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                    Monday 23 april 2018

            Team Aruba Speaks for Autism

            UNION,  S.C.  -  April  is  Au-  an old intake manifold, and
            tism Awareness month. Al-    became  spokespeople  at
            ways willing to lend a help-  races and other events.
            ing hand, Team Aruba has
            spoken on behalf of people  Autism, or autism spectrum
            with autism for years.       disorder,  refers  to  a  range
                                         of  conditions  character-
            Beyond  their  on-track  per-  ized by challenges with so-
            formance,  Team  Aruba  cial skills, repetitive behav-
            is  often  known  for  their  iors, speech and nonverbal
            friendly faces and welcom-   communication, as well as
            ing pit area. Their hospital-  by  unique  strengths  and
            ity speaks to their generous  differences.  An  estimated
            nature. When given the op-   1 in 68 children are autistic,
            portunity to show kindness,  with  a  higher  percentage
            the Eman family and Team  of  boys  than  girls.  About
            Aruba  crew  jump  on  the  one third of autistic children
            chance. So when they met  will remain non-verbal.
            a  family  near  their  shop  in
            Union, S.C. and got to know  “We  have  been  support-
            their story of raising an au-  ing Autism awareness for a
            tistic  child,  Team  Aruba  long  time,”  added  Eman.
            jumped into action.          “I’m  always  surprised  at
                                         how  many  people  come
            “When  we  saw  firsthand  up  to  us  and  thank  us  for
            that it is no easy task,” told  supporting  the  cause  and
            Trevor  Eman.  “We  wanted  get  emotional  about  it.
            to  offer  a  helping  hand  Raising   autistic   children
            where  we  could.”  Team  comes  with  a  wide  range
            Aruba  prominently  placed  of challenges and many of
            an  Autism  Speaks  (www.    those don’t stop as the chil-
      decal  dren grow into adults.
            on their car, set up a unique
            donation  box,  made  from          Continued on Page 15
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