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P. 10
Saturday 25 June 2022
Chris Kross:
“Music is something that is always there for us, so we need to use it”
In an interview with musi- States he studied Contem-
cian Chris Kross, he told us porary Writing and Produc-
a bit about his professional tion at Berklee College of
career as guitar player and Music. “The study has to
producer. He also told us do with music writing and
about his project, KrossHart. also production”, he ex-
plained. Chris calls himself
Chris started with music a guitar player and pres-
since he was only seven ents himself all around our
years old, taking his first les- island as a guitarist. He can
son of block whistle, which also play piano and bass,
ignited a passion that 15 but he explained that in
years later is still an essential music there’s a lot more to
part of his life. do than just play an instru-
“We are a family that is ment. “In music you can
quite musical, and I was do other things as well, and
always interested in music. you don’t have to precisely
My parents bit by bit pushed play another instrument.
me into more musical les- For example, I focus a lot
sons, and by the time I was on music writing and music
14 years old, I received my production as well”, Chris
own guitar. That’s where it said.
all started, and from there
I never stopped playing”, The project KrossHart start- start the project came be- and went on vacation to Chris finishes with a mes-
Chris told us. ed almost 10 years ago, cause we always played the Netherlands, we met fi- sage to young people who
and was the vision of Chris together. But then we both nally. Both of us were more are interested in entering
Chris continued his studies Kross together with Sieg- went to study abroad, and into technology, so we the world of music. “Music
in music, and in the United fried Hart. “The idea to when I was living in Spain decided to try to record is a great resource for peo-
something, try to come ple, where you can always
with something, and that’s go to it and express your-
how the project started”, self; and not only to express
Chris explained. but also to enjoy, that’s
also a very important part.
The goal of the project Kros- Music is something that will
sHart, according to Chris, is always be there for us all,
‘to continue the legacy of which means we have to
jazz’. “Because right now use it, because it is there for
it’s our generation’s turn us”, Chris said.q
to come into it, but we are
coming a little different be-
cause we do it in our own
style. We have our own in-
fluences which makes it dif-
ferent compared with the
Currently Chris has his own
studio where he makes his
music and gives lessons
in guitar, theory, and ear-