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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 13 February 2023

            Arab leaders warn Israeli actions threaten regional turmoil

            By SAMY MAGDY                often  been  the  epicenter
            Associated Press             of Israeli-Palestinian unrest.
            CAIRO  (AP)  —  Dozens  of  There  was  no  immediate
            leaders  and  senior  officials  comment from Israel’s gov-
            from  Arab  and  Islamic  ernment.
            countries  warned  on  Sun-  The  officials  also  voiced
            day  Israeli  actions  in  Jeru-  support for Jordan’s role as
            salem  and  the  occupied  custodian  of  the  Al-Aqsa
            West Bank could worsen re-   Mosque,  the  third-holiest
            gional  turmoil,  as  violence  site  in  Islam.  The  mosque
            surges  between  Israel  and  is  built  on  a  hilltop  in  Jeru-
            the Palestinians.            salem’s Old City that is the
            The   meeting    in   Cairo  most  sacred  site  for  Jews,
            was  hosted  by  the  Arab  who refer to it as the Tem-
            League  and  attended  by  ple  Mount  because  it  was
            President  Abdel  Fattah  el-  the site of the Jewish tem-  Egyptian  President  Abdel-Fattah  el-Sissi,  right,  Palestinian
            Sissi of Egypt, Jordan’s King  ples in antiquity.         President Mahmoud Abbas, left, and King Abdullah II of Jordan,
            Abdullah II and Palestinian  Since  Israel  captured  the   leave a conference to support Jerusalem at the Arab League
            President Mahmoud Abbas  site  in  the  1967  Mideast     headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023.
            along  with  many  foreign  War,  Jews  have  been  al-                                            Associated Press
            ministers  and  senior  offi-  lowed to visit but not pray  tablish  diplomatic  ties  with  president,  said  his  admin-
            cials. The high-level gather-  there.  Israel  claims  all  of  Israel,  called  on  the  inter-  istration  would  resort  to
            ing came amid one of the  Jerusalem  as  its  undivided  national community to “re-    the  United  Nations  and  its
            deadliest  periods  of  fight-  capital,  while  the  Palestin-  inforce  the  two-state  solu-  agencies  and  demand  a
            ing  in  years  in  Jerusalem  ians  seek  east  Jerusalem  tion and create conducive  resolution  to  protect  the
            and the neighboring Israeli-  as  the  capital  of  their  fu-  conditions  for  the  resump-  two-state  solution  to  the
            occupied  territory.  Forty-  ture  state.  Calling  Jerusa-  tion of the peace process.”  conflict.  “The  State  of  Pal-
            five Palestinians have been  lem “the backbone of the  King Abdullah II also called  estine  will  continue  going
            killed  so  far  this  year,  ac-  Palestinian  cause,”  el-Sissi  for Israel to cease its viola-  to international courts and
            cording to a count by The  warned  of  dire  repercus-    tions and incursions into the  organizations  to  protect
            Associated  Press.  Palestin-  sions of any Israeli move to  Al-Aqsa Mosque.           our  people’s  legitimate
            ians  have  killed  10  people  change  the  status  quo  of  “The  region  cannot  live  in  rights,” he said.
            on  the  Israeli  side  during  the  holy  site,  saying  they  peace,  stability,  and  pros-  The  ongoing  bout  of  vio-
            that time.                   would “negatively impact”  perity without any progress  lence  has  put  the  region
            Speakers  at  the  meeting  future negotiations to settle  made  on  the  Palestinian  on  edge.  Last  month,  U.S.
            condemned  Israel’s  “uni-   the  Israeli-Palestinian  con-  cause,” he warned.        Secretary  of  State  Antony
            lateral  measures”  in  Jeru-  flict. He said such measures  Ahmed  Aboul-Gheit,  the  Blinken  met  with  Egyptian,
            salem  and  the  West  Bank  would  impede  the  long-    secretary-general  of  the  Israeli and Palestinian lead-
            in  statements,  including  sought after two-state solu-  pan-Arab      organization,  ers and urged them to ease
            home  demolitions  and  ex-  tion  to  the  conflict,  which  also warned that attempts  tensions.
            panding settlements.         would  leave  “both  parties  to  partition  the  Al-Aqsa  Israel is run by Prime Minister
            They  also  condemned  vis-  and the whole Middle East  Mosque  and  obliterate  its  Benjamin Netanyahu’s new
            its  by  Israeli  officials  to  the  with difficult and grave op-  Arab  and  Islamic  identity  far-right government. Many
            city’s  contested  holy  site,  tions.”                   “would  fuel  endless  unrest  politicians  in  Netanyahu’s
            which  is  sacred  to  both  El-Sissi,  whose  country  was  and violence.”            administration oppose Pal-
            Jews and Muslims and has  the  first  Arab  nation  to  es-  Abbas,   the   Palestinian  estinian independence.q

            Germany to ease visa conditions for some earthquake victims

                                                                      ian  families  in  Germany  to  Germany have Turkish roots
                                                                      bring  close  relatives  from  because,  more  than  60
                                                                      the  disaster  region,”  Ger-  years  ago,  West  Germany
                                                                      man Interior Minister Nancy  recruited  “guest  workers”
                                                                      Faeser tweeted late Satur-   from Turkey and elsewhere
                                                                      day.                         to  help  the  country  ad-
                                                                      “They can find shelter with  vance economically.
                                                                      us  and  receive  medical  More  recently,  hundreds
                                                                      treatment,”  Faeser  said.  of thousands of Syrian refu-
                                                                      “With  regular  visas,  which  gees  came  to  Germany
                                                                      are issued quickly and are  looking  for  safety  from  the
             Volunteers  walk  among  locally  donated  relief  supplies  for   valid for three months.”  brutal civil war back home.
             earthquake victims in Turkey at a warehouse near BER Berlin-  However,  not  all  the  re-  Turkish  and  Syrian  immi-
             Brandenburg  Airport  in  Schoenefeld  near  Berlin,  Germany,   quirements  of  a  regular  grants  in  Germany  have
             Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023.                                  visa  procedure  are  being  been collecting aid,  send-
                                                     Associated Press   waived.  Applicants  must  ing  donations  and  worry-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  The  Ger-   ily  ties  to  Germany  if  they  still  be  able  to  present  a  ing  for  their  relatives  back
            man government wants to  are facing homelessness or  valid  passport  —  likely  to  home. Calls to allow them
            temporarily  ease  visa  re-  were injured.               be an obstacle for people  to  take  in  close  family
            strictions for survivors of the  “It’s about helping in times  who  fled  collapsing  build-  members  from  the  devas-
            earthquake  in  Turkey  and  of need. We want to make  ings.                           tated  regions  had  been
            Syria who have close fam-    it possible for Turkish or Syr-  Several  million  people  in  growing for days.q
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