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                 Monday 13 February 2023
            Caribbean leaders to tackle Haiti’s woes amid migration

            By BERT WILKINSON                                                                                                   since  2014  and  a  spike
            Associated Press                                                                                                    compared  with  the  180
            GEORGETOWN,        Guyana                                                                                           deaths  registered  in  2021.
            (AP)  —  Top  Caribbean                                                                                             Last  year,  the  Bahamas
            leaders  are  expected  to                                                                                          repatriated  nearly  5,000
            debate    Haiti’s   spiraling                                                                                       migrants,  the  majority  of
            chaos  and  its  impact  on                                                                                         them  Haitians.  In  January,
            the region during a biannu-                                                                                         the government sent home
            al  meeting  this  week,  with                                                                                      570 migrants, of whom 368
            some  complaining  bitterly                                                                                         were Haitians. The govern-
            about  a  constant  stream                                                                                          ment of the Turks & Caicos
            of migrants arriving on their                                                                                       Islands  intercepted  more
            shores as they flee poverty                                                                                         than  3,000  such  migrants
            and worsening violence.                                                                                             last year.
            The  three-day  meeting  of                                                                                         In  late  January,  the  Ba-
            the Caribbean trade block                                                                                           hamian  government  an-
            known  as  Caricom  starts                                                                                          nounced  that  no  new
            Wednesday  in  the  Baha-                                                                                           work  permit  applications
            mas.  Some  of  the  group’s                                                                                        for  Haitians  would  be  pro-
            15  members  are  pushing                                                                                           cessed   until   authorities
            to  get  key  Haitian  stake-                                                                                       could  better  authenticate
            holders  to  a  neutral  na-                                                                                        documents  issued  by  Hai-
            tion in the region to reach                                                                                         ti’s  government.  Also  that
            a  consensus  agreement      Residents move about as police patrol in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Friday, Feb. 10, 2023.  month,  the  Turks  &  Caicos
            on holding elections in the                                                                        Associated Press   government  approved  a
            impoverished  country  that  this  problem  in  Haiti  be-  and hunger deepens, with  has  prompted  thousands  six-month  moratorium  on
            has  been  stripped  of  all  cause  no  one  else  in  the  gangs growing more pow-   to  flee  Haiti  to  neighbor-  visitor visas for Haitians.
            democratically  elected  in-  Caribbean will be spared,”  erful  since  the  July  2021  ing Caribbean islands, with  Both  governments  have
            stitutions.                  he said.                     assassination  of  President  many  seeking  to  eventu-  complained  about  an  in-
            However,  the  international  The  Caricom  meeting  will  Jovenel Moïse. The number  ally  reach  the  U.S.  Dozens  crease  in  migrant  shanty-
            community  and  local  offi-  be  hosted  by  Bahamian  of  reported  kidnappings  have died in such attempts  towns  and  on  spending
            cials have noted that elec-  Prime  Minister  Philip  Davis,  rose  to  more  than  1,200  as  they  cram  into  rickety  related to patrolling waters
            tions cannot be held in Haiti  who  has  persistently  com-  last  year,  more  than  dou-  boats  captained  by  hu-  surrounding  both  archipel-
            until violence is quelled.   plained  about  the  cost  of  ble what was reported the  man smugglers.               agos. “There is no question
            Haiti’s foreign minister, Jean  repatriating  thousands  of  previous  year.  Meanwhile,  The  International  Organi-  as  to  whether  Haiti  will  be
            Victor   Généus,   warned  Haitians as well as hundreds  1,200 killings were reported  zation  for  Migration  an-  discussed”  at  this  week’s
            during  an  Organization  of  of Cubans in the past year.  last  year,  an  increase  of  nounced  last  month  that  meeting,  Caricom  spokes-
            American  States  meeting  He says Caricom needs to  35%  compared  with  the  it  documented  at  least  man  Leonard  Robertson
            Friday  that  insecurity  has  help find a solution to Haiti’s  previous  year,  according  321  migrant  deaths  and  said.  “Haiti  has  been  at
            risen and will spill over into  security, political and eco-  to the U.N.              disappearances     in   the  the front and center of the
            neighboring countries.       nomic  crisis.  Violence  has  The   violence,   coupled  Caribbean  last  year,  the  community’s  interest  and
            “We must absolutely tackle  soared  in  Haiti  as  poverty  with  double-digit  inflation,  highest  number  recorded  agenda.”q

                                                                      Pope worried about Nicaraguan

                                                                      bishop sentenced to 26 years

                                                                       could do for Álvarez. “Pray,  Square  for  the  traditional  Álvarez  refused  to  board
                                                                       that is our strength,” Brenes  Sunday  blessing,  express-  without being able to con-
                                                                       told those gathered inside  ing both his love and con-  sult with other bishops.
                                                                       the  Metropolitan  Cathe-   cern for Álvarez. He called  Nicaragua’s     president
                                                                       dral  of  the  Immaculate  on  the  faithful  to  pray  for  called  Álvarez’s  refusal
                                                                       Conception.  “Pray  that  the  politicians  responsible  “an absurd thing.” Álvarez,
                                                                       the Lord gives him strength,  “to open their hearts.”   who had been held under
                                                                       gives him judgment in all of  The  comments  by  Pope  house arrest, was then tak-
                                                                       his actions.”               Francis   and    Cardinal  en  to  the  nearby  Modelo
                                                                       Álvarez was sentenced Fri-  Brenes  Sunday  were  the  prison.
                                                                       day,  after  refusing  to  get  first  made  publicly  by  the  In  the  run-up  to  Ortega’s
              Roman  Catholic  Cardinal  Leopoldo  Brenes  presides  over   on  a  flight  to  the  United  church  about  the  expul-  re-election  in  November
              Sunday’s  mass  at  the  Metropolitan  Cathedral  in  Managua,   States  with  222  other  pris-  sion of the prisoners — sev-  2021,  Nicaraguan  authori-
              Nicaragua, Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023.                        oners,  all  opponents  of  eral  priests  did  board  the  ties arrested seven poten-
                                                      Associated Press   President Daniel Ortega. In  flight  —  and  of  Álvarez’s  tial  opposition  presiden-
              MANAGUA,        Nicaragua  years in prison in the latest  addition to his prison term,  sentence. Ortega ordered  tial  candidates  to  clear
              (AP)  —  Pope  Francis  on  move against the Catholic  Álvarez was stripped of his  the  mass  release  of  po-  the  field.  The  government
              Sunday expressed sadness  Church  and  government  Nicaraguan citizenship.           litical  leaders,  priests,  stu-  closed  hundreds  of  non-
              and worry at the news that  opponents.                   “The  news  that  arrived  dents  and  activists  widely  governmental   organiza-
              Bishop  Rolando  Álvarez,  Hours  later  in  Nicaragua’s  from  Nicaragua  has  sad-  considered political prison-  tions  that  Ortega  has  ac-
              an outspoken critic of the  capital,  Cardenal  Leop-    dened  me  no  little,’’  the  ers and had some of them  cused  of  taking  foreign
              Nicaraguan  government,  oldo Brenes said someone  pontiff  told  the  faithful  put on a flight to Washing-     funding and using it to de-
              had been sentenced to 26  had  asked  him  what  they  gathered  in  St.  Peter’s  ton  Thursday.  Ortega  said  stabilize his government. q
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