
               guished  Visitor,  Jason  &  Aruba  Beach  Club  pre-
               Diane Anderson as Good-     sented  the  certificates  to
               will Ambassadors, and En-   the  honorees,  handed
               ver & Linda Odar together  over  some  presents  and
               with  Charles  Weinberger  also  thanked  them  for
               &  Lorraine  Gutowics  as  choosing  Aruba  as  their
               Emerald  Ambassadors  of  favorite vacation destina-
               Aruba.  The  Emerald  Am-   tion  and  as  their  home-
               bassador certificate is the  away-from-home.q
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