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                                                                                                                Tuesday 26 May 2015

Latest in food-track tech: Swipe a code, meet your fisherman

By PATRICK WHITTLE             This April 2015 photo provided by Ecotrust Canada via This Fish shows the “Boat To Plate” smart-                                      zon in food traceability in
Associated Press               phone app being created by a group of Maine fishermen and scientists that will allow consumers                                        that it will use data from
PORTLAND, Maine (AP)           to source seafood all the way back to the fishermen who caught it.                                                                    multiple sources to bring
-- After eyeing a piece of                                                                                                                                           traceable seafood from
haddock on the supermar-                                                                                                                           Associated Press  a large, diverse fishery to
ket counter, a customer                                                                                                                                              supermarket consumers,
scans a code and finds out     boat fishermen. “We just        the different pieces of the    from the previous year, ac-                                            Levin said.
the fish was caught in the     don’t think that’s the way      supply chain - including       cording to market research                                             Hannaford Supermarkets,
waters of Georges Bank         of the future.”                 catch, landing, auction,       firm Visiongain.                                                       which has more than 150
and learns the name of the     Gulf of Maine Research          processing and delivery -      Consumers have had ac-                                                 locations in New England
fishing boat - and maybe       Institute in Portland is de-    and allows the buyer to see    cess to technology that                                                and New York, is on board.
even sees a picture of the     veloping the tool, which        all the way back to the fish-  connects them with the his-                                            Despite the growth of food
smiling, rain-slickened fish-  was recently awarded a          erman, Levin said.             tories of such items as flour,                                         tracking technology, it’s
erman who reeled it in.        $175,000 federal govern-        The plan is the latest in the  berries, Alaskan salmon                                                not well-known to many
Welcome to the future of       ment grant, in cooperation      fast-growing food trace-       and antibiotic-free beef                                               consumers, and the indus-
buying New England sea-        with Maine Coast.               ability tech sector, which     since the late 2000s, indus-                                           try is trying to change that,
food.                           Final release is about two     seeks to connect retailers,    try professionals said.                                                said Phil Werdal, CEO of
A group of scientists and      years away and will likely      restaurants and customers      The QR codes - the black                                               Trace Register, a Washing-
fishermen said the technol-    take the form of a smart-       with the origin and journey    and white digital squares                                              ton-based digital trace-
ogy isn’t about a gimmick      phone app, said Jen Levin,      of their food.                 readable with a camera                                                 ability company and one
so much as survival. They’re   the institute’s sustainable     The world market for food      - appear in both farmers                                               of the industry’s key play-
working on a new tool they     seafood program manag-          traceability technologies      markets and high-end res-                                              ers.
say will allow consumers to    er.                             will reach $11.15 billion in   taurants.                                                              “I think it’s in the very early
learn the backstory of a       The project involves bring-     2015, an increase of more      The Gulf of Maine seafood                                              stages of development,
piece of fish while stand-     ing together data about         than a half-billion dollars    tool represents a new hori-                                            the consumer piece,”
ing in the supermarket aisle                                                                                                                                         Werdal said. “It’s evolving
with their smartphone.                                                                                                                                               and improving, but it’s not
In an era when many sec-                                                                                                                                             that common right now.”
tors of the New England fish-                                                                                                                                        Gulf of Maine Research In-
ing industry are struggling                                                                                                                                          stitute is working with Trace
with depleted resources                                                                                                                                              Register and Vancouver-
and choking catch quo-                                                                                                                                               based This Fish to make the
tas, increasing the cachet                                                                                                                                           tool possible.
of local seafood could be
the last, best hope, said                                                                                                                                             The institute will likely ini-
Ben Martens, executive di-                                                                                                                                           tially apply it to seafood
rector of the Maine Coast                                                                                                                                            labeled through its sustain-
Fishermen’s Association,                                                                                                                                             able seafood verification
one of the groups involved                                                                                                                                           program, Levin said.
in the “Boat to Plate” proj-                                                                                                                                         That program includes
ect.                                                                                                                                                                 popular New England sta-
“Most fishermen don’t                                                                                                                                                ples such as cod and lob-
want to be involved in this                                                                                                                                          ster that are pulled from
kind of stuff. They want to                                                                                                                                          the waters in and around
go out into the water,”                                                                                                                                              the Gulf of Maine, a critical
said Martens, whose group                                                                                                                                            fishing ground that touches
represents 35 mostly small-                                                                                                                                          three states and two Ca-
                                                                                                                                                                     nadian provinces. q

PayPal’s new chief promises new services for a mobile world

By BRANDON BAILEY              Google Wallet are com-          even when they make pur-       in India and China. PayPal                                             apps that remembers an
AP Technology Writer           peting to handle transac-       chases in traditional, brick-  also touted a recent part-                                             individual’s account infor-
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- As       tions in stores and on mo-      and-mortar stores. Almost      nership with Burger King                                               mation and shipping ad-
PayPal prepares to split       bile devices.                   a third of transactions han-   that lets consumers pay for                                            dress, so they don’t have to
from its corporate parent,     Veteran executive Dan           dled by PayPal are now         their meals with a smart-                                              be re-typed with every new
its new chief executive is     Schulman, who will be CEO       made on mobile devices.        phone app.                                                             purchase.
promising to expand the        of the new PayPal, says his     “Those worlds are blurring,”   “We want to be more than                                               PayPal, which is based in
popular online payment         company will compete by         Schulman told The Associ-      just a button on a mer-                                                San Jose, California, has
system, adding a variety of    positioning itself as a “full-  ated Press in an interview     chant’s website,” Schul-                                               stumbled in one arena.
services for consumers to      service” payments partner       Thursday. “When you go         man said. “We really want                                              Without admitting wrong-
use when shopping on their     for consumers and mer-          into a store environment,      to provide a full suite of ser-                                        doing, the company
phones or in traditional       chants, handling mobile         and you have your mobile       vices and products.”                                                   agreed this week to pay
stores.                        transactions, credit pur-       phone with you, it should      That includes expanding a                                              $25 million over U.S. regu-
PayPal will be spinning        chases and even customer        be a simple step to do a       PayPal credit service that                                             lators’ allegations that it
off from parent company        loyalty rewards programs.       checkout from that de-         lets shoppers spread pay-                                              signed up some customers
eBay later this year at a      PayPal was best known for       vice.”                         ments over time and the                                                for credit they didn’t want.
time when it’s facing new      many years as a payment         Schulman spoke after an        Venmo mobile app that                                                  “Sometimes you try and
competitive challenges. Al-    method for purchases            event where PayPal an-         lets individuals exchange                                              do things and they’re not
ibaba, Amazon and even         made on desktop com-            nounced new partnerships       small sums when they split a                                           always perfect. We want
Facebook are promot-           puters. But consumers are       with companies that help       bill or repay a debt. PayPal                                           to fix them as much as
ing online payment sys-        increasingly using mobile       merchants sell goods online    is also extending a service                                            any regulator wants to fix
tems, while Apple Pay and      phones to shop online and       around the world, including    for websites and mobile                                                them,” Schulman said.q
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