Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
LOCAL Tuesday 15 March 2022
Exposition ‘Aruba Marine Life’ at the national library of Aruba
Oranjestad - Artist Luisa sive. A collection that is full ist to paint on canvas and
Elena Betancourt present- of pictures of fishes, other create a work of art in the
ed her exposition ‘Aruba animals, plants and even form of digital collages.
Marine Life’ at our national corals.
library in Oranjestad. The presentation of Luisa’s
Luisa Elena Betancourt book ‘Aruba Marine Life’
This exposition will be open has also produced a book took place at the library as
and displayed in the Expo- about marine life in our well. Director of the library
sition Room until the 31st of coast, in particular Mangel Biblioteca Nacional Aruba,
March, available for your Halto and Boca Catalina. Astrid Britten, received 5
viewing pleasure all day. Her admiration towards copies of the book for the
The community of Aruba marine life brings a lot of visitors and community to
and our visitors are wel- inspiration and a unique ar- be able to read and lend.
come to see this beautiful tistic development. Many Edgard G. A. Vrolijk, presi-
exposition. pictures inspired the Art- dent of Aruba’s Parliament also received a copy of the and will help everyone get
Artist Luisa Elena Betan- book. to know all the creatures
court is an Artist of Ven- that live in our coasts. A
ezuelan descent who has This book is a proof of Aru- wonderful world to protect
been living in Aruba since ba’s underwater beauty and preserve. q
2016. Luisa combines her
work as an artist with an-
other one of her passions
which is underwater pho-
tography. Taking pictures
of marina life in the stun-
ning beaches of Aruba,
Luisa built a collection of
marine life photos that are
exotic, unique and exten-
Honoring of loyal visitors at Aruba Blue Village
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, Aruba Tourism The honoree was Marcel Kloos from Noord
Authority representative Mario Arends had Holland who has been honored as a Dis-
the great pleasure to honor a loyal and tinguished Visitor. The symbolic honorary
friendly visitor of Aruba with a certificate. title is presented on behalf of the Minister
These certificates are a way to say “Masha of Tourism, as a token of appreciation to
Danki” for continuously choosing Aruba as the guests who visit Aruba between 10, 20
a favorite vacation destination. The titles and 35 or more consecutive years.
are as following: 10+ years “Distinguished
Visitor”, 20+ years “Goodwill Ambassador” The esteemed visitor loves coming to the
and 36+ years “Emerald Ambassador”. island for the great weather, feeling of be-
ing the home away from home and all 3
generations of the Kloos family coming to-
Mr. Arends together with the representa-
tives of Aruba Blue Village presented the
certificates to the honorees, handed over
some presents and also thanked them for
choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation
destination and as their home-away-from-