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P. 15
Wednesday 7 June 2017
Cruise Line Executives to Assemble in Aruba for FCCA Meeting
ORANJESTAD - Prominent “We could not be prouder
cruise industry leaders to work with Aruba for this
and executives will meet important event,” said Mi-
in Aruba next year, as the chele Paige, President of
Aruba Tourism Authority the FCCA. “Joining high-
hosts the 2017 Platinum As- level cruise executives and
sociate Membership Advi- prominent cruise tourism
sory Council Conference stakeholders, it will offer all
of the Florida-Caribbean attendees a unique oppor-
Cruise Association (FCCA) tunity to increase business,
on June 14-16, 2017. “Our and Aruba is pulling out all
One happy island is thrilled the stops to display its prod-
to host the innovators and ucts, advancements and
key decision makers of the happiness to the influential
cruise industry,” said Ronel- audience.”
la Tijn Asjoe-Croes, CEO of Welcoming more than 30
the Aruba Tourism Author- senior executives from the
ity. FCCA’s 19 Member Lines
“We look forward to show- and 150 esteemed FCCA
casing the changes Aruba Platinum Members, the
has undergone over the conference will touch on a
past few years and how variety of topics within the
these changes positively industry during business ses-
influence the experience sions monitoring the cruise
of all visiting cruise guests.” sector, along with one-on-
one meetings between the historical attractions to fla- experienced proportionate
members and executives vorful cuisine and captivat- growth in line with overall
and networking events ing beaches, Aruba Tour- tourism performance. In
in the evenings. Plus, the ism Authority plans to incor- June 2016, the cruise tour-
event will work hand-in- porate a taste of on-island ism welcomed 25,452 pas-
hand with FCCA’s charita- culture into the conference sengers, a 14.4 percent
ble arm, the FCCA Founda- program, creating an au- increase from June 2015,
tion, by donating to a local thentic Aruban experience and is expected to have
charity that will be chosen for the executives, mem- a strong year with over 5%
by Aruba’s authorities. bers and guests. growth as compared to
From diverse activities and Aruba’s cruise sector has 2015.q