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Saturday 25 May 2024 locAl

            Birds of Aruba

            ORANJESTAD — On May 11th, 2010, the Aruba  descriptions  from  the  foundations  Facebook  Our Canadian friends know exactly where they
            Birdlife Conservation was founded with the aim  page.                                           can do so best. A Greater Yellowlegs rediscov-
            of  protecting  the  biodiversity  in  general  and                                             ering Aruba’s Bubali Wetlands.
            birds in and around Aruba in particular.        The Great Egret
                                                            Serenity in Aruba’s National Park, a Great Egret  Cabochon
            Among other things, the foundation will focus  flying in peace. When it is peaceful and quite,  In  its  living  form  of  so  much  more  value  than
            on  increasing  the  survival  chances  of  species  beautiful things start happening in nature.   any gemstone. Aruba’s smallest and most mas-
            of  wild  birds  by  promoting  their  preservation                                             ter of flight. A top pollinator. A hovering Blenchi
            and conservation. The foundation publishes the  Canadian in the house                           inspecting the human who just entered his ter-
            most beautiful pictures of local birds on their so-  The  breeding  season  is  over  and  it’s  getting  ritory.
            cial media that show us the beauty of Aruba’s  pretty cold in North America. Shore birds have  English: Blue-tailed Emerald (male) Dutch: Blau-
            birds and nature in general. Aruba Today gives  started moving southwards as early as July. This  wstaartsmaragdkolibrie (mannetje).
            you a little peek with the following pictures and  wetland  beauty  wants  to  keep  its  toes  warm.  Aruba’s to enjoy. Aruba’s to protect.q

            CXXIX- 129 - Legislation against global warming

            NOORD  -  Citizens of Aruba  well as benefits in proven Sci-  rains, grateful to be spared
            are at that point where they  entific and Technological so-  outside of the so-called hur-
            must  determine  charac-     lutions for an eco-conscious  ricane belt, however, razing
            ter and make an uncondi-     society.                     piece of land is very tragic
            tional choice for the future                              for Aruba is like an natural
            by demanding responsible  Aruba's fragile nature is un-   disasters.This   devastation
            governance.      Consider-   der various threat. The lack of  reached its tipping point. A
            ing the demographics and  regulations and the non-en-     sign  of  overcrowding,  de-
            geophysical limitations of its  forcement of those in force  struction of nature, and stress
            small territory, smart choices  has proven to generate di-  will also increase the cost of
            long term benefits. Operating  sastrous  results,  accidents  healthcare, business, security
            objectives of Etnia Nativa's  made to happen.             and souring cost of energy
            initiative is to share our col-                           whit rising temperatures.
            lective  native  folkloric  ex-  Our concern is the destruc-  Our  island  waste  impasse
            perience and field observa-  tion of our topsoil and com-  deserves a creative solution
            tions. A spiritual respect for  plete  depletion  of  it`s  es-  and  pragmatic  interven-
            Mother Nature is our promo-  sential  nutrient  dispensing  tion. In our experiment with
            tion. Encourage awareness  network  which  spread  hu-    recycling, we built all of our
            of true elemental values as  midity evenly during heavy  facilities. A project that incor-  temperature.  We  actively   listic sustainable economy.
                                                                      porated materials collected  support  such  actively  as   Global  Warming  must  be
                                                                      in all phases of its construc-  volunteers.               taken very serious and per-
                                                                      tion process. The same was                                sonal,  hence  everyperson
                                                                      applied in the construction  We  emphasized  on  issues   could  offer  it`s    grain  of
                                                                      of  artifacts,  furniture  and  such as market  saturation,   sand  of  contribution,  Lets
                                                                      works of art that are part of  loss of charm. Quality over   become  a  suscesful  study
                                                                      the decoration and lectures,  quantity mindset. Reentegra-  case an example in natural
                                                                      such as lamps, masks, shells  tion of the youth in the tourist   recovery,  mitigate the cost
                                                                      and  bones,  feathers  and  service industry. Repatriation   of fosil energy and combat
                                                                      seeds, etc. less garbage in  of the less demanding and    the intensifying heat.
                                                                      to landfills                 under  educated  foreign
                                                                                                   workerforces  towards  re-
                                                                      We promote the planting of  covery  and  beyound.  Re-    To get to know more about
                                                                      trees, local trees in particu-  forming  fiscal  sythem  and   Aruba's origins, flora, fauna
                                                                      lar, In order to fight back de-  envioramental  custodian,   and  cultural  heritage,  we
                                                                      sertification and rising areal  paving way towards a ho-  recommend  this  private
                                                                                                                                cultural  encounter  session
                                                      Article by: Etnia Nativa                                                  that  has  been  educating
                                                                                                                                participants  for  decades.
                                                      Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                                        Mail  us  at  etnianativa03@
                                                               your Aruban exprerience                                 or Whatsapp +
                                                        Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels                           297 592 2702 for an amazing
                                                                                                                                native hour. q
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