Page 11 - HOH
P. 11

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 25 June 2022


            Proud to continue to expand the camera service around Aruba

            Monday  morning,  SETAR  est software’s with solutions
            along with the Aruban Min-   like  Artificial  Intelligence  &
            ister  of  Justice  and  Social  Video  Analytics,  Cameras
            Affairs  Sr.  Rocco  Tjon,  pre-  & Sensors, Video Infrastruc-
            sented  the  project  “Video  ture  and  Video  Manage-
            Surveillance System” for the  ment Software.
            beach  area  starting  from
            the  Strandpolitie  (beach  With  various  cameras  in-
            police) to Fisherman’s Hut.   stalled  around  the  beach
                                         area, the special  cameras
            SETAR  along  with  camera  will  provide  maximum  vis-
            company  Avigilon  will  be  ibility  to  the  police  and
            in charge of this project. SE-  therefore  guarantee  the
            TAR has a wide experience  safety of our visitors and lo-
            in  the  implementation  of  cals  who  make  use  of  this
            the Avigilon systems in oth-  beach area.
            er companies and vital lo-
            cations of our Island.       As  SETAR  we  are  proud  to
                                         be  able  to  implement  yet
            The  “Video  Surveillance  another  project  of  camer-   ing and safety of our visitors  telephone  and  mobile,  in-  ue  to  grow  in  other  types
            System”  of  Avigilon  is  a  as of this magnitude, which  and locals. SETAR continues  ternet and TV services that  of  services  of  quality  and
            modern system with the lat-  contributes  to  the  wellbe-  to  prove  that  aside  from  we  offer,  we  also  contin-  guarantee.q

            The Centrale Bank van Aruba (CBA) informs

            The silver 5 Florin commemorative coin “Yuwana” is obtainable as

            of June 27, 2022 at the CBA

            The  Iguana  is  called  “Yu-  leaves  and  fruits.  In  1995,
            wana”  in  Papiamento.  It  is  the  hunting  and  killing  of
            a  very  impressive  animal.  the  Yuwana  were  banned
            An adult male can reach a  by  the    “Natuurbescherm-
            length  of  2  meters,  includ-  ingsverordening”  (AB  1995
            ing  its  tail,  and  is  usually  no. 2) legislation. Since then
            slightly  larger  than  the  fe-  it is one of the various ani-
            male.                        mals protected by law.
                                         For  additional  information
            The  adult  Yuwana  has  a  please  contact  the  Cash
            green-gray color, while the  Operations  &  Logistics  De-
            younger  Yuwana  is  bright  partment  of  the  CBA  at
            green.  The  color  of  the  telephone  number  525-
            Yuwana  sometimes  also  2139.
            depends  on  its  emotions,
            temperature,  health,  and  For  purchase:  Cashier  of
            the environment. It is a very  the  CBA  at  J.E.  Irausquin
            agile animal and can easily  Boulevard 8, between 8:30
            climb trees. It is also a good  a.m.-11:45  a.m.  and  1:15
            swimmer  and  diver.  It  eats  p.m.-3:30 p.m. q
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