Page 24 - AHATA
P. 24

             Wednesday 18 december 2019
            Soldiers in the spotlight during Marine Corps birthday

                                                                      of the Marines Peter Jan de  ous  colleagues  from  the  for  15  years.  Officers  who
                                                                      Vin, colleagues of the Roy-  Marine  Corps,  the  Aruban  already  have  the  badge
                                                                      al  Netherlands  Navy  and  Militia and local staff were  of  honor  can  change  the
                                                                      the  Marine  Corps  (active  recognized  for  the  good  number  every  five  years.
                                                                      and  in  field  service),  three  work they have done over  The  commander  has  re-
                                                                      highlights  from  the  career  the  past  period.  In  addi-  ceived the number 25.
            SAVANETA      —    Marines’  10th during the special cer-  of Adjutant van Hofwegen  tion,  Lieutenant  Colonel
            Adjutant  Arthur  van  Hof-  emony  to  commemorate       were considered: the good  Van  Beekhuizen  is  deco-     After  the  sound  of  the
            wegen  has  received  the  the  354th  birthday  of  the   memories  of  19  years  with  rated with the Jeneverkruis,  drums  and  pipers  of  the
            gold medal for 36 years of  Marine  Corps  in  the  sports   the  infantry,  seven  months  officially  the  “Dutch  Distin-  Marine  Corps  within  CZM-
            loyal service from the com-  hall of the barracks.        with Cambodia in the sec-    guishing Sign for Long-Term  CARIB,  the  ceremony  was
            mander  of  naval  barracks                               ond  half  of  1992  and  the  Service  as  Officer”.  The  closed  with  the  cutting  of
            Savaneta, Lieutenant Colo-   In the presence of the Na-   previous placement of five  Jeneverkruis is an award for  the birthday cake in honor
            nel  Van  Beekhuizen.  This  val Commander in the Ca-     years with NLMARFOR.         soldiers and reserve person-  of the 354th birthday of the
            happened  on  December  ribbean,  Brigadier  General      During  this  ceremony  vari-  nel that has been an officer  Marine Corps. q

             Paseo mural art

                                                                                                   PALM BEACH — Paseo Her-      the  mural  "UBUNTU  Gar-
                                                                                                   encia  cordially  invites  you  den" which stands for "I am
                                                                                                   to see the magnificent mu-   because we are", because
                                                                                                   ral  art  "UBUNTU  Garden"  together  greatness  comes
                                                                                                   created  by  students  of  along.
                                                                                                   Prinses Amalia School.       The students who took part
                                                                                                                                of  this  project  are:  Jean-
                                                                                                   Last  Saturday  Paseo  Her-  dwin  v/d  Biezen,  Tamara
                                                                                                   encia was honored and in-    Govaard,  Gabriella  Odor,
                                                                                                   spired by the amazing mu-    Anakena  Rodrigues,  Re-
                                                                                                   ral  art  designer  Joyceline  becca  St.  Fleur  and  Kristy
                                                                                                   Abbath  and  her  students  Quandt.  At  the  end  they
                                                                                                   from Prinses Amalia prima-   celebrated  their  great  ef-
                                                                                                   ry  school.  They  created  a  forts  at  TGI  Fridays  with  a
                                                                                                   mural  artwork  and  gave  it  delicious lunch. Come and
                                                                                                   the theme of Flora & Fauna  see the beautiful mural art
                                                                                                   where  they  incorporated  on the wall next to the ele-
                                                                                                   the Paseo's shell icon from  vator on the 2nd floor in the
                                                                                                   its logo in the center of the  parking  garage  of  Paseo
                                                                                                   design.  The  group  named  Herencia.q
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