Page 14 - ATA
P. 14
LOCAL Wednesday 7 June 2017
Real Island Life: Notes From A Day On Aruba!
ent types of blues-just like Rogers beach. These are
you see in famous mov- the places locals go. This
ies like the “blue lagoon”. is where we teach our kids
First stop was the famous to swim. Calm and shallow
Charlie’s Bar in San Nico- waters, lots of space to lie
laas Main Street. Genera- out and catch some sun. If
tion after generation of you pick a spot close to the
Charlie’s have been run- Snack Container where
ning this cozy place, where they sell burger and re-
you can spend hours look- freshments you can enjoy
ing around and identifying 24-7 “golden oldies”. Music
all the things visiting tourists you grew up with...... After
have left behind to person- a few hours of “vegging”
alize the bar, like baseball on the beach staring at
caps, business cards, li- the turquoise ocean and
cense plates and of course listening to the birds that
PALM BEACH - First of all, I your fresh squeezed lemon jeeps. In that case all you
like to welcome you to my juice from your backyard need is to protect yourself
island in the sun. Aruba’s trees with a fish omelet (left with sun block because our
weather is always so pre- over’s from last night’s in- sun is really strong-I recom-
dictable (hot and windy) credible catch of the day). mend Aruba Aloe brand!
and that might be the main Grab an ice cooler, fill it up Packed with a towel and
reason you decided to with anything you like to the ice cooler I started driv-
come visit us. Of course be- drink cold, and start driv- ing along the coast line.
sides the sun there is much ing. Of course you can get Never realized how many
more like: beaches, res- in an air-conditioned car, different shades of blue weird kind of souvenirs. Go fly by and walk around it
taurants, shopping, gam- but also nice for the ex- really exist in the ocean. I check it out yourself..... is time to get some food.
bling, activities and more. perience are the open-air counted at least 9 differ- Up to Baby Beach and Zeerovers in Savaneta is
Talking about all those the place to go. Simple,
fun things to do here, if clean and oh so good! The
you live on the island full freshest fish on the island,
time, and work every day, brought in directly by our
you might forget that we local fisherman. You or-
truly live in a paradise. der by the piece and or
Of course on your off pound and as little or as
day you might go swim- much as you want. The
ming or drive around price for fish and chips is
but it is after a few more so good that you for sure
days at home when you would ask: “is that all”?
start realizing how beauti- No fancy dinner ware, just
ful our island really is. So I plain easy simple plastic
took some time to “smell but I promise you that you
the ocean breeze”...... will be licking your fingers
I truly think that all locals while enjoying a few drinks
should do so, once in a and the best sunset on
while, to appreciate where the island, island style........
we live and what we have.� You see now that a day
Enjoy breakfast outside in in Aruba can fly by as
your patio or yard. Breathe long as you have fun en-
in and out.... Let it sink in joy every moment of it.
a little. No rush and no Yes, you are in
hurry. Take time to enjoy PARADISE!!!q