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LOCALTuesday 26 May 2015
Creating a Prototype in 48 Hours;
co.lab Aruba Organizes First Ever ‘ATECH* Hackathon’
ORANJESTAD - Bring to- tify diverse problems that Training Facility, the groups were amazed by the pro- co.lab Aruba also thanks
gether a group of develop- could be solved. Based on had to present their pro- fessional, and innovative
ers, designers and market- these problems the groups totype and convince the presentations and proto- Domino’s Pizza and Sub-
ers, give them a topic, 48 got the task to create a judges that they had the types presented, especially
hours think of a problem web and/or mobile app or best prototype. The panel considering that the teams way that made sure that
related to the topic and software to solve the prob- of judges consisted of Mr. only had 48 hours from start
create a website, app or lem. The teams broke out to Daniel Koolman and Ms. to finish. the teams were well fed
software that solves that brainstorm right away and Indra Lampe of SETAR N.V., In the end, the team Un-
problem. That’s what the had until Sunday to work on Juni Croes of Domino’s Piz- inhibitrons with their pro- and energized to work
ATECH* Hackathon was all their prototype. za, Stephen Daal of Inter- totype dubbed Deliverty,
about. After working on their pro- port, and Kri Croes of Tech- came out winning the AT- through the weekend.
Last weekend co.lab Aru- totype on Saturday and nologyHaus. ECH* Hackathon. All the
ba, with support from SE- Sunday in the SETAR N.V.’s The judges and all present other teams –Impostor Syn- For more information on
TAR N.V., organized their drome, Bureau Innovatie+
first Hackathon as a part of and YGMT- were also high- co.lab Aruba and ATECH*
“Road to ATECH*”, a series ly complimented and ap-
of events leading up to the plauded by their effort. Or- Conference, go to www.
big conference to be held ganizers co.lab Aruba and
the 28th and 29th of Au- the panel of judges hope and
gust: ATECH* Conference. to see all teams continue
On Friday, an introduction to work out their prototype www.atechconference.
and briefing was held at and actually launch their
co.lab Workspace, where product to the market. com and also like their
the rules and criteria for the co.lab Aruba would like to
Hackathon were present- thank all the partners that Facebook page.q
ed to the different teams supported the event. A
that signed up. The topic word of appreciation goes
chosen: Transportation. out to their main partner SE-
Choosing a broad topic TAR N.V. who also provided
allowed the teams to iden- their offices and personnel.