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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 25 May 2024

            Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation will

            participate in the "Appeltje van Oranje"

            Heart-Centered Leadership  Centered Impact Coaches,  The difference in the initia-
            Foundation (HCLF) is one of  is  among  the  candidates  tive lies in the connection that
            the 10 candidates from the  highlighted  for  their  efforts  the Heart-Centered Impact
            Dutch Caribbean that can win  to combat loneliness among  Coaches create with young
            the prestigious 'Appeltje van  young people. The group of  people  and  among  them-
            Oranje'. The theme of this year  coaches  consists  of  adult  selves as young adults. With
            is 'fighting loneliness together'  volunteers between 18 and  young people, they ensure a
            and HCLF's initiative 'Heart-  30  years  old  who  undergo  safe space for self-expression
            Centered Impact Coaches'  training and support young  and an inclusive environment
            has  been  selected  as  one  people during various inter-  to  support  each  other.  For
            of the candidates. This is the  active  activities  organized  themselves as young adults,
            second time in two years that  by HCLF.                   they meet other volunteers
            HCLF will be part of Appeltje                             who share the same purpose  its programs in 2023. In the first  sive community, where every
            van Oranje after reaching the  The phase of youth is not an  or  goal,  form  connections,  4 months of 2024, the Heart-  young person feels valued
            final round in 2022.         easy one. A young person  exchange experiences and  Centered Impact Coaches  and empowered.
                                         encounters many challenges  opportunities, and motivate  have already connected with
            Appeltje van Oranje is an an-  in their growth that hinder their  each other to be the best  young people in 20 sessions.  About HCLF:
            nual award that recognizes  complete formation into an  version of themselves. An ex-                               Heart-Centered Leadership
            initiatives in the Dutch king-  authentic adult, firm in their  ample of their motivation and  HCLF is excited that its initiative  Foundation (HCLF) is a foun-
            dom that make a difference  support and engaged in so-    connection is how they come  is being considered for the  dation  established  in  2008
            in the community. Each year,  ciety. One of the challenges  up with activities for young  Appeltje van Oranje award.  with the goal of inspiring and
            it recognizes and rewards 3  is that even if they have a  people and for themselves,  It is a recognition of the valu-  empowering young people
            initiatives in the social area  large group of friends, a young  such as a mindfulness hike  able work that the founda-  in  Aruba.  Since  2012,  the
            that are creative and unique,  person can still feel lonely. The  and a personal growth ses-  tion and its Heart-Centered  foundation has been offering
            standing  for  inclusivity  and  feeling of loneliness can lead  sion for young people.  Impact Coaches are doing  various workshops, activities,
            an involved society.         to mental health challenges.                              to combat loneliness among  and seminars where young
                                         For  the  young  person  who  Heart-Centered    Impact  young people. HCLF is confi-   people have the opportunity
            The theme of this year puts  feels lonely, without anyone  Coaches have been present  dent that the work its Heart-  to develop their character
            emphasis on initiatives working  to connect with, the coaches  in more than 30 sessions for  Centered Impact Coaches  and skills, strengthening their
            together to combat loneli-   provide attention and a lis-  young people, helping HCLF  are doing is helping to create  personal  and  professional
            ness. HCLF's initiative, Heart-  tening ear without judgment.  reach 400 young people with  a more connected and inclu-  development.q

                                                                      Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at

                                                                      Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa Aruba!

                                                                      have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35  Distinguished Visitors  The  top  reasons  for  return-
                                                                      years or more consecutively.  Mr. Michael & Barbara Muc-  ing  to  Aruba  provided  by
                                                                                                   ciaccio from Dedham Mas-     the honorees were:
                                                                      The three levels of honor are  sachusetts, United States.   •   Aruba’s people.
                                                                      as follows:                  Mr. Jorgino Willems represent- •   Aruba’s beach.
                                                                      Distinguished Visitor (10>years  ing the Aruba Tourism Author- •   Aruba’s weather.
                                                                      consecutively visiting Aruba)  ity, and staff members of the  •   “Relax & Recharge”
                                                                      Goodwill      Ambassador  Manchebo Beach Resort &  •         “Out of the US into the
            The Aruba Tourism Authority  love for the island of Aruba.  (20>years consecutively visit-  Spa Aruba bestowed the cer-  Caribbean”
            recently had the great plea-                              ing Aruba)                   tificate upon the honorees,  On behalf of the Aruba Tour-
            sure  of  recognizing  Distin-  The honorary certification is  Emerald   Ambassador  presented them with gifts, and  ism Authority, we would like to
            guished Visitors of Aruba. The  presented on behalf of the  (35>years consecutively visit-  thanked them for choosing  express our sincere gratitude
            honorees were respectively  Minister of Tourism as a token  ing Aruba)                 Aruba as their favorite vaca-  and appreciation to the hon-
            honored with a certificate for  of appreciation and to say                             tion destination, as their home  orees for their continued visits
            their years of visits, loyalty, and  “Masha Danki” to guests who  The honorees were:   away from home.              to the “One Happy Island”.q
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